Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1519: Change and random analysis (part 2)

Gabriel said "um", and the ending sounded very long: "But now we should pay attention to whether the other party wants to go. I think the possibility is only half. There are many people with the same ideas as us, and the enemy is absolutely Many teams will be sent to the border areas. Regardless of whether the information is correct or not, they are in a superior position in terms of personnel. They will not leave Manoma here empty because of the dispatch of a person."

"By the way, did the two of them have cooperated before?" Immediately after searching the memories in his head, Gabriel remembered the information and information he had read, "It was once or twice. But for the hacker, If he is really our ally, that would be great. At least in many situations, he will not feel difficult. But he always has two sides for us. Which side is more, dangerous or helpful, really cannot be based on the existing Information to judge."

"I will contact Hae afterwards and ask him about his intentions." Having discussed the question of Hae Lin once, Ye Jielin did not want to waste energy on this topic. "The border area must pass. This has been decided."

"Maybe Kai is happy to go over and say not necessarily. He is thinking about something in his head, and probably no one can guess." Gabriel spread out his hands, making a surrender to Ye Jielin, "If the horror is against the black market I am interested in the news. In the subsequent contact, even if he has no past thoughts, he will tell you some of his guesses. For Cassia, the hacker should have another way of understanding."

Seeing that Ye Jielin didn't answer to herself, Gabriel picked up the glass again, drank the drink, and left quietly. Ye Jielin stayed in the room alone, thinking for a long time, then went to the corner of the room and asked Atohuan to prepare for the connection between her and Ji.


In the early hours of the morning, he checked into an unknown motel. Cassia received the key to the corresponding room. Before he even had time to see what the room was like, Nighthawk came to him and immediately left the hotel with him. I don't know if the last one was snatched, or a gift car prepared in advance, and drove in the direction of leaving the city.

No impression of the driver's face, Cassia determined that this should be a member of the organization in the city. This might be a plan that was already prepared, Cassia thought. Does the organization want to regain some initiative? Or did the last intercontinental train incident let them see that the information revealed did attract the enemy, so they decided to make the most of it this time?

Isha was in the passenger seat, and Nighthawk was next to her. There were other vehicles around the car, and Cassia saw Owl and Terry Weikang and several captains on it. And Adolf disappeared after arriving in this city from Cassia, probably in another city in charge of the gathering of members there.

Occasionally looking at Nighthawk next to him, wanting to ask for relevant information. But Nighthawk's eyes are all telling Cassia "Don't ask anything, she is not very clear".

Several cars drove around the city a few times, changing their license plates and general body shape several times on the way, then drove onto the highway at the edge of the city and left straight away. Cassia recalled the approximate intercontinental train route map, the direction of the limousine was towards another station.

In the early morning of the next day, the shadow of the city was already invisible after a few ceremonial vehicles. Surrounded by low-rise buildings and large tracts of farmland. The speed of the car was not reduced, no one in the car was talking, and the communicator was silent for a long time, and everything was running silently according to an unknown process.

When I went to the city next to the second station, it was almost 12 o'clock in the evening. Without staying in hotels and small hotels, after the limo filled up the basic fuel, it started to circle around the city continuously, which lasted until the early morning.

In the cool air in the morning, Cassia and the others finally got out of the car and went to a restaurant selling breakfast. The food was quickly removed, but the driver of the limo took Cassia and the others to the second floor of the restaurant, where they passed through a hidden door and went straight to a spacious basement from a narrow staircase.

"After finishing our costumes, the few of us need to leave alone. We have already invited some people outside, dressed up to look like you, and left in a limo." The driver said at this time, "The train at 2 pm, we were then Meet at the intercontinental train station. The ticket and the corresponding identity plate are ready, and you can just go to the train. As for your luggage, professionals will send it to the seat corresponding to the train ticket. Don't worry about this. There is not much time, please as soon as possible."

The other eight people came from behind the door on the side of the basement at this time, each carrying boxes of different sizes. Cassia and Isha were immediately taken to a few mirrors in the basement. The eight people who came in opened the suitcase, which was full of various professional makeup props.

After two hours, the outfit is basically complete. Isha was the first to leave, followed by Nighthawk and Owl. Cassia leaves last. After the makeup is completed, some of the features on the original face have basically disappeared. It cannot be said that a person has completely changed, but there are also seven to eight differences.

Taking a map of the city, Cassia walked through the door on the side of the basement. There are several passages in different directions connected behind the door, which are a bit like a hidden network rebuilt by underground waterways to connect the entire city. This structure Cassia has been seen in other small countries and coordinating countries. It is specially prepared for some groups of surgeons for daily communication.

According to the driver, Cassia walked along the leftmost corridor for about two to three kilometers before seeing the marked upward staircase. Behind the stairs is a large-scale clothing store, and the exit is in a dressing room of the employees.

There were members of the organization guarding, and Cassia came out of the passage. The member of the organization professionally measured his height and other data with a soft ruler. After two or three minutes, the whole set was not a perfect match. Casual summer clothes were lost to Cassia.

Once again walking alone on a street where the sun is not too strong, Cassia sighed rarely. The station is on the northern edge of the city, where there is also a large bus station. Seeing that there is still some surplus in time, Cassia unfolded the sonic pulse to check that there was no obvious abnormality around, and then went to the nearest bookstore by using the panoramic map that he wrote down.

On the way, Cassia took out the communicator, and within a few days, found the opportunity to contact Hesley again. What's going on inside the empire, and what news the organization has released on the black market, Cassia must have a general grasp of it. In addition, if possible, Cassia hopes to find the Owl during the time before going to the station and talk to him, which is also a matter of testing cooperation.

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