Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1475: Alliance and the ultimate clown (part 1)

"Before the new goods came to the family, the research base office deliberately contacted the person in charge, saying that a few days ago, no one could be allowed to see the experimental objects. Only after the initial wake-up work was performed by the professionals who followed, can they be obtained Qualification to observe." Lazy words, this is Oville's normal state of resting in this room. Living in a remote corner of the family headquarters, surrounded by a small artificially cultivated garden, surrounded by many trees, making it very clean.

"The delivery time to us is one week later. Moreover, the data of the new cargo has been read in advance. They are all special new experimental objects, named after the new code series. The comprehensive ability exceeds that of the first batch of experimental objects. About 30%. By the way, there are five new subjects with single-digit codes. I don’t know if this time it was an elder of the family who applied for support in the past. If not..."

Noting Oville’s last doubt, Adelaide leaned back on the sofa after drinking half a glass of wine, and said, "Do you think it is related to the next thing? Action against Yejielin? , Specially prepared at this time?"

   Ovilia nodded, but did not answer. Since coming out of the cultivation tank, the smile has completely disappeared from her face, as if she inherited the characteristics of Cassia, seriousness has become the norm. Almost no longer walking outside the family, Oville's work has become like a group of people in the family who deal with various trivial matters, and many times are spent in documents and thinking. Together with the graduation ceremony of the seminary, he did not attend because of his identity.

   Originally wanted to cultivate his identity and death information as an advantage, but over time, the occurrence of various things has made this information less important. His status hasn't declined, on the contrary, after that close to death, he has become equal to the knight attendants in the family, or even slightly higher. However, this is not the state Ovilia hopes for, because compared to the knight attendants, the alliance and power he originally formed has almost collapsed. Although some were transferred to Adelaide, the appearance of the five knight attendant positions completely made the plan of the two completely useless. And for the status and status of today, Ovilia knows that its source is Cassia-the auxiliary organization in the battle armor corrodes itself after contacting Cassia's blood. This is an unacceptable point in Oville's heart. She has her own pride, but she was destroyed to pieces.

And this time, as a member of the plan, Oville chose to participate, not only because of Yejielin and Cassia who lost the news, but also because she and Adelaide are preparing to re-enter themselves in the eyes of the upper-level members of the family. Opportunity. The five knight attendants had already robbed too many people of their light. Many people understood that if this situation continued, they would become a foil in the next few years.

"In the family alone, three knight servants will definitely participate. In addition, some elite figures in the five prince families and their teams are mostly determined. Including the two knight servants from the five princes are also in this plan. As for the other families in the Quartet forces, there are also people included. These people walk together, and their power is indispensable, and it can even be said that it is the most powerful temporary alliance among the three-stage surgeons." Ade Ryder put down his wine glass and said, "In the beginning, I thought that once the plan was launched, there would be no possibility of failure. But as information gathers and various tasks are gradually going on, I don’t know why, there will always be trances from time to time. Status. Absolutely not, even if Ye Jielin has her own alliance behind her, but in the face of this growing temporary alliance team, the number of personnel, weapons and equipment, elite personnel, etc., will be overwhelming in the future. Advantage."

At this time, Ovilia’s clear retort voice came, "Brother, don’t forget the thing that allowed me to enter the cultivation tank. At that time, I had the same thoughts and feelings in the armor. Because of all the information Both showed that Ye Jielin and Cassia had no weapons and methods to deal with the battle armor at that time. But in the end it ended with me walking into the edge of death."

"The plan is that Cassia did not die as the starting point. Ye Jielin, who took the initiative to enter the military school, also got what she wanted during the school. I am willing to admit that I am indeed inferior to Ye Jielin. Sometimes, once the aura and momentum on her body are hindered or disappear, it is impossible to make them appear and gather again. Ye Jielin is not like me, the light on her body is getting more and more The more, so there is a lot of light around me. That is the terrible thing, because some things are gradually going on, and they will be ablated by these lights unknowingly."

   Lost words, at this moment Ovilia already knew that the shot that was enough to kill him did not come from Yejielin, but Iyetta who also disappeared in the knight attendant assessment. I have very complicated feelings for Iyetta in my heart, both women, in the same family, Ovilia often reflects, if he treated his competitor with another He should also look like Ye Jielin, and there will be a strong and smart ally around him.

   But I don't regret it, because thinking about this now brings Oville a kind of nostalgia that can relax the mood, without any extra ingredients.

"The new experimental physical fitness is determined to be specially prepared for Ye Jielin and several of her allies in the plan. During the knight attendant assessment, the pressure and memory given to them by the experimental body are not very friendly. There are a lot of them, I don't know that the family is for absolute It’s still to say that this time the plan is really so dangerous, and it needs to accumulate a strong force to achieve a satisfactory success rate."

   The reason why Adelaide's heart often trances is because of these increasing preparations. It's not like something prepared just to deal with a Yejielin, from the king's family Astus, to the five prince families joining in, and then to the elites in other families. Just as the identity of a knight attendant did not play a protective role on Ye Jielin at all, once there was someone who opened the starting point, the passers-by who watched from the side wanted to join in, trying to reach out and fish inside to see if it was possible. What are the benefits?

   But Adelaide and Ovilia knew very well in their hearts that as long as they stretched out their hands, they were in danger of being cut off or being pulled down.

   At this moment, after a brief silence fell, it was the woman who followed Adelaide into the house after listening to the conversation between the two and provoked another topic.


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