Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1543: The Union to Death (Part 2)

If it is not to be irrational, the three of Mevis knows the amount of resources they can mobilize and who they can contact in a short period of time in the future, let them join in, and strengthen the hard power of this joint team.

On the other hand, Mevis, Isabel and Agnes are all knight attendants. In a few months, almost two years have passed since the knight attendant assessment. There is a problem that everyone cares about gradually. After this period of time, among the knights, who or which group is the most dominant person or team currently.

Everyone is growing, and they are also supported and nurtured by their own family and the huge resources of the Imperial Council. But at present, there is no clear thing to passively prove what everyone wants to know. At the moment it is no different than an opportunity. As Cassia, who has many interesting things before "death", is no different from the best target of most knight attendants.

Mayvis they need such a thing, it is like honor. It will not bring substantial benefits, but it can bring a more important influence than resources and immediate benefits. It will be a long-term positive bonus with considerable benefits, because too many people approve of this kind of thing.

Mevis, who lives in the king's family of Astus, knows the importance of influence, like fame or an invisible deterrent. Like the aristocratic class within the empire, the pyramids move upward. A large number of honorary barons will find ways to have a good relationship with hereditary viscounts, and the viscounts will work hard to get closer to the earls and marquis families. As for the earls and marquis, Attach to the twenty-three major families in various ways, or one of the four forces. Then the criteria for judging are three points: compatibility, strength and influence.

This progressive relationship is equally suitable for Mevis and them. The name of the knight attendants has given them a high reputation, but the number of knight attendants is 36, and they are all one of the four forces after they get up.

The resources of a large family are indeed very large, but the cost of cultivating an heir who can carry the family in the future is also huge. In addition, many competitors are no longer limited to the same personnel. The increase in life span brought about by surgeons has made the age range of competitors extremely wide. Therefore, if you want to become the top ones in a wide age range, relying only on the resources within the family can only ensure your smooth growth, but cannot determine whether you can quickly rise to your heights for a certain period of time.

At this time, it needs the support of some groups and powerful individuals. How to obtain these supports involves factors of influence.

Thirty-six knight attendants are like participants in some selection activities in the ordinary world, or recruitment interviews in large companies. How to let others see you, pay attention to you, and choose you in the end requires you to obtain certain necessary conditions on your own.

For Mevis and others, but also for other family elites, their strength and brains have actually met the conditions, because if they want to go further, it is not something that can be achieved with hard work, and it takes time to accumulate. They are very different from Cassia who live by the family.

It's just that the current Cassia is an item they currently need abnormally. If it is available, many of the above problems will be resolved by itself. Precisely because they understand this, this opportunity is dangerous to Mevis and the others, but the benefits it can bring are more than ten times the risk.

None of the three of them would shrink in the face of danger. If there is danger, just think about how to solve it. This is a normal way of thinking. It can be used on Cassia, but it doesn't work. E-bookshop

Cassia, who had left the empire after the knight attendants, was already unfamiliar with the internal environment of the empire. Correspondingly, the interior of the empire, including Ye Jielin, knew nothing about Cassia's situation at this moment. Between the two opposites, the information was completely disconnected more than a year and a half ago!

Differences in the information level always affect many things. It can decide most of the decisions, and most of the plans. For Cassia, the Flame Alliance is much better than the Empire. Because of the border forest incident, at least the dead Osnia of the Snake Wolf tribe in the Flame Alliance serves as a clear reference for them. But on the empire side, almost all the information stayed in the period of the knight attendant's assessment, and the latest news was only simulated by Tovelest using the data induced by the special experimental body.

When sensing, Cassia seemed to suppress the spread of the cross pupils by repulsion.

This temporary meeting of the three members lasted until the airship entered the sky over the banded mountains in the border area, because the three of them had great interest. There are many aspects involved, from personal strength to the team around him, Mevis has taken them into consideration. In order to fully grasp the opportunity when the opportunity arises, without any accidents, and to share the danger as much as possible, the three of them immediately began to think about who else they needed to reach a union with.

There are many elite figures and knight attendants who have come to the border forest this time. But as rivals on the opposite side, other knight attendants were excluded first, and there was no need to share this opportunity with them. The rest are the elites of the various families, the five prince families are the first consideration target, followed by the people in the Holy Royal Hall.

Based on all the information collected so far, Mevis and the others have produced a model of Cassia's strength and positioned it roughly. UU reading www. After the analysis of was completed, considering that the transition in time has been close to two years, they multiplied the model by the corresponding multiple and used the final data as the standard.

"It is indeed a data that can pose a threat." When the airship began to execute the landing procedure, the three of them looked at the data sheet written and exclaimed.

"So let's go back to what I said at the beginning. It is indeed very dangerous to be alone." Mevis put it away, "After that, you will need to hide for a while, but fortunately, you have everything in the airship. It won’t be long, neither we nor the target will wait too long.”

"I need to trouble you when I get in touch. The list of personnel has been determined. I don't think there will be any accidents. Those few people will agree."

"Definitely, it won't be a problem at this point." Meivis replied, confident in this matter. After all, for many people, such opportunities will not be many.

"What about Ovilia?" Isabel suddenly thought of her.

"Ovilla? Compared with Cassia, she can handle it at any time, don't care." Mevis waved his hand, and the topic ended.

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