Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1516: Personal effort and cooperation (part 2)

When we set off, the rain did not stop, and the change changed from heavy rain to heavy rain. As time goes back, some weather changes begin to gradually deviate from the meaning of their names. The gust of wind became much smaller accordingly, but it still hit the ceremonial car with raindrops, making a "da da da" sound, which never stopped.

In this small country, there are not many options for transportation, especially long-distance journeys. There are only intercontinental trains running through various small countries. As for airships, some powerful small congresses set up airports in central cities, or one or two important industrial cities. But it is still mostly used for freight, and it is not normal to carry passengers.

The seven coordinating countries are closely following the pace of the three giant countries. There are many airports, and the number of airships can even form caravans. But this was never the first choice for Cassia. Once the airship flying at high altitude encounters trouble and danger, there is no place to escape from. Adolf and Terry Weikang believe that if the enemy is determined, it is absolutely possible to attack an airship in a small country. At that time, even for them, there was no way to survive themselves who had fallen directly from a height.

Affected by the intercontinental train last night, the city where the repair shop is located has implemented access control. A large number of people have braved the torrential rain to go to the bombed area, and began to clean up the battlefield that was soaked in rainwater and changed its color and smell. The person in charge of the repair shop was ordered to follow the convoy and return alone after handling the related affairs of going out of the city.

The wide road became exclusive to the fleet for a period of time, and there were no vehicles still driving around. The road ground has been covered with a thin film of rainwater, and occasionally, trucks stopped on both sides of the road, waiting for the rain to become smaller again.

We left at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and it was already around 5 o'clock when we left the city. The rain cloud makes the already scarce light even less. The road ahead and around the road under the rain curtain is gray. The common appearance of heavy industrial cities when it is cloudy, the difference is that the air at this time is fresh.

The limo that Cassia was sitting in was in the back of the convoy, traveling with Adolf. General Pullman is at the front of the convoy. What happened last night was a warning. In the repair shop, General Pullman and Adolf disappeared for a few hours before returning when they set off. The helplessness and irritability on their faces not only did not decrease, but increased a lot. But as a practical action, it is much more serious than at the beginning of the journey.

Perhaps what happened last night was a warning to the whole team, and in the hours when the two of them disappeared, someone gave them a warning and tremendous pressure alone.

On the left is Isha, and on the right is the male owl. Nighthawk and Adolf sit in front, occasionally discussing the course of the future with a middle-aged man in the passenger seat.

Because only intercontinental trains can be selected, the goal is to point to the nearest intercontinental train station. When the limousine turned on the two temporarily replaced lights in front, there was bad news that Xiaoguo shut down all intercontinental train stations here. The convoy did not stop. This news was roughly expected by many people. The organization will recover the bodies of the members who died last night, and the leaders of small countries will not rashly announce the operations of the operators to ordinary people.

Heavy rain weather, time again at night, a major event without any effective witnesses, will eventually end up with various faults, or mercenaries and other reasons. Covering up the incident just requires a lot of information and effective publicity.

The limousine remained silent with the train, except for the ten-sentence discussion when the station and intercontinental train stopped operating. The convoy began to turn around at 8pm and point to the nearest exit position. You can only transfer to intercontinental trains to neighboring countries.

In this convoy, not many people know the information about the mission's operations, nor do they have a basic purpose. Even after experiencing the events of last night, everyone will have thoughts in their hearts, but there are still not many people who can understand the danger of this journey.

In fact, Cassia is not very clear about how much time he has. This can only appear after going to the Empire. There should be many, at least one or two months, Cassia guessed. There was no panic on the faces of Adolf and Trevikang.

This guess is neither good nor bad. Cassia can just use the longer journey time to try her own efforts, which can be regarded as the last struggle before returning to the empire.

The addition of Nighthawk made him feel a lot better, and the ideas in his head found a feasible breakthrough for a time and began to become more and more open. In a short period of time, after the successful attempt to invite Nighthawks, Cassia thought a lot. Sometimes, it's not that there is no way, it's just that the past self has restricted oneself.

Because I read so many books, an ordinary person exhausts the amount that he can't reach in his lifetime. It can not be said to have given Cassia a lot of help, but in some problems and perceptions, Cassia can be very fast.

In the few hours from the morning to the present, Cassia came to realize one thing that he had never thought or considered before.

"There are a lot of things on my body that I have never seen before." The sound of rain outside the window became a little quieter, and Isa leaned on her seat to rest ~ ~ sleeping soundly, breathing evenly like a machine. The owl is leaning against the window and can't see anything at night, but still looks stubbornly out of the car window. Neither of them paid attention to Cassia sitting between them at the moment.

"Strength is really important, but it's only for individuals. In the military school, I understand that if facing a huge force, the role that personal strength can play will be full of limitations and cannot take care of everything. Once you are far away , Or a slight negligence, will be eaten away a little bit."

"I know it very well, but I haven't worked hard for it." Cassia laughed a little bit at himself. "It shouldn't be said that he has not worked hard for it, but there is a problem with the direction. I have been thinking about forming my own power. It is necessary to grow up step by step. Although this is the safest way, time is fair to everything. The most important point is that from the beginning, I believed that facing the four forces of the empire, facing the elites of the family, facing the knight servants of the empire , I have no advantage at all..."

"In fact, I have always had an advantage here that no one else can match, that is, I am called'Kassia'. As a whirlpool center, a source of information, with proper use, the so-called passivity will not exist at all and will only It affects other people and is forced to follow."

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