Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1494: Confusion, truth and coincidence (middle)

   The explosion came suddenly. At the moment when the fireball was more than 50 meters away from the side of the train, not many people responded in time. Although Cassia was in it, she could only harden her body to avoid making huge movements, but was only preparing to move her head in a very small area, avoiding the glass blasting towards her eyes.

   Suppressing instinct is a very painful thing, it belongs to the original impulse of the body. Cassia's dynamic vision can capture the movement of the glass fragments. When the explosion awakens his body, he saw the window glass that was full of cracks and protruded toward the interior of the carriage. When the fragments started to splash, Cassia had already moved his neck. But at that moment, he noticed something else, and the brain nerves did not respond in any way, or it was simply because the brain lacked the basic information of the detected things, so that there was only a basic reaction. No more then.

Cassia clearly saw that the spattered glass shards were still hitting her face at one moment, and the next moment, as if glass had never been embedded in the window of a train from the beginning, the shards were completely on the way of the splashing. Disappear. The pupil contraction was unstoppable. Fortunately, the explosion was somewhat deliberate. The power of the explosion was not directly proportional to the size of the fireball. The light on everyone's face that dyed red completely blocked the consternation reaction in Cassia's eyes.

   When the painful groans, groans, and screams of ordinary passengers sounded in the carriage, Cassia felt that the temperature of the surrounding environment had increased by nearly one or two degrees.

   "Bio-inductive stress field?" Recalling the only time I was excited by loss of control, the broken film could instantly melt the ground into molten material like lava. If it was inspired by a surgeon like Trey Weikang or Adolf, it would seem to be expected that a bunch of glass fragments would completely evaporate in a short time.

   Not letting herself show the look of thinking, Cassia remembered it in her head for the time being, she still reacted by pretending to be normal. He looked around, and the train was in a mess. The sudden brakes rubbed the canopy on both sides of the track to sparkle sparks, and the thick smoke formed after the exploded fireball disappeared, mixed with the dust raised, pounced on the carriage.

   In front of him, both the female Nighthawk and the male Owl were both suspicious and surprised. Only Isa was alone, as if she hadn't noticed the spattered glass shards. After the explosion began, Isha could not focus on the outside of the train, but instead used it all to observe Cassia in front of her.

   looked at Isha for a short time, and Cassia did not reveal any information. Perhaps it was a woman's intuition that she knew something, Isha withdrew her gaze and put all her doubts and thoughts in her heart, a woman's heart.

   In a very short period of time, the train once again moved forward several tens of meters. Except for the chaotic ordinary people in the carriage, Cassia and them all took their small backpacks and hid their heads under the window.

   "It's not like an attack, it's like a deterrent made by an explosion." Nighthawk looked at the small mirror standing on the window and said. When she opened her backpack, it even contained a lot of cosmetics commonly used by women, some powders and liquids, and so on. Cassia didn't know much about it.

   "Just keep your head down..." The speechless and helpless tone came from Adolf's mouth. He and General Pullman have always been all kinds of fruits that have been dried in the summer sun. They have completely lost their moisture and can't afford any strength at all. Probably with their strength and insight, this kind of scene now is completely festive fireworks. However, this kind of celebration does not make them happy. "There are a little more common people..." Adolf had already picked up the communicator and said, "Free defense, fire and wait for orders."

   After finishing speaking, Adolf also deliberately stretched out his hand and patted Teli Weikang across Cassia, hoping that he would do something to help him. The original situation is not optimistic enough, but it still means to bring up the spirit.

   General Pullman didn't look at him either, he just hid, and nodded mechanically, indicating that he knew that everything was under control. At the same time, the man Owl made a gesture of going to see for himself. He called several teams to come over to the captain of this car, turned out from the other side, and went to the back to find out the specific situation. Isha and Nighthawk stayed on the train, which was still under braking, and looked at the other side.

   The sound of the steam whistle continued to tremble the air, as if to remind the station not far away. The guards and nearby defense forces will wait for a while before they rush over. At this time, Cassia and the others are just taking care of themselves, waiting for the situation to become clear.

   From the corner of his eyes, he observed Adolf and Terry Weikang next to him. Cassia could only input the expressions of the two in the form of photos into his brain for analysis. It is natural to not worry at all, and there are indeed not many enemies that can threaten them. But besides the helplessness, distress, and irritability, Cassia saw a trace that this kind of thing would happen, as if they were both expected.

  The burning flame was quickly left behind by the train, and the speed was close to the limit of ordinary people. There was no other sound after the explosion, and everyone was waiting for the train to stop.

   Through the continuous sharp sound when braking, Cassia was able to obtain environmental help. The sound ripple road is spread out around the train, and within a range of several hundred meters wide, clearer images are presented in the brain.

   The explosion only serves as a deterrent and creates chaos in the carriage. No one stayed in the place where the fireball rose. The ambushing enemies knew the mechanism of the intercontinental train very well. They were all concentrated in the place where the train would slow down and stop. Without detailed investigation, the sound produced by the brakes became weaker, and Cassia could only get the general situation.

   brings more doubts, because the situation is different from what Cassia had guessed. The number of enemies is close to four hundred, and the stop in front of the station should be controlled in advance. Only from the preliminary investigation results people, the proportion of surgery is very small, probably less than 50 people. In the middle, Cassia saw the shadow of kinetic energy armor, completely from the finished product of the Common State of the Far Seas, and no longer the simple kinetic energy auxiliary device seen in the Kingdom of Chil.

   "Isn't it against myself?" It seems that this is the answer, and Cassia is not sure. The enemy knows his position, and if he sends such a team to intercept him, he can't find a reasonable reason no matter how he thinks it.

   While thinking, the train speed began to drop sharply. After a few breaths, the front of the car plunged into the station halfway and stopped completely.

"The competition for small domestic powers supported by the Common State of Far Seas. The current information concludes. There seems to be another important person on the train." Owl, who turned over from the window, said, "I think retreat first and choose other transportation routes to move on. Good." He proposed.

   "Take your own luggage and evacuate all." Without thinking, Adolf and General Pullman didn't want to be involved in anything, and they didn't want to be implicated, so they gave all the members their respective orders to leave.

   "Chi,,,," the doors on both sides of the carriage made a pneumatic sound and suddenly opened. Amidst the chaos and screams, a large number of ordinary people began to gush out of the train. Several huge fireballs rose more than 100 meters away on both sides of the train at the same time, and for a while, they cast intertwined shadows among the helpless crowd.

   "Speed ​​up the evacuation!" Adolf said to the communicator, and several of them jumped out of the train from the window at the same time.


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