Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1514: Individual effort and cooperation (part 1)

Other organization members passed behind them. After a brief silence, Cassia chose to start with what happened last night: "For the enemy’s attack last night and the kinetic armored team that forced us into the bombing zone, you have What do you think?"

Nighthawk is waiting for Cassia to ask this question. She wants to find someone to talk about last night: "There is no special opinion, I only remember one thing. If there is no reason that we don't know in half a minute, There are only a dozen people who can come to this building today. I don’t know who is there, but you will definitely be one of them.”

"I have performed many missions in the organization, and this is the first time that the enemy has seen this configuration. With the bombardment of shells and aerial bombs displayed by the enemy, the part that this team did not show, and its logistics, etc., are enough. On the front, we fought against the regular army of a small country. Now, such a team is used to deal with more than a hundred of us. I admit that the members of the organizations from various regions have not yet fully gathered together, but even after the journey is over, the team The number has gone to hundreds. When facing such an enemy again, I think the hope of victory is still great."

"Kinetic energy auxiliary armor is always a problem at the forefront. It is impossible to break through them, and there is no way to talk about the latter. This should be a regular team directly dispatched from a certain organization in the Yuanhai Common Country, or a certain army. The discipline is strict, It runs well, it’s hard to find the gap to tear them apart."

Nighthawk finished smoking the cigarette in his hand, took out one again, and politely asked Cassia if he wanted another one: "Mint, it's harmless. This kind of thing is nothing to the surgeon. It's useful. There is no one in 10,000 of the hallucinogen."

Cassia shook her head and politely declined.

"I will meet them later?" After lighting the smoke, Nighthawk asked Cassia. She understands that many things can be answered from Cassia, after all, this is the person who needs to give up his life to protect the two adults.

Nighthawk did not get a response from Cassia immediately. There are other things Cassia wants to say. Nighthawk already has some doubts about his identity information, although not in the direction of "Cassia". But over time, or after entering the empire, and the organization's plan gradually became clear, she might have guesses in this direction.

It's just that Cassia can't take into account so much now. The primary goal is how to no longer fall into a simple disadvantage in the next collision with the enemy, and to make the organization change in the various actions of the journey. As for entering the empire, that would be another situation.

"Actually, there are still some ways to deal with them." Suddenly changing the subject, Cassia stared at the rain curtain in front of him, and quickly felt Nighthawk's gaze on his side. He looked over with seriousness in his eyes, "I just went to the storage warehouse to take a look. There are more than ten heavy sniper rifles in it. Although the matching bullets are not specially made, they are common in the market, but they can deal with kinetic armor. The mosaic alloy piece is completely enough. A shot can penetrate it and bring out a good hole. Even if it does not kill immediately, it absolutely loses the ability to follow-up combat."

"Two are enough." Cassia thought for a while and added, "It just needs more bullets."

Nighthawk did not understand Cassia’s words: “The bullets of heavy sniper firearms can be used against ordinary and higher-level armored vehicles. There is definitely no problem with kinetic armor. We know this. The enemy must be very clear. They will. Give us a chance? The attack must be prepared in advance. Whether there is time for the sniper to find the commanding heights are two different things. Faced with a charge attack of kinetic armor, it is difficult for a team to withstand it, unless it is in a town laneway and In the forest area. But the enemy also prefers to get close and fight with cold weapons. Without pneumatic weapons, high-grade alloys can only produce sparks and white marks on the mosaic alloy sheets."

"In addition, there are many temperature-sensing surgeons in the kinetic armor. From the perspective of perception, we are below."

"I agree with you very much." Cassia said seriously, "but if I say that this is not a problem, I wonder if Miss Nighthawk has any thoughts on listening?"

Nighthawk's eyes became sharp, and Cassia, who had been wrong in her impression, said such words, and she had to carefully appreciate the meaning of this sentence. Something seemed like an implicit invitation. Nighthawk thought of the phrase "two is enough" just now, and then he remembered it, and glanced at Isha who was standing next to the salute in the iron convertible below.

As if he had forgotten the other person, Nighthawk said to himself. After thinking for a while, Nighthawk finally nodded.

"Then thank you Miss Nighthawk in advance." As expected, the seriousness of Cassia's tone disappeared. Looking around and making sure that there are no other members around, Cassia took her own words, "Now I have three points to tell you, Miss Nighthawk." The voice is very soft, and the sound of rain will be overwhelmed just one meter away. .

"The first point is the most important. It concerns whether we can become relatively safe when we encounter enemies again later. The experience of last night, Miss Nighthawk, you probably don't want to experience it again."

"Of course not, but I still think that there is really no good way in that situation, especially at night. But if I can take away some enemies, even at the cost of my own life, I will choose in the end."

"The two heavy sniper rifles are for you and Miss Isha. According to the orders of the two adults, the Owl will most likely work for the team and will not stay with me as often as you two. So I and you We can better communicate information between each other. This is the prerequisite for using sniper firearms. I will give you real-time battlefield information. Maybe it will take a little time to run in, but it’s very short. It’s not too late until the next encounter with the enemy. ."

"Battlefield information?" The second point that Cassia wanted to say was interrupted. He paused to explain, "Yes, battlefield information. The number, type, approximate equipment of the enemy, and their location, speed, etc., etc. I will Pay attention to some of them who are commanders or those who are too powerful. They will give you this information in real time. All you have to do is shoot with a sniper rifle. As for the method, I hope you don’t bother."

Nighthawk showed interest, but didn't speak The second point is a good thing. I will help you as much as possible and provide protection in disguise. As for how to help, you will know later. As a corresponding price, you need to sink everything you know or see later to the bottom of your heart. Forgetting would be the best choice. But if we do not accept it, our conversation can be considered to have ended early. "

"If I reveal it later, I will probably be in danger from you?" Nighthawk asked, "Is this a requirement for organizing this mission? Or does this mission have many secrets that we can't know? You don't need to tell me, just nod or shake your head. I just have a judgment in my heart."

Cassia nodded naturally: "I don't know very clearly, but as a third point, what I want to tell you is this team going to the Empire of St. Dorag. Most people are always there. Chess pieces that will be abandoned. Perhaps organizations have their own considerations and have to do so. But in my personal view, chess pieces can also play a big role and find their own way of survival in the cracks."

"The other point is that I don't want to stand in a passive position and struggle with myself."

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