Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1517: Change and random analysis (part 1)

Feeling that it was a bit late to change his mind, Cassia sighed inwardly. After understanding, some situations will gradually become clearer. Its role will not be immediately apparent, but at least it has given Cassia more ideas and different ideas.

The journey to the empire is still very long, and Cassia believes that there is enough time for him to win cooperative allies like Nighthawk and Isha during the period, so as to release his restricted freedom and power.

When he just stepped on the train, Cassia was still thinking about how to use the organization to attract most of the attention and help Yejielin on the empire to relieve the pressure. Now there are no worries in this regard. The organization itself is using some professionals to collide with the enemy on information.

The purpose has changed, and what Cassia is thinking about now is how to make the elites of the opponent team at the same stage lose the power to continue the plan in the next inevitable encounter with the enemy.

"The next target should be an owl." It was early morning, and the sound of the rain remained unchanged. After closing his eyes and resting, Cassia analyzed some of the people around him as protection, and still believed that the captains did not have much value for cooperation. It is Nighthawks who will stay with him all the time, and the other captains will change randomly due to the situation. But if there are people with exceptionally good strength, Cassia will consider it.

For the man Owl, Cassia chose to start from Nighthawk. The relationship between the two has not been clearly stated, but there must be some connection between the two, at least they know each other. This is not Cassia's own judgment, but Isha told Cassia in the gap. She said that there are some things that girls can see clearly, because the mind will be very delicate in this respect.

I don't know if Nighthawk will reveal anything to the Owl, but Cassia hopes she will. This will make things easier. But I still have to find an opportunity to ask for some information about the owl, so as to formulate a strategy to make him believe in himself and achieve cooperation.

The departure time is in the afternoon of the next day. Except for replenishing fuel when approaching the border area, the convoy never stopped. After showing the relevant certificates, there were no extra episodes, and the entire convoy exited the border smoothly to the other side of the border line pulled out with a piece of rusty steel wire mesh. The surrounding scenery hasn't even changed, just what it should look like.

The exit point offices of two different countries are set up together, next to each other. When Cassia and the others passed by, the staff inside were sitting and chatting together, and there was a fire in a public area, which was a built-up iron shed.

The torrential rain, which covers a small country, has become much smaller again at this time. The strong wind is almost disappearing, and the raindrops lose their strength, but they still hit the roof of the car. This sound has become the background sound in the ears of all members of the team, and can no longer affect anything.

Except for the driver, most people in each limousine car leaned on their seats to rest, and the rest were either very energetic or took turns to investigate the surroundings. The day lighted a lot, and the time when the night came completely was postponed to 7:30. At this time, it was still a day and a half away from the destination-the intercontinental train station in the neighboring country.

At the end of the night, at about five in the morning, the rain finally stopped silently. The temperature gets colder, and many people open the windows and blow the fresh cold wind. In the morning, the convoy changed its route, detoured a few turns and drove separately, and finally merged in a storage warehouse in the nearest city.

The person in charge there has received the news and has been waiting for a long time. The new limo is ready, more in line with the habits and standards of this small country. There are also hot, hearty foods, not only that, but also a lot of high-energy compressed foods for long-term combat in the wild. Probably the intercontinental train incident has entered the ears of the senior management of the organization, so they deliberately made preparations for it.

The contents of the weapons warehouse were almost untouched. Cassia and the others did not add anything, only replaced the bullets of the heavy sniper rifle. There are special bullets here, which are alloy warheads, which have undergone surface treatment and are more suitable for night combat.

After the incident of the kinetic armor team was reported, ten kinetic weapons were sent here. Most of them are pneumatic swords, but there are few axes and guns, one each. As a reinforcement of the team's equipment, there is still no conditions for fighting the enemy head-on.

We set off again at about ten o'clock, and in the early morning of the next day, Cassia got into the train with a ticket. The whole journey was mostly finished slowly in silence and silence, and nothing happened.

There were three teams reunited at this station, totaling about fifty people. Well-regarded, ordinary members, in the eyes of Cassia, can only make supplements in numbers.

On the train, they could finally sit by the window. Surprisingly, General Adolf and Pullman did not sit beside Cassia, but sat down on the left and the back, each pondering, not knowing what to think. Next to Cassia, Nighthawk returned to the original appearance, lying on his bag to rest. Isha leaned on the seat, tilted her head to look out of the car window, and looked at Cassia with her eyes closed from time to time.

