Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1474: Induction force field, unique weight loss method (below)

   For Cassia, this can be seen as an accident, or as something that will inevitably happen on a fixed timeline. Within a few days, the accidental triggering of the bio-inductive stress field allowed Cassia to see the direction of her strength improvement in the future. After rationalizing and analyzing the matter of that short moment, Cassia actually got more things and information.

   At the moment when the invisible bio-inductive stress field is formed, the movement route of various energy substances in the body is one of them. It is a hidden pathway, like another set of blood circulation system. Cassia set the time to investigate them carefully, which may be closely related to the red lines that appear when breathing in the scaly state and the white bright lines that appear in the freezing air.

  Which places are stored materials that can be converted into energy is the second. Later, we can start to enhance the storage capacity and efficiency of energy materials in these locations. The fourth stage of surgery is probably a brand new world. The appearance and control of the bio-inductive stress field will definitely affect the various tissue structures of the body. And regarding surgical development, Cassia believes that the emergence of bio-inductive stress fields is not a complete replacement, but a complementary relationship.

   The energy required for the bio-inductive stress field does not all come from itself. To put it another way, you don’t need to derive everything from yourself, which is the third important thing. At present, the most concerned direction is the slow improvement of the surgical stage. The development of the surgical project requires time and energy. The effectiveness of exercise is dispensable to Cassia’s experience. In order to deal with potential dangers, Cassia needs a way to deal with high-stage surgery Or a means of killing machines with massive steel.

   Within a few days, perhaps the conversion organs in the body forcibly "activated" the solid red mercury in the abdomen. At that time, the heat flow from the red mercury was almost equal to the sum of all its own energy. Cassia didn't know what the high-level surgeon relied on to maintain the bio-inductive stress field, but now for himself, it is absolutely impossible to bypass the external energy source.

   Even though it lasted less than a second a few days ago, it almost consumed all the energy in the body. This is definitely not good news. At least in the future, Cassia wants to turn the bio-inductive stress field into his own normal state, or find the right time to practice and control, will encounter huge obstacles. Because it is only one or two seconds of practice, you need more than three weeks of preparation, and most of the time, you will be in a "weak" state.

   After Cassia's spirit recovered, under the swift thoughts, it was easy to put a lot of information together. A group of old professors at the military school learned about the proportion of blood dragons, and organized the laboratory base to know that dragons can synthesize uranium and gold components in the blood. Today, it is determined that the energy source of the biological inductive stress field is not All comes from oneself.

"If you carry a few high-standard glow tubes, after the use and manipulation of the biological inductive stress field are mature, can you borrow the electricity in the glow tubes to help you maintain it?" One of Cassia's thinking directions, of course, such ideas It was the most common extended thinking. He thought it was ordinary, not crazy.

   The idea that Cassia feels unlikely to be realized is still because of the shape and size of the red mercury, and the available placement of the suppression tube. Solid red mercury is similar to something, it can be said to be almost similar! That was the metal box retrieved from the volcano’s uninhabited cemetery. The dozen uranium gold rods in it seemed to be about the same size as the solid red mercury in the body at the moment.

   The most important point, because of swallowing the red crystals and falling into the second dream, this body seems to be trying to absorb a very small part of the energy from the uranium rod. Although he didn't try again afterwards, Cassia already had a general conjecture in his heart, although the game has nothing to do with reality.

"At present, I still don’t have a feasible way to absorb the energy in solid red mercury. I can only rely on the body’s self-conscious absorption. In the Brino region, the energy of a single solid red mercury is enough to support an adult dragon from The energy unit of recovery in bone fossils is far from as small as I expected."

   Cassia sighed, no matter from which angle he thinks, things about uranium and gold are in the future. Solid red mercury has not yet been fully utilized. As uranium gold far surpassing red mercury, it can only be regarded as a waste of leisure time. Now I can't do anything about it, so I can only take the danger it brings around. Volcano no man's land, the reaction device left over from the ancient history, once activated because he inserted a uranium-gold rod in the shape of a hexagonal prism, and the white light produced had penetrating damage that black scales could not defend.

  Uranium gold is a dangerous substance. Cassia thought about the dangers of implanting uranium into his body. After all, the source of his current pale green blood is related to the uranium gold in the uninhabited volcano. The worst and most deterrent situation is that the implanted uranium gold will turn into a conscious humanoid uranium gold bomb.

   "However, it seems not For some reason, Cassia said such a sentence to herself.

   After the dangerous and crazy thoughts appeared, they could no longer be forgotten by Cassia, but took root in his head very quickly. Put it to the deepest point. In the evening, Cassia stood up, and a cool breeze took away the residual heat from the sun.

   After a while, the sound of the ceremonial car's engine gradually moved away from the industrial park. At night, the well-dressed Cassia brought a stack of cash and began to appear in restaurants on various streets.


"The new batch of goods has arrived in the warehouse. In the past, you used to watch them with your eyes to be relieved. Today, you actually have the mood to sit here while enjoying the sun and reading a book?" A slightly surprised voice said. Did not break the atmosphere created by the soothing music in the room. The sunlight filtered through the glass, became much milder, and fell on Oville, who was wearing a long skirt.

   The white skin reflects a warm light, it seems that there is a special fragrance in the air, which makes people fascinated.

   Ovilia picked up the bookmark on the small table next to him and put it in the place where he had just finished reading. Adelaide and another woman had already sat in a corner of this light-transmitting room, and poured wine on their own.

   This is one of the rare places to relax and rest. Coming in here is like a tacit understanding. Everyone has let go of the pressure, although the topics are often not so easy.


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