Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1542: The union to death (middle)

A secret door behind the cabinet, following the voice, Isabel came to Mevis with a wine glass in her hand. Behind the secret door seemed to be a small room, and the male voice that sounded was very strong. When Isabel sat down, he walked out slowly, and then the cabinet moved back to its original position.

"Master Agnes!" The adjutant and the other two captains all stood up at this moment and greeted Agnes and Isabel very respectfully. Three of the five knight attendants in the family stood in front of him at the same time. Whether it was the atmosphere in the room or the pressure, they felt very uncomfortable.

Meivis waved his hand and motioned them to leave first, "Go and get the information first. By the way, you know that this time only I am here." With a warning sign, the three nodded their heads, and then they left the room very carefully. .

"I thought you would have to wait a while before you come out." Meivis gave Isabel and Agnes some of the materials she pulled out. "You heard the content of the meeting. With these information, I want to hear from you. Thoughts. This matter concerns many people. If you can’t be 100% sure, you will hesitate in your heart when you act in the future.”

"There is no need to spend energy to confirm. Since the border area has given us a good place, no one will know if it is handled properly. However, this sentence applies to us and also applies to Ovilia." Nice took the information that Isabel had handed over and snapped it directly on the desktop. The only person in the Astus family who obtained the rank of knight attendant by his own ability, without the help of the zero and the experimental body, he was confident in many things.

"There is no time for us to confirm these cumbersome things." Agnes tapped the metal tabletop with his knuckles. "McDonald's departure is the most obvious signal to us. His strength is indeed our five. The worst of them, but he is not a point that he can deal with at will. The premise to solve him is to need very detailed information support and a convenient environmental opportunity."

"The information is from Ovilia, the opportunity is this incident?" Isabel said, "Because there are certain enemies, as long as the real murderer cannot be traced for a while, it can be directly pushed to Yejielin."

Agnes nodded, and the sound of knocking on the desktop became crisp, "If there were no five of us, Ovilia would definitely be the next step in the family's cultivation with the alienated body and the connection with the Tundra Research Base. It is an object that is inclined to resources. But the knight attendant assessment completely broke the seemingly reasonable step. Astus is indeed the king's family, but it has lost its former glory, and it will not take a few years to recover. Comparing us with Ovilia, the role of knight attendant is indeed a little higher. So the family has chosen us now. But there is a time problem. Ovilia’s side is a growing party, once Obstructed resources will indeed have an impact that cannot be eliminated in the future."

"So she chose to unite with the horror of the Hill family, wanting to take this opportunity to reduce our number as much as possible." Mevis brought the topic back to her eyes, "MacDonald still has some effect, at least it reminds us. Before departure, because of intuition. , I noticed something unusual, and seeing that you stayed in Manoma just didn't have anything to deal with in person, so I invited you to come here together."

"As for MacDonald, we thought a lot in those few days. Without your reminder, I think it will be Yejielin in the end, it is hard to think of Oville. Now that it has been determined, the next step is We have to think about how to deal with it, and what benefits we need to get here in order to be worthy of this long ten-day journey." Isabel said, "From Ovilia’s point of view, she can only rely on her own Power can’t deal with us. So we joined Hack Hill. The two are students of the same period in the seminary, so it seems reasonable to look at it."

Agnes shook his head from the side: "About Hack Hill, because of MacDonald, I have learned all the information that can be collected. Because of the limitation of time, his own strength is indeed not equal to ours, but his head is very smart. . Among the Hill family members who assassinated MacDonald, his threat is far higher than Ovilia. But the number of calls is definitely limited. I think there is another opportunity to call those members, but The hack will definitely not be used for a while later."

"I want to rely on the enemies on the border to complete their plan. As for who it will be, when Ye Jielin did not come here, it seems that I can't find a suitable target candidate. Those of the Chila Andi family The elite members are naturally stared at. Among other personnel, there are not many people who can clearly pose a threat to us. Thinking about it, it is life threatening. As long as we want to escape, match the number of teams, except for the surgeons after the third stage. , Who else can do it?"

"People in stages four to five belong to other levels, and their battlefields will not overlap with us. When the two sides fight, they will spread to a large area. The aftermath caused by accident is enough to make most stage three surgeons feel threatened. We and the enemy will think of this.” Isabel first excluded the option of high-level surgeons. “The accumulation of numbers is not desirable. In terms of team support speed and team quality, when the enemy will minimize the size of its own target, Most of the time, our side has the dominant position. This option does not need to be counted."

Agnes stopped tapping his finger on the table and looked at Mevis, "Miss Mevis, in this border region, you are the commander-in-chief of all the teams in the family."

This sentence reminded Isabel, and also reminded Mayvis. The eyes of the three converge in the air in front of them, causing them to have many ideas at once.

They thought of the same person, UU reading, but they didn't find it difficult to deal with. Instead, they thought it would be an opportunity if the three of them came here.

"How can we be sure that Hae will allow us to meet Cassia? Cassia is indeed in a small country now, but there is only an approximate location. It is difficult to find him. Only relying on Hae and the people around him, I don't think he has this This kind of ability. And whether Cassia who came here is real is still unknown. He deceived so many people in the knight attendant assessment, and this time he deceived most people again.

"Starting from the hypothesis, if I didn’t call you up this time, let me face Cassia alone, and cooperate with Ovilia and Hae. I do have the possibility of danger... But personally, I I don't think I have a chance to escape." I have confidence in myself, as a knight attendant, nearly two years of growth have allowed them to improve in all aspects. With the massive resources tilted, they are no longer the ones who participated in the knight attendant assessment.

"I don't think hypothesis and non-hypothesis have much to do." Isabel interrupted Mavis, "As long as there is Mavis, you have a chance to meet Cassia, it is enough for the three of us. As for how to meet , How to meet, isn’t that something that Ovilia and Hae should consider? Why can’t we choose to trust them once and spend time on preparations to seize this opportunity accurately!"

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