Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1551: Convergence of information and personnel (in)

But there are always concerns on his side. Cassia can only hope that the enemy will not have transportation such as small airships and airships, otherwise Isha, who only relies on his legs, will not have any advantage. In terms of endurance, the surgeon is absolutely inferior to these machines.

I feel that there have been a lot of things I wished to happen recently, but watching Isha and the others behind him, Cassia quickly emptied this idea. In the circle of surgeons, most people are not even as good as Isha and others, but many things need to be performed by most people. If the number is large enough, it can also play a huge role in some fields and events.

The sound of heavy sniper bullets piercing through the branches of the trees continued to be heard behind him, and multiple trees fell one after another. Because of the existence of the wall of fire, bullet accuracy has long been threatened. After a few breaths, several of Cassia and others were out of the enemy's range of perception, but the other three teams were once again shattered by inaccurate bullets during the evacuation process.

After more than a thousand meters, other talents barely chased after Cassia. Among the silhouettes of trees and branches, the faces of the three team members were extremely ugly. When there was no more sound of sniper bullets passing through, someone said: "Why didn't you attack directly? The number of enemies is roughly the same as ours. The use of sniper firearms in the forest is not threatening at all. They just have the advantage of ambush in advance."

"We just evacuated when we meet the enemy. How can we continue to go deeper? The position has been exposed. It is not as simple as one or two hours to throw away the enemy who has started chasing behind. This will only continue to keep the opponent's support flowing. Follow up, and it will be more difficult to deal with at that time. The best option for now is to wipe out these people head-on, then evacuate, and then clean up their traces?

Cassia unintentionally answered unkind questions. He roughly understood that the people who joined the team afterwards had performed many tasks within the empire, and had a good understanding of the empire's environment and operators. But I only came into contact with people from small families. Those who can really fight against members of large families either have all died, or the organization will not let these people come here to do unnecessary consumption.

Seeing that Cassia didn't answer, the Owl came out to appease these people at this time. As the captain, his words still worked, at least to make the team quiet for a while. The kick just now made him feel a little scared, even though there was no bullet from where he was standing. But what the owl is afraid of is that the next time the environment becomes a more open area, he will not realize that he has been shattered until the moment he died.

A group of people has been walking through the trees for ten minutes, and the straight route changed instantly as Cassia turned. But it only ran less than a hundred meters, and Cassia changed the direction again. This time it was only a dozen meters away, and Cassia stopped completely. Four teams appeared within a fan-shaped range of 180 degrees ahead, all angled at about 60 degrees, evenly dispersed. The connected blockade made it difficult for Cassia to choose a suitable evacuation route for a while.

Turning around and returning is absolutely wrong choice, there will only be more enemies behind him. After the sonic pulse fed back several images in a few breaths, Cassia chose the angle between the two teams with fewer people, and wanted to rely on the time difference in information to pass through the middle when the enemy was not paying attention. And it will be safer to choose a surprise attack later.

Cassia went to the middle of the team, picked up the branches, swept away a dead leaf and drew a sketch, "We are five kilometers apart, and at the speed of our enemy, we will meet in three to four minutes. Hopefully, it can be from two The team passed smoothly, but the possibility is extremely low."

"The total of the two teams is about ninety people. The other enemy's support is only two or three minutes. There is absolutely not much time left for us. When the mountain fire ignited in the early morning, the enemy should have laid a huge encirclement. , Whether these teams are the enemies on the encirclement is still unknown. There is still a lot of bad news. The only good news is that we have not penetrated into the mountains. As long as we break through the encirclement, the possibility of returning safely to a small country is very high. .Starting

"I want to know how the five-kilometer distance is calculated?" Someone asked again, and Cassia tilted his head to look at it, and his silent eyes made him subconsciously swallow what he wanted to say. Cassia continued to expand the content of the sketch with branches.

"After the enemy perceives us, in order not to be immediately flanked by both sides, we need to do a separate division of labor to ensure that most people can get rid of the first encirclement in the future..."

After the discussion lasted less than half a minute, the remaining twenty-four people rushed through the mountains again. They are all located on the mountainside, and the surrounding terrain has slopes, but not enough to be an advantage. The time of the mechanical watch has already been correct, except for Cassia, everyone is watching the arrival of the two and a half minutes.

The enemies chasing from behind were close to two kilometers away from Cassia and the others at this time, but the number was only about 30 people, and the pressure on them was much smaller. They can't tell the team ahead of Cassia their position in real time, which allows Cassia with sonic pulses to find a chance to attack first.

Staring at the team of about forty people, the feedback of sonic pulses showed that there were members with heavy weapons, and it was difficult for them to obtain the flexible combat methods brought by light weapons in the forest environment.

"Forty-three people, a magazine-style pistol has 15 rounds in a magazine, and a revolver has six rounds, but the powerful bullets have a penetrating effect, and one bullet can take two people away with one bullet in the right position. Six rounds should be able to hit The speed of killing eight people,,, and the enemy is almost the same as ours, but they have maintained a complete formation. Even after two breaths, there are still 20 people left. It is expected that the pressure on Isha will still be huge. The battle can take five to eight people away. After that, the enemy formation will be dispersed by me. The only variable is that there are no family elites, knight attendants, or powerful captains in this team. otherwise the time will be calculated by nearly ten seconds longer..."

Anticipating what would happen next, after Cassia made a response to all possible dangers, he drew his pistol, raised his shoulders, and let Isha and the others see him behind him, signaling to prepare in advance.

The serious voice of "Two thousand meters..." made Nighthawk and the others feel a different atmosphere. They had picked up the firecrackers in their hands, and the team dispersed immediately, ensuring that the distance between each person was about ten meters.

"One thousand meters, there must be a surgeon with temperature-sensing ability among the enemies. Pay attention to your position and don't be locked in by the enemy." Cassia observed the forty-three people. The trees in the middle made them see each other. . At this time, his own temperature began to adapt to the surroundings. When the enemy in front suddenly stopped, Cassia's body temperature was already at the same level as the environment, and he dropped one step further, preparing for the high-speed running later.

No one spoke again afterwards. After a few breaths, Cassia speeded up suddenly, and Nighthawk and the others immediately followed. The other dozen members hesitated for a moment, and then they followed in their footsteps.

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