Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1511: Tools, farce and chess pieces (part 1)

The movement of the joints when the kinetic energy-assisted armor is running is all hidden under the background sound of the rain screen. They are close to three meters in height and there is no dark shadow in the rain screen at this time. The intertwined gray-white curtain became a barrier to isolate the members of the organization from them for a while, but this barrier will not work for a long time. When the distance gets closer, the temperature perception will eventually become the eyes of death.

Weapons that have long been modular are beginning to awaken. It was a rapid-fire machine gun mounted under the arm, with a triangular joint barrel and a caliber of less than seven millimeters. It was equipped with a matching flame arrester, which could almost eliminate the muzzle flame under the small caliber.

The strong logistical guarantee and information source made them aware that this heavy rain was a known thing. There may be a slight deviation in the specific falling time, but it is only within an hour. Corresponding preparations have already been made. The raindrops hit the mosaic alloy sheet, and then flowed along the streamlined body with a certain industrial aesthetics, and finally gathered on the ground.

The micro-computing core inside the armor has begun to work at its full strength. According to the programs that have been debugged for everyone in advance, the auxiliary role of the kinetic armor has begun to appear. The defensive ability that can resist a few acid platinum bullets frontally is their biggest reliance, and the power and speed brought by the armor, as well as the improvement in all aspects except flexibility, is that after the armor is activated, the surgeon inside can become a killer. The basic elements of the machine.

The thin metal sheet outside the head mask is now unfolded, exposing a glass observation window like a lens. It can converge the weak light around it to a great extent, similar to mechanical low-light vision, and it can be seen as a physical enhancement in the low-light capture in accordance with the operator's own vision. And as a wide-angle that enhances the field of vision, what can be observed at the same angle is far more than the surgeon’s eyes.

Five people form a team, and each team has a temperature-sensing surgeon as the source of information. The flame produced by the falling of the aerial bomb is far away. Each team calculates the approximate distance to the enemy, unites with each other, and maintains an orderly circle of large arcs.

Free attack is just one way. Wearing auxiliary armor, they also understand the difficulty and danger of fighting under rainy nights. The purpose is to urge the retreating enemies under the shelling, so that they retreat towards the gap in the encirclement circle, and finally drive them to the predetermined range. The means to annihilate the enemy is the last round of shelling. The people in the kinetic energy auxiliary armor didn't understand why the commander made such a plan. Most of them believed that just relying on their own team members was enough to reduce the number of surviving enemies under the shelling to single digits.

Enemies who discard heavy weapons can no longer threaten kinetic armor. Pneumatic weapons are a point full of uncertainties, but compared to using coated bullets for intensive blasting at a distance, they prefer to use the four concentrated gunpowder shells on the back for bombing, or use kinetic armor. The cold weapon cuts off the enemy's body.

A large number of aerial bombs fell in an orderly manner, and the walking of the kinetic armor turned into a running after ten meters. The arc-shaped encircling circle composed of more than a dozen teams gradually narrowed, and the distance gradually approached the boundary line where the enemy could be observed. The finger has been pressed on the button in the glove, and when it reaches within the boundary line, a piece of bullet cutting line spread horizontally can be unfolded.

At the same time, Cassia, who was trying to suppress her body, suddenly felt that the source of danger that caused this situation had disappeared. The danger signals all over the body lost the target of warning for a while, and in a very short time, they had disappeared from Cassia's perception and completely disappeared.

Spitting out a hot gas, Cassia looked in a certain direction in the darkness, then retracted his gaze, and concentrated on carrying his luggage and following behind Isha and the others.

"The sensory detection between the subject and me." Lalsa's memory of danger-sensing without any warning appeared in his head that night. Cassia knew that it was the same situation this time, and the sudden rise of the danger-sensing was that night. There are too many similarities. He remembered the photos taken a few days ago that he had not seen before, "Probably a small part of it has been scattered within the empire, and the exchange of information for a while has caused a greater conflict in the enemy’s information, so it is at this time. Find out the specific situation. Then there will be no less inductive detection, and maybe there will be a few more times in the future."

