Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1488: Toward their respective goals (middle)

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Needless to say, Cassia himself, it's just what it looks like. The doubts and thoughts in my heart are not few, but they are all covered by the seriousness that freezes on his face, without leaking a gap.

But four days, plus today is only the fifth day, a series of completely unexpected made the six people sitting opposite each other feel a huge discomfort. After gathering together, no one has spoken except for necessary information. The discussion seemed to say that the six of them all pressed their mouths tightly, like children who would be taught when they opened their mouths, except that they had nothing to do with me, and I was definitely an innocent victim.

Cassia can't figure it out now, full of chaos. The return trip has been planned by Delya and Waters. The identity and all the tickets have also been ordered. All that is left is that Cassia takes the luggage and carries a backpack, then walks out of the house and embarks on this loneliness according to the established process. Journey. In fact, Cassia even bought all the books he wanted to read on the trip and kept them in his own room.

However, ,, and Perceived in front of Adolf and Terry Weikang like a cobweb that broke through a huge hole. It was not until the two knocked on the door of their house that Cassia realized that they had obtained their address from the organization and came in person. Find yourself.

The first thought must be that I have been completely exposed, whether it is identity or the idea that I want to sneak back alone. But two days ago, Adolf and Terry Weikang entered their house, and Cassia left a deep impression on their faces and eyes.

It was far more helpless and melancholy than it is now, and his face was full of sadness, and even the bitter water came out of it. When the two came in, they sat down at the table in the living room, looked up at Cassia in turn, then sighed in turn, full of unspeakable suffering.

Cassia dared not ask anything, nor tried to test anything. Because there was no wine in the room, Cassia had to boil his own hot water and poured a glass for both. When I left the house, the hot water was cold, and the two picked up the cup several times, but did not take a sip.

I came to sit for a few hours, most of the time was spent taking turns sighing, and the rest was telling Cassia that for some reason, he needed to leave Larsa for a period of time. A long journey to the interior of the Saint Dorag Empire.

"Do you still have an impression of the party that Miss Tavel's mouth said? That's roughly what happened. Miss Tavel gathered a lot of elites from other families this time, and you will get to know them by then. You also have to be with us. Over a period of time, I have taught you a lot of things. Although you haven't learned it well, it is enough. It is good for you to see the gap with others."

Only Teli Weikang said the purpose of the two of them coming here before leaving, and his voice was low as if he hadn't eaten for a long time.

It was these few words that made Cassia almost overturned all his conjectures that night. But fortunately, in the final stage, perhaps it was because the detailed analysis not long ago really worked, or it might be the faint intuition that held me in the dark. In short, when I met Trevicom and Adolf, I thought that this incident did not originate from Tovilest, and that the whole incident was carefully planned by Miss Tavier and the organization. This idea was kept in his head by Cassia.

Various current phenomena, as well as the follow-up information from Hesley, show that the proportion of the so-called Miss Tavier and the organization in this matter is not as large as Cassia imagined. It is almost not and completely justifiable. There is an accident.

"It's just that after Miss Tavel and the Organization Department got the same news as me, they realized that this was a good opportunity to use my identity, so they decided to let me pass?" This is the same as Tavel and the other one that Cassia thought before. The idea that the top of the organization actually knows their true identity goes against it. Cassia didn't speak even after getting on the train, precisely because the entire head was filled with Tavel, the organization and Tovelest.

Once the information is intertwined into a web, it will be extremely troublesome to separate them again. Who is the leader or promoter of this event, Cassia's guess of these identities has become confused. Soon after, the clanging sound of the train pulled Cassia out of his thoughts and returned to the reality before him.

Raising his head and facing Isha's line of sight, Cassia read out the doubts and concerns. I can only thank Isha in my heart, and didn't tell me that she had a special mission a few days ago and she needed to leave for a while. Seeing how Trey Weikang and Adolf came to find themselves, Isha probably said that she was resting in the house.

But why this time Isha will follow up and become a member of the Going Empire? The trade cooperation with Corqueva should be handed over to the four new adjutants, so there is no need to worry about disconnecting with him. Cassia knows Isha's strength very well. In the three stages, he can barely reach the top. Compared with the elites, there are some gaps in strength and experience, as well as in the head. Now that the organization has received news from within the empire, it should know that even the worst participant in this incident will be some elite figures in the family. Not to mention the knight attendants, a team of pure surgeons with sophisticated equipment and training, alone is enough to create a huge deterrent.

Unexpectedly how Isha would be positioned in the team, Cassia thought about the consequences for a while and gave up, but reminded myself that if there is a chance, I can protect Isha as much as possible and keep her from getting close to danger. But Cassia was actually a little worried, and that was his situation.

After going back to the empire like this, the chances of returning to Larsa in the future are so slim, maybe they are gone. He doesn't think his situation is very optimistic.

Cassia looked outside the window for a while, and the scenery seemed to move extremely fast. With his dynamic vision, there would be no problem in capturing the fine hairs on some weeds. Attention is placed on the two people next to Yisha from time to time are new faces, and their strengths are unknown for the time being. Organize people temporarily dispatched from Larsa and its surrounding areas. Judging from their breath alone, the two of them are at least one of the main persons in charge in the various regions of the organization, but they have not entered the fourth stage. They are probably elite-level figures.

I believe that if the organization takes this opportunity, the number of personnel will not be so small. With the characteristics of the organizational structure, other people should be on their way to the gathering place at this moment, just like themselves.

Thinking like this, Cassia let out a sigh of relief, leaned on the hard seat, closed his eyes and rested.

The train drove unchangingly, making clanging noises from time to time. Departed from Larsa in the morning and was still in Larsa in the evening. In the early hours of the morning, the train finally reached the border area of ​​Larsa, the nearest to the city of Velvis.

There, the harsh sound of the train's emergency brakes, and the sparks of spring water splashing out of the window to both sides, awakened the six of Cassia who were resting.

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