Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1529: Reconnect and new threats in the distance (Part 1)

There is very little information about the target, and this part is only known because of Congri as the captain.

He is a young man who once studied at the Imperial Military School. His overall score is the first among members of the same period, and he has strong strength. Congri did not know how strong the "very strong power" would be. All he knew was that the status of the Imperial Military School was comparable to that of several prestigious schools in the Yuanhai Common Country. Congri, who graduated from one of the schools, recalled his first overall score in his class, but his impression was a black and white photo. Because the student became a corpse soon after graduation.

However, as a member of the overall score, Congri remembers clearly the strength of the student. Although it is not desperate, the pressure is huge.

"Clang!" The metal collision interrupted Congri's thinking. He turned his head, and the second collision sounded around him again, and the splashed blood even stained the small pieces of kinetic armor on his body. In less than half a minute, there were only six members left in a selected 13-member special team.

"Disperse!" The swaying body couldn't get rid of the fate of moving the target, and two more corpses appeared in the distance between the two crashing sounds.

Several holes blasted by sniper rifle bullets appeared in the train carriage. Kangri and the remaining three people seemed to have found the target. The rapid-fire triple barrel machine guns mounted under their arms fired at the same time, and the barrels turned dark at a visible speed. Red, nearly seven or eight cartridge cases with gunpowder smoke were thrown out in one second.

The remaining few artillery pieces were like calling the connected carriages, bombarding them in sequence from the middle of the train. After the surviving enemy, disguised as a passenger, got the news and immediately broke through the glass and jumped out, the first half of the entire intercontinental train was completely burnt, and the bright red flame propped up a long strip of light in the night.

The firing has not stopped. The two kinetic armors form a set. The last four kinetic armors cross-fire the train wrapped in flames until the triple-barrel rapid-fire machine gun makes a "click" idling sound, and the fixed bullet chain is behind you. The bag is automatically detached from the ground under the control of the program before it stops.

The four kinetic armors finally stood in a diagonal line beside the train, approaching slowly and carefully. More than a hundred meters behind them, the aerial bombs shining in the sky also fell in a strip of scope at this moment. According to the information provided by Kang Ge and others, they completely covered the two linear fortification positions. Members of the organization are evacuating towards the surrounding area to avoid the power of the bomb explosion. The defensive network formed just now has lost its effectiveness.

Enemies from a kilometer away began to close the encirclement at the fastest speed, pulling the distance as far as possible within their own perception range. The kinetic energy armored forces in the direction of the head and tail of the train now spread out from the "dot" shape, gradually covering the two sharper heads in the elliptical enclosure.

"Be careful, Arik and the others will be here soon." Congli's comforting voice appeared in the communication channel. The four people simultaneously stretched the arms of the kinetic armor to the side of their right leg, where the alloy plates were unfolded, and a pneumatic sword assembly with a hilt that sang for a meter was pushed out.

Like the final ceremony, the four of them held the hilt on the pneumatic sword assembly, and the sword body on it automatically advanced and bounced away. When the sword body reached a length of nearly three meters, it appeared from the tip of the sword. It looks like "collapsed", completely collapsed and closed. Not only around the sword, but also the alloy plates on the kinetic armor at this time all split some small gaps, and the jet of hot air has already twisted the air.

"Action!" Kang Ge sensed something, the black voice suddenly turned into a stream shadow, and the kinetic armor more than three meters high was surprisingly flexible at this moment.

In the light of the fire, you can finally see the passage through which the heavy sniper rifle bullets pierced through the air. In the train, a flame shattered by the bullet is gradually fusing. Behind the four overloaded kinetic energy armors, the alloy plates were lifted up obliquely like fish scales in a very short time, and a hot air stream with smoke sprayed out.

Every step brought wet mud splashes, and the distance of 100 meters shortened in the blink of an eye. Four kinetic armors lifted up the red-hot pneumatic swords. In the bright shadow of the arc, a burning carriage connected to the rails was completely chopped into several sections. The blade was turned upside down, and the light reflected sharp angles, and the two kinetic armors crossed the carriage to the other side. The four stood opposite each other, and under the order of Kang Ge, they suddenly accelerated at the same time. While rushing toward the head of the train, the four swinging pneumatic swords were like extremely sharp scissors, crossing each other with each swing. , The burning carriage becomes disconnected scrap iron in sections.

