Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1479: Chain (middle)

   At noon, the four new adjutants left first with Isha's permission. Their condition is indeed not good, they are more or less tired after high-intensity tasks, and they have not received enough rest. After Isha sorted out the five of them to clean up the chaos around Wilvis City, and reported the results to the organization liaison officer, she found time and sat down to talk with Cassia.

  The first thing he said was the appearance of Cassia's weight loss. Cassia had only one day after returning from the shelved factory, and it was all spent on eating in restaurants in Wilvis City. The digestive function of the stomach is indeed powerful, but it cannot immediately absorb the energy that was consumed in the first few days. Cassia noticed somewhat that part of the lost weight is irreversible. It comes from various parts of the body, like useless things that cannot be removed, but accidentally evaporated by the biological inductive stress field.

   Isha thought it was a sequelae caused by the failure of Cassia to develop the surgical project during this period. Although there were reasonable reasons, Cassia followed Isha's thoughts, explained a little bit, and smoothly brought the matter over.

"Since the border forest incident, the entire Lalsa country has been abnormal. This time the panic around Wilvis City was caused by the loss of the source of the stock of goods. The quantity decreased, the price increased, and the competition for many materials and goods became Fierce, even if you have sufficient funds in your hand, whether you can get the goods you want depends on the seller’s face. Many buyers start to use abnormal methods, their competitors die, and they become the best to reduce competitors. Speaking of the surrounding area, Isha, who has been here for several years, has experience in this area, but the four new adjutants do not, and there have been mistakes in psychological preparation and judgment.

"Many buyers of the same strength have spontaneously cooperated and formed small alliances. First, we will unite externally and confront independent buyers with special circumstances like ours. After the past, we originally thought it was just to calm some panic. We met from the beginning. It’s a lot of trouble. But Larsa clearly recognizes that similar incidents that have occurred in various parts of the country are absolutely bad news. The cleanup process is much easier than we thought."

   "Should there be other forces intervening?" The injuries on the new adjutant's body cannot be caused by a combination of small forces, so Cassia asked. At the same time, I also feel fortunate that it is not just themselves, but Delya and Waters have keenly captured the changes in time. There is no need to remind them that they have prepared a batch of core materials in advance and can survive. Long time. After that, we came to the stage of rationalizing the price increase of our products based on the price fluctuation relationship of various items in the dark world. And Delya and the others will follow the changes in the organization, which may be a very good choice. In terms of information and sources, the organization far exceeds itself, and analysis and judgment will probably be the best solution at the moment. This is also a manifestation of the great power and family background behind him.

"These small forces must have backgrounds from other forces, but at present, they seem to be in the probing stage. It's not like they have experience in this situation, and they are very careful. But the organization has issued relevant orders. , Including Lord Servina also contacted me and told me that the work will be divided into two parts in the future. One part is used to quickly reserve the corresponding general-purpose materials and items in Larsa and other small countries based on the time difference of information transmission. , To fill up the storage warehouses everywhere. The other part is trying to restore the route of buying and selling items from the Flame Alliance and the Far Sea Common Country."

At this point, Yisha sighed, “Every mission after that will probably not go too smoothly. We are also a relatively large buyer on the bright side, and it is very likely that it will become the target of many forces. At that time..."

   Noting Isha's gaze looking at her, Cassia knew the meaning. But it didn't make it clear that if it had been in the past, Cassia probably still had some interest, which could be regarded as an exercise for himself. With the end of the border forest incident, he found a reasonable reference point no longer wanted to waste time on these worthless people.

   often spend a few days on the road, and then spend a few days to get the current location information of the target person, and finally take another one or two hours to solve it. The entire flow-based process is killing time, and Cassia can hardly get anything from this action.

   In a few simple sentences, Cassia used some commodity transactions negotiated by Corqueva to talk to Isha about another topic.

   Last night, because of the bio-inductive stress field, Cassia thought about it and finally decided to use Kolkova as a source of information about the inductive force field. Both his identity and family status are in line with expectations. As the surgeon in the late stage of the third stage, the Flame Tribe is also one of the several huge tribes in the Flame Alliance. This aspect does not need to be taken care of by him. He People around him will also remind him at the right time.

   The result is not much different from what Cassia expected. Based on the two people discussing the bio-inductive stress field with each other as a reason, Cassia used that moment of personal experience in exchange for a lot of useful information. I said a few words about buying and selling good products at the end.

"In two you can try to contact the people behind this composite radio frequency. They will take the initiative to provide you with a list of goods. I think I can probably find some goods that are in short supply on it. But the price is relatively higher than before. It will be more expensive."

   Taking the paper with the frequency bands written down, Isha looked at Cassia with doubt and curiosity.

"Don't doubt the authenticity. The purpose of the organization sending me here cannot be told for the time being, but you can know one of them." Cassia pretended to be a mystery. White lies are not lies. This kind of thing is for him. Just a simple operation to control facial muscles. Moreover, he understands that Isha will trust herself very much, so he has omitted many steps in the middle process, "On the premise of not destroying the purpose of the mission, I will provide you with the greatest help. There is such a clause in the mission order."

   "Thank you, Lieutenant Soriatu." Isha smiled, saying paragraph by paragraph, and stuffed the paper into her pocket.

   In the evening, Cassia went to more than a dozen restaurants and returned to the residence after having dinner one by one, and found that there was a light flashing on the communicator. The combination of numbers on the gear counter shows that this is from Hessley.

   Cassia picked up the communicator and connected with thoughtful thoughts. For a long time, except for Delya, Waters would barely take the initiative to contact him, let alone Hesley. Most of them will be informed by Delya in a unified way after some things are collected.

   After ten seconds of electronic noise, Hesley's familiar voice came.


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