Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1607: Cassia! (on)

"Steel Steam and Flame (

At this moment, Lidian forcibly stopped breathing. With the opening of the cross pupils in his eyes, countless blood patterns stretched from the cross pupils to the golden pupils, all over his eyes. The next moment Lidian felt the time around him seemed to be still, and the hot air erupting from his body slowly made the air look distorted. The air current becomes a substantive thing, which can be captured by the line of sight, and the rapidly flowing scenery is immediately visible.

But even so, Lidian still felt that time was not enough for him. The shooting was based entirely on feeling, and Lidian didn't have the slightest time to search for the source of the danger. He only knew that the danger was close to forty meters away from him, probably involving several square meters. In addition, when his body flipped in mid-air, his eyes touched that direction. All he saw was a quiet woods and mixed vines. The enemy would hide in those few square meters. These messages There is no time for him to analyze.

Lidian tensed his body, and quickly pressed down the trigger like a **** of time, so that the bullets spread to that spot approximately evenly. At the same time, the muscles under his skin were squirming rapidly, and countless pale substances were like white foam, leaching out from all the pores on the body. The pale white foam quickly covered his whole body, intertwined with each other, and a layer of plaster-like substance could cover his whole body in the blink of an eye.

Klidian understands that time becomes slow, almost static, which exists only in one's senses, and it might be more appropriate to describe it in terms of sight and perception. This had a huge impact on the spirit, and he was very clear that his body could not keep up with the speed of perception after this sudden transformation.

In Lidion's world, he saw that he could only hold down the trigger twice, and what he was worried about had already happened. At the source of the danger in the perception, a string of bursting guns suddenly reached his ears, and the six dark red ballistic lines had been integrated into a cluster, breaking all obstructing objects all the way, like a substantial light pointing in the direction where he was. . There is no escape space, and the speed and perception of the body are not in line.

The cluster of bullets brought the atmosphere to tear his clothes. Before the side of the abdomen had time, the skin covered by the white foam also shattered directly, and small pieces of flesh and blood became blood sprays that splashed backwards.

"Sure enough, the target is not me!" At this moment, only his thoughts can keep up with Lidian's enhanced and accelerated perception, "but fortunately the bone covering has been completed." The lack of skin and small pieces of blood on the waist does not affect the paleness. When Lidian looked there, the pale foam added from the flesh and blood had covered the wound and was completing the final stage of "curing".

Fortunately, only this point, Lidian had been mentally prepared for a long time, he wanted to tell other people this information, but every part of the body could not keep up with the speed of the senses.

There was a buzzing sound in his head, and Lidian breathed a sigh of relief mentally at this time-at least he was not the target, he did not die under such a powerful sneak assassin. Subconsciously treating the enemy as an assassin, the opponent's search for opportunities and sneaking methods are indeed worthy of such evaluation.

"When the aerial bombs attacked, the enemy was probably already approaching here. When the airship fell, it was probably the last time he moved. He should have attacked immediately afterwards, ..., considering that we jumped off the airship. Is the mental state of high concentration? In this case, the other party must also be cautious." Lidien's thought speed was not affected in any way for the short time the perception acceleration state subsided, "The quiet, ..., is not waiting for a period of time afterwards We recover, but use the poor information and the environment to cause potential mental stress. He did succeed, and also used our keen sense of sight and muzzle, so that I became his help and created a lot of wrong information to May Weis and them."

"However, even if your goal is achieved, one of us will directly lose the ability to fight. But the effect of this sneak assassination is only one time, once it is used, there will be no next time. And you yourself are exposed. Well. Knowing that we have at least five people, you are still attacking at such a distance... We don’t know what is behind you, maybe it is a trap, maybe a large number of teams, maybe you are still around you The same person is here. But, are you too eager, at least when you launch an attack, if you have teammates, you must also attack together.,, is self-confidence,, 40 meters away, For us, you are definitely in a dead line."

With mixed thoughts, Lidian knew that he would not be in danger for the next few seconds, and began to think about the surrounding situation.

The buzzing sound is shaped like a buzzing sound at this moment, after reaching the crest, it disappears suddenly. After a short pause, time accelerated, perception returned to normal, and the roar of "all people avoiding" also dropped the last word!

Another burst of gunfire followed Lidian's words from the side. Lidian subconsciously tilted his head and stood firmly because of the impact of the six bullets overlapping on his chest, he stepped back a few steps to completely stabilize his body. Gunshots came from behind, and the broken trees fell one after another.

Lidian felt the atmosphere, and Mevis and Agnes had already rushed forward from behind him, passed him a few steps, and chased the enemy who was evacuating at a high speed in front of him.

"Go and see Mousse!" Agnes roared, "Saint Gerd, Isabel,..." With his voice, Saint Gerd, August, and the others came out from the airship, simply handing over information. , The arc circle has been formed, chasing in the direction of the enemy's withdrawal.

Here, Lidian, who was completely pale, went to where Mousse was lying. There was blood pouring around there. Mousse’s heart hadn’t stopped beating yet, but what it did at this time was to speed up the blood pouring out of the whole body, staining more red, and the dead leaves in a wider area.

The dying body was struggling, Mousse's mouth was wide open, and blood foam continued to emerge with his rapid breathing, covering his face. Seeing Lidian, Mousse's eyes were moving, his mouth closed and he was trying to call for help.

Lidien didn't care about Mousse's movements. He plunged his fingers into the torn hole made by the muzzle quite profitably, and found about one-third of the remains of a bullet in a piece of shattered internal organs.

"There is no Mousse. Not only did the hardening of your skin slow down for a while, you put a bullet into your chest, and the other party used..." The words are like a professional doctor who dissects cadavers. He is professionally dissecting at work, while talking to the tape recorder on the side to record the information he obtained during the dissection, "The bullet of the acid platinum bullet, the caliber of a pistol, The caliber is about twelve millimeters. Judging from the sound, it should be a revolver. Mr. Jomus, you are still aware, you should know that its power is not much worse than the blue silver bullet, right? This power is good for scale surgery projects. There is a threat, let alone your hardened skin."

As he stood up, Mousse's breathing started to become smooth from rapid. Lidian didn't know what Mousse was breathing, his lungs were broken, and he must not be able to breathe. I'm afraid that the psychological effect is mostly, and breathing represents living.

"The enemy's marksmanship is very powerful. The strike points of the six bullets are almost at the same position. So Mr. Mousse, even if your skin becomes hardened, you can't defend it. It penetrates through your left chest laterally and destroys your body. Most of the organs, connected to the spine, are probably cracked... If you and me get up together, maybe..." Lidian wanted to talk about what he saw, but after noticing that Mousse had no breath, he closed Mouth.

"The enemy can't run away, Mr. Mousse." With a sigh in the voice, Lidien can't say that there will be mood swings about Mousse's death, but as a family elite who is not much different from himself, he died here like this. How much makes him feel ridiculous.

This is not the end that people like them deserve! Lidian said in his heart, turning around and chasing Agnes and the others. Mousse's corpse stayed in place, the broken heart stopped beating, and it became cold gradually infiltrated in the blood.

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