Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1477: Alliance and the ultimate clown (part 2)

"The biggest variable in the plan has always been on Cassia. It disappeared for a long time without leaving any traces, making it impossible to obtain his real-time information. However, a model was made using previous data, with reasonable Growth parameters, after simulating more than tens of thousands of times in the program of the analysis machine, the final results obtained almost all close to the same point. It can be considered that no matter how it changes, the period of time when Cassia disappears, it can keep up with its growth rate The only person with strength is the "Mr. Zero" that I use as a control, that is, the zero experiment."

"In the knight attendant assessment, everyone has a deep understanding of the strength of Mr. Zero. At this stage, he can only be defeated by a very careful and perfect plan. The probability of winning in a head-on confrontation is close to zero, and there is no way to win at the same stage. There are those who resist his strength. You can treat Cassia and Mr. Zero as one person. In other words, if Mr. Zero suddenly appears behind Ye Jielin during the implementation phase of the plan, how do we respond? To fill in, or follow the form to choose the right node to end, to ensure that you get the maximum benefit? This is something that Miss Oville and Mr. Adelaide need to consider clearly. Because of our alliance In other words, I can't bear even one failure."

"A miss is hell, and the future will not have much to do with me. The elite middle-level members of the family are us in the next few decades." Adelaide seemed to be stuck in his voice, "Then, Violet Miss Te, can you change this situation if you join in horror?"

"Of course not." Of course, it sounded a bit harsh at this time. Violet's consistent retort tone was like a child who had been robbed of a toy, but there was always a right sense of grip, and it would not match the current atmosphere. Conflict, "Choose to cooperate with Hacker, and you must bear the risk of the distorted character of the Hill family members. This time, McDonald is in the team, so this dangerous existence is avoided. Hack Hill The most important role of this is not to guarantee our interests, nor to guarantee the success of Ye Jielin’s plan. After all, he is in the second stage of the operation, even if the three of us are willing to admit his head, that kind of without doing it yourself, the enemy The enemy will gradually die in all kinds of accidents and time. If you think that the enemy is him, in fact, from the beginning, everyone has lost a bit psychologically."

"If we cooperate with hackers, we can not only get more detailed information about Ye Jielin, but also for the disappeared Cassia, we can also know the most appropriate recent situation from his mouth. I think it is Cassia Tussos, or Cassia Chiraandi, this man who is full of mysteries, seems to know who among our group knows best. It seems that only horror is. Here, let’s regard horror as Cassia’s enemy. He seems to have unique insights."

"And in my impression, if he is not a surgeon, he must be a famous psychiatrist with extremely high honors, or a life mentor who enlightens students in school and shows them the way. For everyone In terms of grasping, even if I have detailed information, it is not as good as the eyes of horror."

"It is indeed a man who makes people feel dangerous all the time, whether as an enemy or as an ally. I agree with this point. His brother Li is the same person, but Li is dead, otherwise the two will go together. I don’t know what kind of strange reaction will happen." Ovilia left her recliner and went to the cupboard to pour wine. "For a long time, I was worried about one thing. The two came together and cooperated to become an ally. For us who were still in the military school and the seminary at that time, it would be a source of danger for how to deal with it. But after all, there are two special lines. After the interweaving point, it has never become a unit in these times."

"In addition, Miss Violet, if I didn't make a mistake in guessing, the purpose of your wish to cooperate with the hacker is not to make Yejielin's plan more successful, right?" Ovilia, who raised her voice a little bit more This kind of dominance, like the master questioning his servant, "Of course, it is not all to deal with Cassia in the dark. Of course, if there is a horror, even if Cassia appears midway, I think the horror will definitely find the one who ties Cassia Method. But his ability and brain are too small to use on this. After all, the important basis for Ye Jielin is hard power. A woman who has been sleeping with firecrackers since childhood is behind the Weber Arms Company. , The desperate firepower coverage is Ye Jielin's best backdrop."

   Violet nodded with joy, as if talking with Oville, who was also a woman, could indeed save a lot of intermediate links.

"The purpose of our participation in this plan is to maximize our own interests and ensure that we will not become a foil in the future. Therefore, my starting point has always been not whether Ye Jielin's plan is successful, but what we can get. "

   looked at Violet outside the window, her eyes deepened, and something like a terrifying distortion seemed to be hidden inside. The two were able to talk very smoothly a month ago, probably not because of the same interests.

"It is a guarantee to ensure that all three knight attendants in the family who also participated in the family will die as much as possible under the premise that the plan for Ye Jielin can be implemented smoothly. MacDonald will definitely not be able to escape, whether it is his identity or The level of his desire for you, Miss Ovilia, shows that he will be a trouble. It would be better to solve it as soon as It's just like this. The five knight attendants occupy too many resources in the family. , The total amount is only so much. In order to expand this share in our hands, of course, the fewer people who share him, the better."

   "Yejielin has nothing to do with us?" Adelaide interjected, and the three had their own ideas.

"Yes, but it doesn't matter. Ye Jielin's momentum is not something we can stop. Just now I said that I was hacked to remove the identity of the surgeon and I would be a famous psychologist. Then Ye Jielin would be a very good leader. , The leader. He has a clear goal, knows what he wants, knows what will hinder him, knows when and how to clear the hindrance. This is a terrible ability. Want to knock her down, but It's not a simple failure. On the contrary, this failure will cause this woman to undergo a transformation. It is not necessarily true. Therefore, I hope that this time the plan for her will succeed. When she is completely dead, it will be nothing. It has nothing to do with it. If not..."

"In addition, there is Cassia by her side. Cassia is an extremely top soldier by nature. It explains the original intention of the establishment of the military school, an efficient and perfect killing machine. If there are people like Ye Jielin and Hai By my side, Cassia helped formulate plans and routes, and clarified the scope of the target. The response generated by this combination is not yet known how high execution and completion can be achieved. At least at the same stage I can't think of opponents at all, only relying on quantity To fill in the vacancies that have widened the gap. But that kind of quantity is not always enough to get it done."


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