Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1510: Kinetic energy auxiliary armor (part 2)

The number is not enough to make the sky orange, just barely let the dark rainy night sky full of light spots. Among them were the abnormal sounds of "sweet 簌簌". With the help of the light of the propelling flame from the tail, huge artillery shells that cut off the rain screen could be observed continuously attacking from a distance in a short time, continuing to bombard the two areas of the wrecked train.

The team did not completely leave the bombing zone, especially the tail members, many of which were still in the range affected by the shells. There have been more than ten more pits on the ground with a diameter of 20 to 30 meters. Each shell explosion can create a huge impact, and the roaring sound once made the communicator useless. Compared with the sound of the bomb explosion, Adolf's loud shouting was suppressed. Whether the commands and information conveyed in the communicator can be heard and recognized is also a problem at this moment.

On both sides of the track, the bombs planted in advance began to explode in an orderly manner. The time is preset in advance, and it is basically estimated which position the person jumping off the train will go to in this case. This may be the only point that can be comforting at the moment. All of Cassia who jumped off the train ahead of time, they all evacuated back along the track, and no one rushed past on both sides.

Fires ignited on both sides, shocks and heat waves hit everyone's body everywhere. Adolf's voice served as a reminder. People at the tail of the team began to discard heavy weapons in their hands, speeding up to keep up with the head of the team. Several captains went to the right place at this time and fired purposefully at the approaching aerial bombs. It’s just that the basic skills of using firearms have not reached a satisfactory level. Under the current heavy rain, whether it is personnel or the firearm itself, it is absolutely necessary to use bullets to explode the aerial bombs close to the team in advance. Comprehensive strength to accomplish things.

There were not many such people in the team. Four or five bombs exploded in the air, and most of them crashed into the ground at the speed of sound in the howling, throwing more mud and gravel into the air.

Not long ago, the wreckage of the train was still a car, but now the car is also missing, completely turned into spattered fragments. As the ground shook again, Cassia could see the rainwater that had accumulated on the ground evaporate directly, reaching the knee position, and then being knocked down by the interwoven rain curtain again.

The cannonball exploded and formed a mud fountain with a height of 70 or 80 meters, like a black high wall that was suddenly cast, and blocks appeared. The rain curtain of the heavy rain couldn't maintain its original shape under this kind of power, and it was washed away piece by piece. Now they are more than a thousand meters apart, and the impact and air waves of the explosion, as well as the bullet-like shrapnel, have lost their due threat.

Get up and continue to evacuate. At this moment, no one knows how many members have been left at the end of the team. The area where one by one aerial bombs continued to fall into fragments of the train wreckage also created an area that burned for half a minute during the heavy rain.

"We must speed up!" The Owl came to Cassia at this time, and shouted at the Nighthawk and two or three captains on the other side. "I don't know how many rounds of bombardment by the enemy. This is the first round and has not been corrected. Point position. Once the enemy knows our evacuation trajectory, the next few rounds will become more and more accurate. An aerial bomb falling within ten meters of our side is enough to pose a threat to us. If it is a cannonball, the team can resist. Only two adults came down!"

"Hurry up, or we will be out of touch with the rear team!" A captain wiped his face and washed away the mud stained on it with rain water. "The state of the rear members will definitely not be very good. They are closest to the source of the explosion. They have been subjected to several rounds of shock, and their bodies cannot last long!"

The sound of spikes reappeared at this time, as if locking everyone in, shuddering. Before Nighthawks and the others roared, Adolf's voice came from the middle of the team, reminding everyone to disperse and run to the open position on the side of the track.

"Owl, find the enemy on the side!" The thick voice floated over, and the owl had already ran to the other side of the track. At this time, Nighthawk dispersed around the commander, avoiding the coming shelling, and Isha took her place and went to Cassia.

The new round of bombardment has shown fire-like points of light in the black night sky, and the sharp "rusty" sound is getting closer. Under the thunder, Cassia captured a vague sound wave image, and the team had roughly dispersed, trying to bypass the area on both sides of the adjacent track. The team that can be connected is also forced to divide into several pieces on the curved line at the moment, becoming scattered teams, running towards the rear.

There are no people behind the team, and Cassia can't make a good judgment for a while-whether to accelerate the evacuation after losing the heavy weapon, or that most of the rear members have stayed there.

"This situation may be something the enemy wants to see." Following Nighthawk and Isha, the sound of thunder and explosions provided Cassia with a short observation time. The interference of the sound of rain and the sound of wind is equally huge, and the image appears vague, and in many cases it has to be analyzed by Cassia. In the picture brought by the sound wave, Tri Weikang, who should be in front of the team, has long been gone. Perhaps it was from Adolf to the middle of the team that he had already left.

"Attention! Found the enemy!" A scarlet signal flare lit up on one side, looking dimly through the ground glass. It was the voice of the owl, "Kinetic energy auxiliary armor! There are many! The team quickly meet..."

The sound in the back was intermittent, and several shells had corrected their directions at this time, and they exploded at the location where Cassia and them were just now. The dull thunder-like boom rose from the ground, and felt the vibration under the feet, and the impact brought the rain directly to the body, just like a small pebble being ejected by the wheel of a gift.

Raising the capture of sound to the limit of the unexpanded cross pupils, under the black rain curtain intertwined with the light of lightning and the light of explosion, everything in this area becomes clear for a short time or two. More than a dozen Sonic images were unfolded in his head by Cassia, except for the organization members who have assembled seven or eight teams enemy wearing kinetic energy auxiliary armor is like a small giant close to three meters tall. An artificial point is coming from a distance, forming an intermittent ring, forming an encircling circle.

The fluorescent-colored aerial bombs in the sky approached at this moment, gradually splitting into large pieces, revealing a round shape with tail wings.

"They are waiting for the aerial bomb attack." Even knowing this, Cassia could not do anything. Yisha and the others sensed the approach of the enemy, and at this moment they surrounded him with several other captains, speeding up and moving forward.

There was a bad buzzing sound in his head, and Cassia thought it was a roar from aerial bombs, and the danger signals rising from every part of his body almost made him unable to suppress the rejection reaction that he wanted to start instinctively.

"Boom, boom,,," the aerial bomb fell, and flames rose from behind.

"All members are free to attack!" An order came from the communication, but this is the enemy's communication channel.

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