With the sound of thunder from time to time in the air, Cassia put aside his thoughts and continued to observe the surroundings.

"The enemy has begun to encircle! All the members immediately retreat along the railroad track at full speed in the direction of four o'clock!" The voice of the male owl who had disconnected not long ago suddenly continued. Several scarlet flares rose one after another, bypassing the twisty route, connecting into a small vague arc in mid-air, telling the organization members the approximate location of most of the enemies now.

The distance of more than one thousand meters was constantly being narrowed in the chasing between the two, completely entering the mutual perception range, and the time would not exceed one minute.

"Now all the small teams that have gathered have left half of them to defend after the interception, and the rest continue to evacuate, spreading a certain distance for interval cover!" Adolf "knows" that the enemy is approaching, but he can provide the team at this moment. Not much help. Terry Weikang left the head of the team shortly after the shelling began and went to the other side of the wilderness alone to contain the powerful surgeon among the enemies.

Even so, a different powerful inductance phenomenon appeared on the other side, although it was vague, but it also tied most of Adolf's attention there, and did not dare to separate the slightest. The distance from Cassia has been kept within his limit reaction range, in order to prevent the strong enemy from launching a sudden attack.

Adolf, who knew that he was completely confined, was helpless. The kinetic energy armor in the sensor was a delicate toy in his eyes, and it would not waste any effort to clean it up. But now it is him who thinks it is easy to clean up the kinetic armor, and he is also the one who has no energy to clean up.

After his strength reached a certain stage, he knew what danger a momentary negligence of attention would cause him. Compared with other people, in terms of the strength and speed of their own explosion, a little loss of focus on one's own traces can allow one to enter the effective attack range.

Another strong enemy of the enemy consciously revealed more traces for Adolf to sense, but he refused to attack. His purpose is obvious-it's just a simple check, so that you can't or dare to let go of your hands and feet to deal with dozens of kinetic armors.

I have to admit that this is indeed a very effective way, making Adolf's originally helpless mood aroused irritability.

"Boom!" Adolf fired and a flare flew out. His voice sounded in the communication at the same time, "Attack in the direction of the flare!" Several flares were fired one after another, and Adolf drew his pistol. He still wanted to help other members of the organization. Unlike General Pullman, Adolf himself is a member of the organization, but his position and position are different because of his different strengths.

He also climbed up from the grassroots level step by step, experiencing numerous tasks and battles in the process. In many cases, as long as he allows, he does not want these people around him to die during the mission.

There was a strange noise from afar, and the sharp crackling sound of arcs entangled with each other. Only the sound that Adolf could catch the first time. It was a warning from the other side, and it was a blatant threat. Adolf who let out a breath had to put his pistol back, and his energy was suddenly transferred to the opponent.

Members of the organization began to tentatively fire in the direction of the flare. The voice of the male owl appeared in the communication again at this moment. He was constantly correcting the enemy's current position and direction, but it was only a small part.

"Nighthawk, Isha, pay attention to your left! An enemy is approaching!" In the communication, immediately after the explosion, the Owl had already encountered each other.

Under a thunder, Cassia captured the sound wave image. The interference of rain sound is too dense, and the image is blurry, which requires continuous comparative analysis. Trey Weikang's departure from the head team is good news for Cassia, at least for now, some restrictions will not be noticed after lifting. After the sonic pulse is turned on, the view of the rain screen is blocked, and the darkness at night disappears. An image within a radius of two kilometers appeared in the head, and the kinetic energy auxiliary armor that was close to three meters high was a particularly obvious target.

"It's close to seventy, and the current team can't handle it at all." Cassia knows the improvement that the kinetic armor brings to the surgeon, and the threat and oppression they bring to the enemy, "I don't know whether the gap in the encircling circle was deliberate. But this kind of appearance is definitely not normal. The organized team has no choice but to run towards this gap. ,, Adolf and Terry Weikang should both be restrained, otherwise these enemies should have become corpses at this moment..."

