Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1502: The invitation of horror (on)

Questions from the heart, since they came to the post-phase continent a few years ago, doubts have always existed.

The three of them had seen the original version of the portrait before they had boarded the Venetian ship. It is not until they have their own secret working places within the Common Country of Far Seas and the Empire, and the real portraits arrive in their hands, that they can be regarded as their first contact with information about the target.

In addition to Chilman, Norska and they are also very concerned about a somewhat curious problem. This problem has existed for a long time, and there has never been a huge change in the long span from before to now.

The message of the target is not clear. Even with the help of the Kiris family's roots in the empire for thousands of years, it did not get a good result. Cassia seemed to have no existence on this continent at all, Norosca and the others had spent a lot of energy just to determine its age. Even in the end, they have not yet obtained a satisfactory and clear result.

The information of his parents and other relatives, including Cassia himself, was completely deleted, and no one of the analysis machines contained their information. Needless to say, the paper version is like a luxurious and precious artwork. There is nowhere to find them. After Cassia entered the Imperial Army, according to normal rules, such an excellent surgeon, a person who completely surpassed all the students of the same period when he graduated, and became the only first person, did not even stay as a student. What information. It's as if I have never received direct attention.

"Hey, do you have this kind of illusion?" He put his hands down weakly, no longer comparing photos with portraits. Hilary Li looked up at the snow-white ceiling, her eyes blank, her spirit seemed to be cruising around, "This goal called'Kassia' seems to be something fabricated out of thin air by some people. It appeared so suddenly that Not only us, but also the forces within the empire were completely unprepared to accept it, which eventually led to the current result—many people just heard about..."

",,, ah! Cassia! I know this person, I heard that it is very powerful, and there are almost no people who can be equivalent to him during the same period. A cold-blooded man, a killing machine, must have a very smart head! As for why. Cold-blooded, why smart? Shouldn't it be that a capable surgeon should have basic qualities?" Learning the tone of a passerby who didn't know the tone of the passer-by, Hilary Li pressed her throat, imitating this feeling.

A very ironic voice, but Chilman and Norska know very well that, compared to such passers-by, they are just senior passers-by who know a little more information and can think. Because the impression of the target in their heads is actually not much different from Hilary's words.

"Think about it carefully, how many people really know Cassia?" Hilary Li sat upright and became serious. "Before the military school, he was no different from an ordinary person in the empire. And the time spent in military academy was worth two years. After that,..."

"Afterwards, he disappeared from the imperial knight attendant assessment." Chilman's continuation inevitably made people feel a kind of helpless melancholy, like a child who had been robbed of a toy, and could only open his eyes and burst into tears. Angry at the air, "In the past two years, there is still a lot of time not in school, to perform various practical tasks."

"During various practical tasks, the mortality rate of his teammates was very high. It can be said that people who have seen the target and have fought with the target either have no record from the beginning, or the teammates during the mission. Or disappeared and died for various reasons after the mission. So, the final result is to stay with him. There are really not many people who know him. At least now, I will list it based on the information, except for the Yejielin Alliance. Three or four of them, the rest..." Noroska took Chilman's words, pulled his fingers, and pulled three down. After a long pause, he pulled down the other one, but in the end it never happened. Can't pull it down.

He spread his hands, his serious face showed a dry smile for an instant, and the corners of his mouth were all self-deprecating.

"It's a bit outrageous, I think." Nonoska sighed, who made such a summary. "I'm afraid that in the end we will be busy with so many things. It is not certain whether the corpse we took is Kassia's."

The other two knew that this was a joke by Noroska, but they couldn't laugh at this moment. The result will be what you want, but in the process of obtaining, the lack of some conditions and information will cause drastic fluctuations in the size of the cost.

The three were silent for a while, and they needed a little time to eliminate the negative atmosphere in their bodies.

"The purpose of the target's own release of the photo information needs to be carefully thought by each of us. He may have many intentions. If we disrupt our plan, and finally get us into his rhythm, it will be fatal to us. Until the end of the mission, We must all take the initiative and let the target follow us." After a short while, Noroska said in a deep voice, "We must first consider the target's actions."

"As for the next move, I think it is very likely that the target will take the initiative to release his current whereabouts and attract attention. Whether it is his allies or enemies, the target probably wants to drag them to the field he prepared. As you said, the other party also wants to take the initiative, rather than passively respond."

"Then what we can do now is to get stuck in the information node." Hilary Lily gave her own opinion, "As far as the picture is concerned, we are already a step slower, so in the next step, we have to be ahead of the target in terms of information. Nothing. It’s much faster, and there is no need to tell many people. It only circulates within our alliance, so that the target people can enjoy the information given by the target, so as to make the information time difference."

"In other words, if the target takes the initiative to release the trail in the next step, then we have to advance the expected battle time?"

Hilary Li shook her head: "Can't advance. The reason why the goal returned to the empire is because of Ye Jielin. We can only be sure and believe that the goal will show up because of Ye Jie. So the plan will be based on Ye Jie from the beginning. Lin is the center, this cannot be changed. Once the pressure and threat attached to Ye Jielin disappear, what reason does the target have to return to the empire? The so-called time difference can be understood as the battle time in your mouth is but Just use the number of people to make the most realistic look, which is to use the death of some members to perform a stage play without flaws. The cause is that we want to delay more buffer time and step up implementation of the action against Ye Jielin. Is such an illusion."

"Because this is the safest way. Otherwise, if you encounter danger, the target will take the initiative to escape and wait for the crazy girl to return from the endless sea. At that time, no matter what the plan is, it will become vulnerable before absolute power."

"Information, illusion and Ye Jielin, I think these are the three important points." Nonoska said, he was about to continue, but the communicator's prompt came from Hilary Li. Chilman and he pursed their lips politely.

Hilary Rilly made a gesture to wait, and within two seconds of holding the communicator to her ear, her face became very ugly.

"King family Astus, one of their knight attendants who participated in the alliance this time is called MacDonald. They were assassinated not long ago, but fortunately they did not die, but judging from the words, after all actions, he probably did not have him. In addition, most of the team members under his team died about 70%, and no one survived in positions such as captain."

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