Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1591: Death Overture (Part 2)

   The remaining few people in the alliance may be regarded as neutral, and there will be no deep cooperation after that. Ye Jielin's next situation is not optimistic. In this incident, the dissolution of the alliance will definitely affect her subsequent downward integration. The influence of the Webley family has led to very few affiliated families that she can absorb recently, and the quality is not optimistic. This is a vicious circle. If the Weber family later launches its own selected family elite members, the impact on this will inevitably expand.

   The only good news is that both Hack and Cassia agree that the Webley family will not launch their own suitable candidates so quickly. The Webley family will remain silent for a long time, at least for this year. Because those upper-levels are very clear that if the candidates are not protected by high-level surgeons, the speed of their introduction is far behind the speed of accidental death of these personnel due to various reasons.

   Ye Jielin relied on some preparations her father had made before the transfer of power, such as the formation of military airships and the many factories handed over to her. Some rights were revoked, but for the interests of these factories, Ye Jielin did various actions after taking over to ensure that even if the factories were also taken back, most of the benefits were still in her hands.

   is gradually turning into a dead lake, and the microorganisms and ecosystems inside are going to collapse. But the area of ​​this dead lake is wide enough, and the accumulated lake water is also large enough to allow Ye Jielin to survive for a longer period of time. In the follow-up, you need to look at the movements among the major forces of the empire.

  Everyone knows that the focus is on the Kira Andi family and the third generation of the Knight King. As long as they can continue to contend with the hidden alliance established by the Holy Royal Hall and the King Family Astus, even if other families watching by the sidelines still maintain their own neutrality, they will gradually start to provide psychological insurance for themselves. Actively communicate with the two parties. In these exchanges, there are opportunities Ye Jielin needs.

   At present, and even in the next few years, family elites and knight attendants are inseparable from family support. Only when the war really starts when the red star comes will they have the opportunity to fight for their rights and status.

In the news given by   Hai, the elites and knight attendants of the various families were lined up, and the rest of the news was mostly concentrated on the Tricolor Group, the Holy Royal Hall, and the King Family Astus.

"We have a deep connection with Tovelest." He gave the three things in common, "The temptation of immortality and immortality is irresistible to all members of the Presbyterian and Senate. Those who have not made specific moves People, now they are only calculating the costs and benefits carefully, and they will make a decision in the near future. If there is anyone who can reverse the situation at that time, I think only the Avalon institution will stand in person. Come out, explain the risks and shortcomings of Tovelest’s technology, or that they provide corresponding technical results to the four forces. Otherwise I don’t think anyone will give up the pursuit of immortality and immortality."

   Cassia knows that the coming red star is a huge curtain, and it is also a change every few decades. But he never thought about how it would be. The closer time approaches, the occurrence of various major events will become normal. Tovilest’s experimental body, the knight attendant system, mass production of imitation solid red mercury, etc. Among them, the most widespread impact is definitely the mass production of imitation solid red mercury. After a period of time, those war machines that originally used glow tubes will have versions suitable for solid red mercury.

   Stronger power, greater output, longer battery life, and a variety of stronger adaptive weapons that may appear. This will be a factor that can affect a team’s combat. Who can get it in the first time is the best publicity of their own strength externally, attracting more followers, and strengthening themselves; internally, it is the team’s equipment. The substantive strengthening.

   Cassia, who was not inside the empire, could not feel the torrent caused by this kind of external factor, but he solemnly informed the chain reaction brought about by these events, and this reaction will continue to ferment until the day when it completely explodes. Only by following this rhythm can you get the benefits you want.

   "Mr. Cassia, I look forward to your next alliance invitation as soon as possible." Before the end of the communication, the hacker finally said. But no affirmative answer was obtained.

  Kasia left the mountainside and went to rest in a dense forest below. After gradually clarifying these news, Cassia began to carefully recall those words of horror. In the first mission, Lee explained to himself the situation of the twenty-three major families in the small garden. The things that Hae said were already known to Cassia, but hearing these words from others can always motivate him to make up his mind. Power.

For Cassia, this is not something that can be changed in one or two days. It is something that began to grow in his body slowly because of the surrounding environment. The rhizomes have long been pierced and removed It is not easy.

   The so-called panic and confusion did not appear immediately. At 5 o'clock in the morning, Cassia had not closed his eyes. He stared at the dark shadows of the trees in front of him, listening alone to the primitive silence around him. UU reading www.uukahnshu. The dim light of the stars in the com sky failed to shine on Cassia, and the thinking in the night made the look in Cassia's eyes deeper and more unpredictable.

   Perhaps this was an idea born in an instant, which should have been completely forgotten by Cassia, but for some reason, probably the initial change began? The sudden thought was put in his head by Cassia, and then immediately called out.

   "Isha, Miss Nighthawk, and Mr. Owl, I can't let you return to the small country in the future." While muttering, Cassia closed her eyes. He believes that some things need to be forced to do it later in order to speed up his pace. When he went to develop his power in a small country, Cassia's idea was to use Ye Jielin as the main body, and when the time was right, he would incorporate his own part into it and achieve the desired effect after integration.

   But after listening to the horrible words, Cassia knew that if he followed the plan like this, the only power he could provide in the end was only himself. Ye Jielin and Ji need reinforcements, but they are not alone.

"You need to see your own strengths clearly. Everything that is different from others can be called your own strengths in disguise." Cassia reminded himself, "The strength of the organization must not be discarded so easily. The beginning is not good. , But it cannot be denied that if you continue to keep in touch with the organization, you can definitely get more benefits. From Miss Tavier, go back to the Empire, it is only a matter of time before she has information about her. After the identity is determined, you may be able to find survival The cracks that go down..."

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