Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1594: Information gap and preparations before the raid (part 2)

The shape of the    mine reflected in sound waves is more like a natural mine as a foundation, supplemented by artificial excavation. It is not a mine in the true sense, and the cavity inside the mountain is more suitable for rest and storage. Several cracks were also laid on the apron where a platform was cut directly from the mountain. These abandoned outposts that lack maintenance and management may be completely eroded by vegetation in a few years.

   The sonic pulse is still slow, and Mousse is likely to be in front. He who has been in contact with himself is most likely to have a keen ability to capture the sound waves under the environment. This may be just a temporary stop. First, Cassia discovered that there was nothing in the mine, empty, and full of falling rocks.

Mevis’s airship slowly descended following the veins of the mountain. When Cassia’s “line of sight” gradually penetrated the airship on the tarmac, a group of four people took the initiative to walk out of it and stretched aside. Own body.

   Only two sonic pulses swept the past. In contrast, Cassia confirmed that one of them was Mousse who disappeared from the camp. After several pulses were scattered, Cassia quickly wrote down the characteristics of the other three, which made the pulse frequency become even lower, so that it disappeared completely after ten times.

   The need for investigation has been lost ahead, and the changing location is not worthy of Cassia's effort to remember the surrounding terrain. Has the purpose of this trip been achieved in advance? The sudden sense of ease made Cassia think it was too simple. Where the trees were relatively few, Cassia watched the airship in the gap between the leaves continue to descend slowly, until it was blocked by the rocks, and then retracted his sight. And it was the same as expected, but within two minutes, the airship that Mayvis was on came into sight again, and quickly climbed to a high altitude, becoming a small point flying forward.

   After the airship left far enough, Cassia cautiously expanded the sound wave again and eroded into the stopped airship. The three crew members are resting, other than that, there is nothing to pay special attention to.

After returning thousands of meters on the same route as he came, Cassia went to sit on a rock, jumped over the mountain peaks below his vision, and looked at the elliptical hull of the airship that almost lost its shadow: "There are seven people in total, who just waited. Those four people should be the person in charge of each area in the belt of mountains this time. Who are the two people in the secret door? The probability of them being the person in charge of each area is very low. They are most likely from the empire. Follow Mevis to here directly. Are there any other knight attendants in the Astus family?" Cassia squinted, in his opinion Mevis was closer to the other two.

"I've said that Ovilia's plan was exposed, but I didn't expect it to be exposed so thoroughly. I despised the vigilance of these knights and attendants." Cassia retracted his gaze and looked at his crossed hands. The impact of McDonald’s exit has to be reassessed. Mevis found an ally in Manoma and brought it here, indicating that her preparation was adequate. I just don’t know if there is such an early preparation time. Think of a way to deal with me?"

   "Seven people's words..." fell into self-talking thinking. Soon after, Cassia raised her head and looked at the stopped airship through the trees and rocks. There was no good way for a while. The best chance was when the four of them got on the airship of Mevis, they went to the side by themselves, and the airship melted all the seven with one breath. But this idea is too ideal. There are multiple knight attendants and several family elites among the opponents. When the opponent is not injured, it is difficult to break through the interlaced perception network. Your own stealth is only suitable for most of the surgeons at the same stage, but not for the few people at this stage.

"We still have to fight head-on. After the seven people got on the airship, they found the opportunity to destroy the lift device. None of them were military airships, and the weapon systems they carried were not good at defending against aerial bombs and artillery attacks. To confirm, one is to directly follow the airship of Mevis, and the other is to confirm in advance with the other four airships at night. The second way is to free some people from the side of Hai and Ovilia. Come and help, establish a fire support network at a long distance to ensure that the lift device can be destroyed 100%."

"The remaining items,..., and information can use shielding devices. There must be countermeasures at Mevis. The signal positioning of its own is probably connected to the mine at any time, and the emergency response after the signal disappears has been formulated in advance. Plan. Once the continuous signal disappears, the emergency team will immediately rush over. Using the outpost in front of you as a reference, I have two and a half hours...two hours, probably..."


"How long do we have to stay here?" In the basement storage room, behind a hidden door blocked by the storage materials, Li Suman looked at the ancient copper clock in the room, and the sound of the second hand "tick and tick" was already gone. She was infected, and followed the rhythm of "tick tick tick" as she spoke ~ It was 12 o'clock noon, McGerry took out a small finger-sized drug rapid launcher from the small bag she carried with him. Throw it to Li Suman: "Today's." McGlyry's words are as plain as pure water, without any impurities, "Food, wine, overdue magazines, and a lot of books. This place should be deeper than the tundra. Life is much better."

"Wrong, it's freedom!" With a strong sense of justice, McGerry turned his head, but after seeing the "The Unknown Knight" in Li Suman's hand, he shrugged, and his interest suddenly rose. Up.

"You can run around in the tundra, and there will be adjutants and a group of subordinates who will stand up first. Here,,, who designed this room, the space is too small..." Li Suman finished injecting the medicine and picked up the syringe Check, "This kind of thing must be the product of Avalon Institution."

"You have asked this question many times." McGree was indifferent, his eyes all on the book in his hand, "The product of the Chira Andi family, the syringe was brought back by Tovelest from the Avalon institution. A copy of the sample. Do you think that the Chila Andi family is at the top of the twenty-third public family is judged at will?

   Li Suman sighed, did not respond to McGlyry, and returned to her original question: "How long do we have to stay here? I really want to sleep..."

   "You just lie on the bed." McGerry replied, "If you want to take off your clothes, I don't mind myself, and you don't have to think about my feelings."

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