Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1499: Photos, Advent and Contradictions (Part 1)

   Turning her head when she heard the sound, Isha was watching herself quietly. Long black hair was tied into a bunch, purple eyeshadow was made, and some light-reflecting makeup was applied on his face. At the moment, the face that was already fair had a cold and glamorous feeling on the surface of the lake under the moon. He wears a pair of delicate black cloth rings around his neck, and a pair of bright metallic earrings at his ears. The earrings are roughly meniscus-shaped, dotted with purple light spots that match the color of the eyeshadow.

   Her original summer dress was changed to a long black tulle dress with her shoulders exposed. Her graceful figure seemed to be looming at this time. The clavicle in the air is a work of art, revealing a special light.

   Seeing Cassia's gaze paused on her body, Isha smiled very slightly, and the cherry-colored lipstick on her lips seemed to exude an alluring fragrance.

   Isha has a lot of brilliance in her eyes, that is a different mood. She looked at Cassia's face that was a little different from usual, and the serious expression carved into her body could easily be spotted under her attire. A little disappointed, Isha wanted to find other things on that face, which was a scene that was accidentally captured in the border forest.

   The most common thing on the road was doubt. I recalled the first time I saw Cassia, and I drove him back to Wilvis City and encountered bird hunting. Isha can be sure that the hunting bird almost evacuated at the last moment, and the reason must be Cassia. She herself investigated the border forest incident and clearly remembered that in the short waking time after she was unconscious, she did see a different and special thing from Cassia.

   is like a kind of light, Isha describes it like this. Only after the border forest incident ended, this light completely disappeared from Cassia.

  I have to admit that Isha was indeed attracted by this somewhat mysterious light. It is not only pure curiosity, but also a strong mood to know more. Isha herself may not have realized this. For Cassia, who was suddenly dispatched, waited until Isha made a complete thought in her heart, only to find that her knowledge of Cassia was only to know the name of the "Soriyatu" and his possession. The two most superficial points of extremely strong strength.

  Even if Cassia told Isha some information, it was because of some mission reasons that she was transferred to her department. But at the beginning of the journey, I don’t know if Cassia’s performance is too clumsy, or if facing a woman who is determined to pursue these doubts, her intuition is the best weapon that can detect any apparent things.

   Anyway, Isha is convinced that she has caught something. She knew that after this journey, she would get a satisfactory answer.

   "Well, thank you." Cassia paused for a long time, and finally said this sentence. But seeing Isha's dissatisfied expression, Cassia once again added, "You are also very beautiful, this outfit suits you." Fortunately, the head turned fast enough, and the movement of thoughts seemed to exceed the analysis of the battle situation. I remembered the books I had read, and there seemed to be descriptions of such situations on them, so Cassia made them his own.

   It's just that Isha frowned a little, and then she turned her head to think about it. In her impression, Cassia was not like a boy who could say such things, and had the illusion of deviating from reality.

   On the other side, the female nighthawk is a different style of outfit, completely different from Isha. In addition, the male owl and several captains were also in front of the mirror, quietly watching the makeup artists smear various things on their faces.

  Some staff began to wear clothes designed for each scene, they will act as tool people. Many venues are obviously designed according to the battlefield after the battle, where someone needs to play the corpse. Other venues, as enemies that have not yet completely died, seem to be played by other people. Cassia is not easy to recognize, but those people are probably real actors in the ordinary world. Because from the perspective of every move, they have been trying to integrate into the role they need to play next.

   "Okay, okay, please come here first, gentlemen and ladies!" The person in charge took the book in his hand and started to follow the established process of shooting. Surprisingly, Adolf and Tre Weikang also stood up at this moment and came here.

   The first time I took photos of identity badges was the most common. When Cassia was still in the small town, whether it was entering a steam factory or entering a school, there was such a process.

Standing on a platform ten centimeters above the ground, a table built purely of steel welding, shaped like a flower about to be scattered, and the petals are some firearms or cold weapons props, and a few are covered with Rusty shell shell. The props are indeed realistic. Cassia took a closer look and found that one of these props is actually the product of scrapped firearms after reprocessing.

  Standing in the middle, according to the arrangement of the main person in charge, Isha and the woman Nighthawk are separated on two sides. The faint fresh perfume scent surrounded Cassia in the next moment. I feel uncomfortable somewhat, because it is indeed very close, even if Cassia has been suppressing the body, the perception etc. have decreased, it is still a simple matter to feel the temperature of the two people next to him in the air. That only requires a slight movement of consciousness.

"Pay attention to expressions! Pay attention to expressions! Gentlemen and ladies, remember the expressions I said just now!" The man kept reminding him, directing the various staff, and the light board began to look for the most suitable angle, trying to compare the evening The environment colors blend into one.

   Every scene will take a lot of photos, and the poses will be different in the same scene. Knowing where the photos would end up, Cassia didn't care much. All he worried about was Isha and the others. After entering the empire, those who should know their own information will certainly not lack their own information, but if these photos go to the enemy's hands, Isha and others will definitely become the number one target in the eyes of the enemy.

   While thinking, the first scene is over. Cassia and the others were dragged back to the dressing table again, and the speed of removing makeup and makeup became faster. After changing the clothes, the next ten scenes were shot, which is the real focus.

   The organization is very careful about these scenes. The first place is a wilderness. The waist-length grasses are real. You can smell the mud and grass blades. It should be dug up as a prop from somewhere.

   This is a scene of several people in the team cautiously advancing in field uniforms. This time there is also a mask, the crow mask that Cassia is familiar with. Except for the last one that captured the scene when I took off my mask and looked into the distance, the rest seemed to be filmed with my mask.

Every scene is a certain place you will experience during the journey forward. Needless to say, the details include sitting on the train or walking into the station with except for one Outside of the real carriage that was brought over by the festival, the corner of the station is also the actual piled-up building.

   Changing from one scene to another, until around 11 o'clock in the night, Cassia put on a torn clothes, splashed most of her body with paint water representing blood, and went to the middle of the last scene. The staff and team members are already in place. They are corpses lying on the ground, scattered around Cassia, piled in piles. In addition, there were some artificially raised small flames on the ground, which kept burning on the clothes of the dummy. There were burning things similar to power assist devices beside the corpse. In addition, there were disconnected firearms scattered throughout the site, various bullet shells nearly soaked in blood mud on the ground, and inserted into the corpse. Cold weapons on the ground.

   Although this does not match the battlefield in many memories of Cassia, it is not even at all. Because only from the corpse, it is difficult to have complete limbs under the platinum bullet, fragments, broken hands and feet, etc. should be normal. However, this does have an idealized post-battle field appearance.

   held a forged steel sword full of gaps in his left hand, and his right hand held a large revolver with a long muzzle. Cassia stood in the corpse. After the lights in the entire shooting venue were turned off, only the surrounding flames shone on him. Shaking and interlacing shadows appeared on his face. Cassia took a breath at this moment, recalling the appearance of Li and Ji, and their clown smiles appeared on his face.


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