Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1525: Simple Slaughter (Part 2)

"Adults, that group of students is not very experienced. Even if it is a group of people with good overall scores, there is still a gap between them and professionals. There are many things that the school can not teach, and a lot of practice is needed to get the school The deficiencies brought by the training system are filled.” After the adjutant said the estimated time, Gowen pressed the sounding communicator. After listening to the people on the other side of the communicator, he began to explain his own situation.

"The Yuanhai Common State has brought a professional team responsible for tracking and investigation. Facing this long intercontinental train line to the empire, the number of less than 150 people feels a sense of powerlessness. That group of students and these professionals The handover, cooperation, etc. were not done properly. I think there should be an information gap in the middle, so that the target can get rid of the tracking behind it through some means. In view of this situation, the person in charge of the common country of far seas said that the other several are designed for The tracking and investigating teams are already on their way. Taking advantage of this small country’s borders, they are expected to arrive in the early morning of the next day, and will be evenly distributed on the possible route of the target in the following time, accepting transfer at any time. Follow up the progress of the tracking." Gowen added, the other end of the communicator was still slowly digesting the information.

The calm voice sounded again after a minute: "I will remind them to focus on tracking. From the data point of view, the special subject will be exhausted and die at a very fast rate after the next induction. If it takes long enough, it will probably I can’t wait for the next time. You dispose of the body of the subject and follow the team to report to me the latest situation in real time. In addition, there are already a batch of strengthened subjects on their way to the border of the empire. The family member leads the team. After you pass, remember to do a good job of matching information."

"Understood, sir." His mouth was a little bitter, thinking that the mission was over after the death of the special subject. Looking at it now, Gowen still doesn't know when he can leave.

After the other party cut off the communication, Gowen put back the communicator and turned his head to look at the black outside the car window. The ceremonial car did not turn on the headlights, and was driven entirely by the driver's vision and perception. Looking back at the ceremonial car where the special subject was located, Gowen sighed, implying in his heart that he needed to relax as much as possible.

Soon after, Gowen's destination.

It is surrounded by half farmland, half wasteland, and many small woods. A piece of grass covering the ground was lifted up by something with mud. In the fine sound, there were still several pieces of grass being lifted up around it. Twenty people in automatic mimic combat uniforms descended from the ground one after another. Drill out and join together.

The only weapons on their bodies were pistols and tactical knives. They banged on the mechanical watch, and after completing the time alignment, they dispersed and sneaked past the intercontinental train thousands of meters away.

Under the ground, in the temporary space that was excavated on the top pillars of the fresh tree branches, the dull air that was not effectively circulated made many people have no power to speak. The light of the lime lamp is pale white, making the faces of all the people who are shrouded look like a thin layer of wax condensed.

The temporary space seemed crowded. Most people were sitting against the damp mud wall, holding weapons in their arms, waiting for the moment to go out. At this time, the members of the kinetic armor team also took off all the components that could be removed to make themselves a little better.

The silent space, as long as the sound of breathing, was soon broken by the light sound of a communicator. Ten seconds later, with the strong "preparation" of the captain, the team in the temporary space broke the thin wax on their bodies instantly, and their vitality gradually recovered. At the same time, in the wasteland around the intercontinental train line, or under the fields, the same message was delivered to every team almost simultaneously.

"The message has been sent, and the time is set in 20 minutes." It is also a temporary space under the ground, which is much more spacious.

"Have anyone heard from the train? I remember it was Congris leading the team."

"I have received it. Captain Kangri responded that everything is normal." The person next to the communication machine replied immediately, "He only waited for the surrounding team to step out of the ground and begin to shrink the encirclement net, and when the enemy exchanged fire, he would choose the right time to start. action."

"Let him be careful. He and his team are equivalent to being surrounded by the enemy. Once they start to act, it will be very dangerous. But I believe that with his strength, there is no problem protecting himself. Mr. Gowin has also reached his destination. , After the operation starts, you will immediately send a signal to Mr. Gowin after receiving the message from Lord Lerner. This is very important and there should be no mistakes."

"Understood, Captain Arik."

Seeing the correspondent nodded, Arik picked up the kinetic armor components placed on the ground piece by piece, and put them back on the alloy skeleton attached to his body like a puzzle. Finally, he picked up a black-blade long sword, and Arik flicked the blade slightly. The "buzzing" sound seemed to penetrate the human body for a long time.

"This time there is only one round of long-range fire coverage. Everyone must pay attention to the enemy's heavy weapons." Arik opened the communicator and finished speaking, and then stroked the mask from the top of his head to cover his face.

"ready to go!"

At the same time the sound rang in the mask, in another temporary underground space less than twenty or thirty meters away from him, more than forty kinetic armors stood up in the narrow space, looking at different exits, waiting for action time Coming.


The temperature drops a lot at night, and many passengers choose to get out of the carriage, walk around the train or sit on the track to see the night is not good.

Cassia went to check the progress of the repair, and expected to wait three hours. When I came back, I just ran into a nighthawk smoking standing by the train. The red dot of the cigarette **** resembles a large heterochromatic firefly, flashing brightly in the dim yellow light running out of the car window.

"Do you need one?" Nighthawk took out a cigarette. Although he verbally asked Cassia, he had already lit it after speaking. Then he smoked it. There was no time for Cassia to answer. "Temporary defense The fortifications have been dug, but our manpower does not seem to be so optimistic. Not long ago, Owl gave me a figure, worth more than two hundred people. If we fight for a long time, our ammunition will last less than half an hour."

Cassia shook his head: "As long as the sniper rifle has enough bullets."

Nighthawk sighed, taking these words as comfort, "I hope what you said a few days ago was..."

The words trailed off a little, and the two people who were looking at each other turned their heads at this time. Several orange flare flares had risen into the air. Against the dark blue background of the night, they seemed a little fuzzy for a while.

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