Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1600: Fall (below)

"That said, you know. It seems that you have come into contact with a lot of information about this project." Satrik responded.

"I can't say that. Those who are concerned about these things should be the people in the Imperial Council. Some things should be thrown into their hands, so that those who should be troubled should worry about it. Putting it on us, after all, identity and position are not the same. Yes." Otto's laughter was also dry, with a vague sense of hoarseness. He paused in his throat, "How is the King of Steel Defoni? There has been no news of him since the last war. He said that he had gone to the area near the ocean current belt. Before the last war, the mainland was followed. He is probably the most famous person on the Internet. It is also a kind of charm that he can be known by many people in the Empire and the Flame Alliance."

"Fortunately, at least it is worthy of the name given to him by the "king of steel", a common country in the distant sea. It is a good match. In terms of mood, many have regressed. I remember that his age seems to be a little older than you?"

"Indeed, it's more than ten years older than me." Otto became contemplative. "His time is running out. Even the Far Sea Common Country will definitely give him the best medicine to delay the aging of the surgeon. But after all, it was postponed, and his state would decline day by day. It was almost time to go on. He was considered to have lived long enough to experience two wars, plus this one shortly after, but three times. The whole aftermath On the mainland, there are not many people like him, and it is time to be content. It is better to die from old age than to disappear into the sight of everyone for no reason in peacetime."

"Does the Holy Royal Hall have a plan to participate in the'Mechanical Dragon'?" Satrik waited until Otto finished speaking and took a breath and asked. Otto looked over, and there was no expression on Satrik's side face, like solidified metal, there was no change.

"You too value the power of the Saint Royal Hall. The Common Ocean Country is also one of the three giant countries on the Post-Phase Continent. It is not easy to get some information for such a core plan. Participate? Indeed, not only It’s us, the Weber Arms Company, the King’s faction, and the several big tribes of the Far Sea Common Nations all have the same idea... But the point of the question is not here?" Otto asked in return, "How is it going? A long-term plan, if you don’t take it out, you have to die in the plan, waiting for someone to take over suddenly one day later. This time it is the King of Steel, I am still very confident in Defoni, after all, it depends on his personal With strength and charm, there is no need to worry about not getting the resources you want."

"Such an important plan, do you think Defoni will involve someone like me in the core part?" Satrik laughed, wondering if he should have taken it from his head before laughing at Otto. "Before I left Yuanhai Common Country, the parts that I contacted were only some important matters on the periphery, and I was not qualified for the core parts. However..."

Satrik looked over and saw a different expression on his face like solidified metal. It was an expectation of a good show that was about to unfold: "Before leaving, I got news that this plan was approved by the high-level officials of Yuanhai Common Country. It was completely stopped, even if it was the King of Steel Defoni Phoenix Method that presided over it this time. As for the reason, it seems to be that someone from the church country intervened. Remember that the ocean-going ship Venetes was nearly two years old. Has the harbour of the former Common Country of Far Seas docked?"

"The surgeon on that ship, isn't the highest stage four?"

"Who knows? After all, that's the religious country. Even if the investigators did not go to the Common State of Far Seas with the Venetus, they would spend a few months with five stages of physical strength and swim alone to the post-phase continent. It is possible. However, I am more inclined to find traces by the first group of investigators on the Venetes. After that, the State of the Church sent some people to the Common State of the Far Seas separately." Satrik said . He paused at this moment, and his tone was obviously aggravated.

"Maybe the Church will send someone directly to completely cut off the'mechanical dragon' plan, so if the Holy Royal Hall has a connection with it, it is better to cut the connection in advance. In addition, use the steel. Wang Difoni’s character..."

Satrik pressed his mouth when he said that, Otto was obviously taken aback, but he understood immediately, with a smile on his face, "I will sort out the news and tell the Fathers, as for whether they are willing to participate. Go in and take over, you still have to look at Defoni's thoughts. As far as I know about Defoni, I think that instead of moving the place to continue research, maybe he will destroy it completely. Choose."

"He can just destroy himself. Some things are left for everyone to see. It may not be a good thing."

The two wanted to continue, but the sound of footsteps from the end of the corridor interrupted I look forward to having this kind of comfortable conversation opportunity next time. "The two got up, gestured to the person who came, and entered the next room together.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Mevis’ airship did not arrive on time. Cassia watched the seven people disappear into the deep blue sky in the airship, then turned around and went to the place where the supplies were stored.

Arrived around one o'clock noon, and the terrifying person had already left. According to the agreed mark, Cassia quickly found the iron box perfectly buried under the ground, and opened it in the dappled sunlight under the woods. The thing is the same as the one I said during the contact, and there is nothing more. A total of four pneumatic swords, and nearly two hundred rounds of high-quality acid platinum bullets. Excluding these, there are two large-caliber clip-on pistols and multiple ammunition. The remaining are two masks made of alloys, and several medicines mentioned by the hacker.

Cassia picked up the potion and looked at it. Judging from the shape of the bottle, it was a stimulant. I started to inject one of them on the spot, but the result was the same as Cassia expected. The moment the needle pierced the skin and touched the blood, it was corroded, and the “injection” part could not be completed.

"Even if it succeeds, its effectiveness probably won't have much effect on my body." Cassia took away the things he needed and muttered to herself as she buried the box. He understands that while this body is automatically adapting to various biological poisons, it will also adapt to other beneficial medicines, making them useless as biological poisons.

Going to the open area, Cassia raised his head and looked at the sky. The heavy rain he was expecting would come, because the copying speed of those clouds was obviously faster. But the specific time of the fall should be more than a week later. After returning to the guard position, Cassia placed the pneumatic sword and lay on a dead leaf, waiting for Mevis and the others to return.

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