"Finally found you!" In the space where the firelight and smoke intersect, a rushing figure drove the airflow, and was finally caught by Congri. The four kinetic armors stopped at the same time, and the instant acceleration directly allowed them to catch up with the moving Cassia.

The red hot pneumatic sword made a snorting sound instantly, and it turned into a bright white as the temperature accumulation increased. The four blades face each other in pairs, blocking all the positions of Cassia, and cutting across them horizontally.

A piece of molten iron splashed, and the frame left by a carriage was completely cut in half. Under the incandescent light, the clothes on Cassia's twisted body were already burnt. It was able to escape the four sword shadows, and the moment Cassia's toes touched the bottom of the carriage, it made a cracking sound. The carriage was directly trampled by Cassia into an obvious bend and broke off the track under the reaction force. And his figure suddenly disappeared from the eyes of the four of Kangri.

There was such a brief sluggishness, and Kangri's eyes were locked in front of him. This kind of power made his blood appear cold with a lower temperature. But he turned around immediately, and the disappeared Cassia had already returned from a distance.

"Buzzing" the black shadow ejected on the ground, and finally jumped directly, and instantly rushed past the two kinetic armors. The air-powered sword that predicted the attack broke off in the trill, blood sprayed, and the kinetic armor that had been cut from the chest fell to the ground. The atmosphere brought was only then to catch up with Cassia's speed, almost blowing out the flames on the carriage.

The light and shadow flickered, but there was a "dong dong" tapping sound from behind him, and Kangri's pupils looking for the enemy's voice shrank instantly. His breathing was suffocated instantly, Kang Ge rushed forward several meters, and when he turned around, he leaned on the twisting force and aimed at his back with a pneumatic sword, which was a horizontal cut.

"Clang!" Stopped Cassia's feet plowed a gully on the ground and poured it into the ground.

Another kinetic armor broke from his chest in Congri's line of sight and crashed down. He looked down and saw that the pneumatic sword was blocked by the enemy with a long sword on his side. The paint on the sword body was wiped off a small part of the long sword because of the slashing, revealing a silvery white.

At this moment, there was a pain in the back of the vest, and Kangri realized that he hadn't avoided the attack just now, or was wiped partly. There was a slit in his back, almost revealing his spine. Blood began to rush out with Congri's roar, the power limit of the entire kinetic armor was lifted by him, and some of the alloy pieces had already begun to rub in the sound of the click. The power output is increased to the maximum, and its own power and armor power are superimposed on each other, and all of them act on the enemy through that pneumatic sword.

But still can't push the pneumatic sword forward the slightest. The long sword in the enemy's right hand seems to have an unbreakable barrier on its own. No matter how distorted the sound on the kinetic armor, UU reading only adds one black and one flame. The friction sound between the white sword. Congri saw the muscles on the right arm swell up, breaking the scorched clothes, and then several cracks opened in his skin, revealing bright red muscles.

After noticing the enemy's eyes, Kangri could recognize that the dark pupils were no different from ordinary people.

"Is it only possible to do this?" Kang Ge was angry and powerless. He remembered that the target was people in the empire, where the surgeon had cross pupils. Invisible to the enemy's eyes, it indicates that to deal with oneself, there is no need to enter the cross pupil state, and it can be dealt with with basic strength and strength. He saw the enemy raise his left hand, clenched his fist, and pointed it at his chest. Thinking of the bottom of the car that was directly stepped on by the enemy just now, Congri expected that the power of this punch could directly smash his whole body through the alloy plate of kinetic energy armor.

"Danger! Arik! Evacuate quickly, I'm sure that the goal is here! Run..."

"Boom!" In the huge muffled sound, the chest of the kinetic armor was completely sunken, and some alloy plates fell off. Congri immediately flew several meters away, losing any strength when he fell to the ground.

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