The analysis of the situation in the dark was quickly completed, and there were many things Cassia could not figure out. This time the attack was for the subject's reaction to himself, but to confirm his identity again. Or after the identity is confirmed, the enemy has actually begun a plan for himself.

A spot of light appeared in the sky again, and the next round of bombing would be one minute later, roughly coincident with the time for the kinetic armor to chase the team.

"We have to find a way to break through the enemy's encirclement! That gap is the approximate location of the next round of bombing!" The leaving Owl had already circled the entire pulled team in a short time. Several assembled flares rose from a few hundred meters away, staining all the rain curtains in a place red.

Hundreds of meters away, dozens of bright lights came on immediately, dragging a tail of light in an instant. The place where the owl sent the signal bomb burst into flames, and dozens of fireballs merged into one and turned into a mushroom cloud rising into the sky.

"Don't mainly expose your current position." Owl's voice panted, and demonstrated the danger of exposing the position with practical actions. He is very familiar with these kinetic armors, and also knows the enemy's combat mode, "We must gather some people to tear open the encirclement, otherwise we will be driven into the bombing range!"

"Owl, you will command next." Adolf's voice appeared at the right time, and he did not have more energy now. The other party pulled closer and locked himself in, "I will help you clear up the big trouble." The last sentence is a comforting word, but it is also self-giving pressure.

At the same time, on the other side, General Pullman sensed the breath of the enemy and basically judged the direction of the artillery and shells, and arrived at the location under the heavy rain in a minute or two.

Standing here for a few minutes, General Pullman and the opponent who was not far away, or just a few tens of meters away, became statues in a tacit understanding, standing still, letting the wind and rain hit him.

From time to time, the communicator heard Adolf's voice, as well as some captain's explanations of the surrounding situation, and most of them were dull and distorted explosions. General Pullman squinted his eyes, and a new round of air bombs just flew over his head. He raised his head and glanced, combined with the voice in the communication, he was roughly aware of Adolf's situation.

When starting from Larsa, there was a lot of helplessness in his heart. But Pullman also knows that even if there is too much dissatisfaction and irritability to vent, he must do something now. For myself, but also for people who don't know anything.

With a heavy sigh, Pullman began to walk forward, only to stop until a clear warning appeared on the opponent.

"Are we really okay?" He said, the thick voice spread into the enemy's ears, with a sense of proficiency, "It's almost all right, I think this is a tacit understanding before the advent of the red star, and still For this kind of thing. The corpse left on the other side is enough, and it will definitely enable you to communicate to the next level. You also have a communicator by your side, and you know the situation behind us."

Seeing that the other party did not answer, General Pullman continued. He believes that the other party knows what he is talking about. This is a unified way of dealing with large-scale conflicts on the battlefield in peacetime: "If this continues, I don't think we can stand here to enjoy this cold rain. We are all For the respective tasks, I think your task requirements have been met. When you should stop, give the other party some breathing time, it will not be difficult for you!"

"Or, from the beginning, did you come prepared?"

"I don't want to fight with you at this As operators entering the fifth stage, we all know where our limits are and understand that this kind of thing is not good for both of us. But if you I hope to gain some fighting experience today, and I am happy to accompany you. Or, do you really think that this point in time is the final stage of our respective actions? There will be a long time after which we need to be careful. Wouldn't it be better to stay in the future?"

General Pullman pointed behind him at this moment: "You understand, I can't let this round of aerial bombs fall into the crowd!"

"I hope that in the final stage, the two of us can meet together." The other's voice was hoarse, and he deliberately dealt with it.

"That can only depend on our respective luck. I wish your hopes can be realized." General Pullman said, turning around at the same time as the other party, and at the same time the distance between each other was weakened rapidly, until from the perception. disappear.

Soon after, an aerial bomb fell, and a sea of ​​fire appeared under the heavy rain.

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