The mood recovered from the dull journey, and Cassia, whose plan was broken, no longer thought about returning to the empire. Occasionally think about the next time the enemy is foreseen, and the rest of the time is all used for guessing about the bio-inductive stress field. After returning to the empire, the number and strength of the enemies encountered will be much higher than in small countries. Especially knight attendants and elite members, in terms of strength and experience, most of them can pose a threat to themselves. Cassia hopes to find a safe way to deal with these enemies and reduce the damage he suffered unexpectedly. 110 e-books

The bio-inductive stress field became the focus of this idea. Coupled with the second-generation holy sword, it may be able to resist some four-stage surgeons on some special occasions. Should also find time to think about this matter, power is probably what Cassia needs most.

It was only a sudden phenomenon, but it still brought many clues to Cassia. The mental feeling seemed mysterious, and Cassia did not choose to focus on it, but took the circuit diagram of the heat flow released by the red mercury in the body in that very short time as the object of analysis.

Through the mental body after entering the third stage, Cassia can clearly feel his body. The route of the heat flow does form a network all over the body, like various interlaced blood vessels. The two networks overlap in part, but the difference is still obvious. Pay attention to the place where the two meet, but there is nothing special in perception.

"It should only change instantaneously in that state." For this situation, Cassia is very clear. It's very similar to the information obtained from the laboratory base just to know about the change of organs soon. After that, Cassia went to examine her body, but she never found a mechanism with similar functions in her body.

But can't it be that oneself can use the "breath" of the dragon. Among the most important conditions, besides the body must meet the requirements, the conversion organ is ranked first. It is a high-efficiency mechanism that converts energy, such as high-energy fat, into another form.

Cassia believes that the principle of bio-inductive stress field should be similar to it, and they are all of the same category. It can convert the contents of the body into heat in a very short time, high-energy fat, blood, some body tissues, and even the entire body.

Knowing that this step of his analysis was the end, Cassia stopped, focusing on recalling the road map. After converting it into a clearer memory, Cassia tried to imagine that this route exists in the body. But the result was disappointing. Like many fantasies in childhood, I can only think about it.

After a smooth journey, the intercontinental train returned to its initial state of "clam and clam". Cassia opened his eyes at this moment, and there was a wilderness outside in the evening. Large patches of weeds were overwhelmed by the continuous rainstorm, and most of them were stuck to the ground at the moment, and only a few of them could remain the same.

The distance traveled was only one-fifth of this small country, and the distance to the empire was less than a day. Cassia blinked fiercely, and the rested body recovered some vitality. Most of the energy of the other passengers has been worn away by time, and they are all drowsy. Isha looked over at this moment, and then cast her gaze out of the window again.

Indeed, there is nothing to see on Cassia's face, and that face often only has an unchanging seriousness, and the natural smile that had always existed before has almost disappeared. Speaking of smiles, most of them are memory-based muscle activities, which become controllable.

In the next few days, it seemed to return to the initial mode. After a few cities or a few stations, there will be queues waiting there to get on the train, increasing the number of members. By the third day, there were close to three hundred members of the organization.

The number of people will continue to increase, which may be considered good news as expected.

In the afternoon of the same day, Cassia and the others completed the immigration formalities at the station in batches and entered another small country in the evening. The atmosphere of the train began to become subtle. It was originally dull, with only the friction between the steel wheels of the train and the wind, and occasionally unknown singing voices in the car's radio. After a while, the atmosphere became more lively, but it still couldn't hide the rising tension.

The small country that has just entered is very close to the common country of distant seas, even a small border. The intercontinental train will turn a big bend in the small country here, then head to a coordinating country, and finally reach the border area of ​​the empire in a nearly straight route.

The events of the past few days have left bad memories in the hearts of many After coming to this small country, they became somewhat too sensitive.

The investigation started frequently, after all, it was quiet for many days. Nighthawks, who often lie on their bags, walk around on the train from time to time to strengthen their observation of their surroundings. But this state only lasted for less than a day. At 10 o'clock the next night, Cassia and the others got off the train, left the station in batches within an hour, and slowly gathered in the two nearby cities.


"From Manoma, even if you take the airship fleet within the family, it will take 15 days to reach the border areas of the empire at the fastest. Please note that it is border areas, not small countries or other giant countries. It’s the border line of the country. Once there, you have to find a way to pass through most of the huge border area to have the opportunity to go to a small country."

"We don't have to think about how to enter and exit the border, but we do need to think carefully about the means of transportation. Because there are only so many channels in and out of the empire, we must go through the ones that have been developed. As for other methods, it will only be The team of people are placed on the border, and then they spend another ten days to return to the frontier cities. If everything goes well, it is expected that they will enter the small country in 20 days. So you have no chance at all. Waiting for the latest news with peace of mind is what you need to do."

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