Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1556: Still a Lone Wolf (Part 1)

Mousse, who was staying in the camp, received a follow-up report from the three adjutants. He simply listened to their analysis and did not follow up. After the contact with Mayvis was over, he returned to his room, preparing to go to Mayvis Base. The encirclement is just a prey that is struggling to escape, and it is normal to have a little last madness. If the team equipped with all-module empty boats can't stop a small team, Mousse believes that the problem is not just on the enemy's side. The three adjutants also have problems.

The focus is now leaning toward the union on Mayvis's side. After receiving the invitation, he showed a keen interest. A few years ago, Mousse remembered that he was a three-stage surgeon. He heard a lot about the military school and Cassia. Up to now, he is still a three-stage surgeon, but his status is further improved, but there are still a lot of news in his ears about Cassia.

I have only seen photos, and have also seen some information within the family and collected from the black market. Not met in the knight attendant assessment, Mousse felt sorry. As a source of information, Mousse hopes that this time he will have the opportunity to personally meet this man who has been at the source and center of information many times to see what he will be like.

Mousse believes that many people want to be the bright spot in the crowd and let others surround themselves. Probably this kind of people want to actually understand and contact Cassia, including him.

Sitting at the small table in the room, Mousse took out the paper and pen he was carrying, thinking about who to take to Mevis. The enemy is not only Cassia, he and the others do not want unrelated personnel to hinder this hunting of Cassia.


Cassia noticed that some people in the team were dissatisfied with what they said before they set off, but never thought it would become a point of conflict within the team. Regarding the questions of those strange faces, Cassia didn't want to answer any of them. Perhaps the reality and environment do not allow them to understand the meaning of those few sentences well. Cassia admitted this, he did have a sense of eagerness. The facts often fail to conform to everyone's mood and expectations. The current situation is the best example.

I didn't feel angry or bad mood because of this, these people Cassia are really not very familiar. I did everything I could for them, although the way was not very good. Cassia thought for a while, and quickly found the reason. In many cases, the level and environment of oneself and the people around him are different, which leads to differences in the way of thinking.

But there was nothing more. These people died suddenly in the middle. All Cassia could do was to turn his head and glance over, and that was all. Without the sonic pulse, perhaps they would be grateful for their actions to draw out the approximate position of the enemy with their lives. But for Cassia, there are sonic pulses in,,,

Owl stepped forward and suppressed the matter, but it couldn't solve the problem after all. The team stopped in place, not knowing what to do for a while is the best choice. Cassia thinks it should stop, and the evacuation to catch up with time does not play a good role. No matter how the opponent is a team from a big family, based on the approximate speed of the team, it is a basic operation to rationally control the coordination between the front encirclement and the rear pursuit personnel, and there will be no support disconnection. Their hope of finding the gap and drilling through is slim.

Continuing to evacuate like this is what they want to see for the enemy who owns the airship. They will definitely pay great attention to the situation of the ground troops, the speed of travel, endurance and physical strength, etc., and will make effective advancement only when they are guaranteed to be in a good state after encountering the enemy. My own side is tired of evacuation, and is always at a disadvantage in terms of physical endurance.

Cassia sighed alone. Some members of the organization are indeed top-notch in small countries and encountered few obstacles. In the face of a giant country like the empire, it does not recognize the gap between the two, unconsciously adjust its state and mood, and if it does not make a reasonable judgment based on the actual situation, mission failure is only a small matter, and the cost is often death.

Going to sit down at the foot of a tree, Cassia continued to think about the interrupted thought. Airships are the focus now. They will definitely be behind the enemy's ground forces, relying on several rounds of artillery and aerial bombs to clean up every inch of the ground before they accelerate to move forward and help the ground forces with their aircraft. The gun carried out irresistible suppression of firepower network.

Cassia is already thinking about whether the sound wave pulse can capture the shadow of the airship during a real battle. The maximum range of six kilometers is a long distance for ground troops, but there is no distance problem for airships with aerial bombs. In addition, there is an even more headache for Cassia. Even if the sonic pulse captures the airship, at a distance of six kilometers, there is no weapon in the team that has such a terrifying effective range and has good accuracy. This is only the case with heavy sniper firearms, specially tailored for extremely good snipers and equipped with special ammunition.

There was soon a fault in the thinking, and several plans were abandoned by Cassia one after another. They couldn't achieve the desired result, except for their own survival, the Nighthawks would definitely die in the enemy's circle under time. Even if Cassia has considered that there will definitely be several decoy teams organized in this area, but in the face of the current gap in numbers and weapons, it cannot make up for a huge disadvantage.

It was supposed to be a mountain fire plan that was beneficial to him, but at this time he put himself in danger. In each step, there is a point that is not considered in place, and there is a loophole. After being caught by the enemy, it will become a fatal factor for killing oneself.

The owls beside them watched the time from time to time, and every minute passed, the pressure on them increased exponentially. The strange faces didn't speak any more at this time, I don't know if they calmed down after a short rest, or if they still insisted on their thoughts and opinions in their hearts. Cassia believes that he shouldn't take into account the feelings of these people. It was a meaningless thing from the beginning.

"Then only the last plan can be implemented." Looking at Isha and the others, Cassia thought that they were indeed worthy of doing this, although the actual impact on him was not much. Furthermore, Cassia has another mentality. Since the situation will get worse in the future, no matter how bad it is, it seems that nothing will happen to him.

Touching the second-generation holy sword in the black cloth bag on her back, Cassia made a decision in her heart and got up and walked towards Yisha and the others.

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