Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1608: Cassia! (in)

"Steel Steam and Flame (

Ahead, Agnes and others went nearly three hundred meters away, and Lidian could only barely feel them moving from within his own perception network. The clothes had been punctured by the exoskeleton, and the pale whiteness of his whole body made him look like a white body that had been soaked for a long time floating in a lake where no one asked.

Lidian's appearance is a little different from the normal full-bone coverage surgery development project. The body size has increased by nearly one-half. The white bones are shaped like his other clothes, and there is no obvious transition pattern at the joints. The sight and texture tended to be soft, like a fluffy white winter jacket, which would not limit his flexibility too much.

After taking a deep breath, there was a sense of sight that the vacuum jar was broken and the air was forced in. The breath exchanged, and when a long breath was ejected, there was a muffled noise on the ground. There was a shallow pit left in place, and Lidian had already gone more than ten meters away in the next moment, even faster than Agnes and the others.

As the wind roared, Lidian seized the time to narrow the distance between himself and the five people in front of him. He drew out the dagger hanging around his waist, and a piece of pale white foam spread from his palm like a rapidly multiplying mold colony, covering the entire hilt, firmly fixed in his hand.

"It takes six more breaths to catch up." The white shadow is like a gentle leaf drifting in the rapids, simply and smoothly avoiding all the sharp rocks and obstructions in the current, and moving forward smoothly.

"Why isn't the target Mevis?" The question came into Lidian's mind. "There is a possibility that when we jumped off the airship, the enemy only noticed me and Mousse, but Mevis Agnes didn't. In his field of vision. But Mevis is the enemy’s target. In this case, Mevis’ priority will be higher than ours anyway. And this kind of sneak attack can only be done in one environment. The only time it worked, leaving it to Mevis, it's better than using this opportunity to kill Mousse."

"This possibility is absolutely incorrect. Of the four of us who jumped out of the airship, Mayvis is the only woman. Don't have too obvious physical characteristics. The enemy definitely noticed the location of Mayvis. But he did not target him. The character Miss Mevis was the first candidate to be cleaned up, but chose Mousse... Is it a trap that wants to introduce us to another place?" Lidian first denied his thoughts, "Could it be that the other party Is it too self-confident to myself, thinking that even if Miss Mayvis is not killed for the first time, there will be a chance to clean it up later? But this is again the problem ahead-even if Miss Mayvis is excluded, Mousse is in our Among the four, no matter how you think about it, the priority is the last. Miss Mevis is ranked first, Agnes, who is a knight attendant, is second, and Mousse and I are tied for third. "

"There is absolutely a reason, otherwise the enemy only needs to turn the gun to Miss Mayvis, and then only need to think about how to escape safely. But the enemy did not think about it like this... Maybe the problem is with Mousse, because Mousse knew some,,,"

The bang interrupted Lidian's thinking, and when his attention returned to his body, a shadow slammed towards him with heavy vines. With both hands in front of him subconsciously, under the huge impact, Lidian steadily caught the shadow, and stepped sideways to avoid the next few trees that fell.

"Thanks..." With a heavy breath, Augustus of the Tricolor Group got up and tore off the vines entwined with him. His figure was relatively thin, but at the moment his muscles were bare and bulging, and his figure was a lap bigger than Lidian. "Mr. Lidian, be careful after going over." Augustus drew himself from the vine. His weapon was a metal part like a telescopic truncheon, with a black mark on it that was ablated by high temperature.

After noticing the enemy's temperature image, the heat of the pneumatic sword is like a round of the sun in the temperature perception, it is impossible not to notice. High speed and flexibility coexist. Compared with Agnes and others, the other party's avoidance movement at this moment is more like finishing in an open area, as if there are no trees and vines in his eyes.

The two rushed forward, Augustus said the enemy’s message, “The power in that body is greater than you and I. You have seen his flexibility in your perception, but pay attention to his instant power. Outburst. You have seen my situation just now. Even if our power can compete with it, the other party is far more sophisticated than me in the control and use of power. The most important point is that his instant power burst is not at all Need to accumulate energy, a seemingly ordinary sword, its power may exceed my expectations.

While talking, the distance of 100 meters was narrowed by two people. In the front, Agnes and the other four are using two as a team, maintaining the arc formation while alternately attacking each other.

"Ding,,," two people arrived, and a vibrato attracted their attention. Through the relatively gentle undulation of the trees, the red-hot body of a pneumatic sword just flew out with a piece of fine gears, inserted upside down at the root of a tree, and caused a crackling flame.

At this moment, Lidian was able to barely capture the enemy's appearance in the field of vision. A normal and strong adult body with bulging muscles like steel, but the appearance is more acceptable than the "swelling" like Augustus. He wears an alloy mask on his face, gray and white, showing only his eyes. The bright red cross pupils were clearly visible, and they were only captured in a short moment, allowing Lidian to understand why the dangerous feeling just now made him almost unable to restrain his body's instinctive reaction. This kind of red light is not something that the surgeon should have, it is correct when it is commonly seen on beasts.

"There are three more!" Saint Gerd, who carried the sword, retreated to the arc-shaped encirclement, and shouted immediately. Mevis assisted in firing from the side, with every shot appearing extremely cautious. Every shot has an effect. At the speed of the enemy, although no one hits from a few shots at present, each shot can actually force the enemy back, making him have to change direction and get closer to the center of the four-person arc encirclement. .

Lydian and Auguste joined the battle at this time, and the offensive rotation became three rounds. It is easy to understand the purpose of Agnes and others at present, and the three still intact pneumatic swords behind the enemy are the targets.

"Why don't you attack together?" Lidian asked at this time.

"Because it's an unknown number, besides strength and flexibility, there is only one excellent swordsmanship. Stealth can be counted as one item, but it doesn't need to be considered in frontal combat. Other than that, we don't know one!" Augustus said in a deep voice. At this time, Lydian at the side saw the footprint of Augustus's back waist that made the muscles sunken. The dark red print was slowly fading, "Be cautious, we absolutely favorable!"

Did not continue to ask, but there were doubts in his heart. So far, Lidian is very clear that he, including himself, has not yet used real power, but is relying on everyone's strong basic strength to attack. This is the case on my own side, and the enemy seems to be in the same situation. Two rounds of offensive, whether the enemy defends, or counterattack looking for opportunities while retreating, seemed too easy. To the enemy, the evacuation seemed to be based only on his thoughts. He believed that it was time to retreat a little further, so the enemy retreated a little. This is what Lidian saw after passing by. Agnes' attacks did not put pressure on the enemy. At least for the enemy, the retreat was based on his own wishes, not from Agnes and others. The oppression of offense.

Lidian glanced back. The dense woods blocked the wreckage of the two airships, and the smoke and steam were invisible.

"At this moment, I have probably advanced nearly 700 meters." With the data generated in his head, Lidion did not forget to observe the surrounding area, which is full of dense woods. Although the terrain has undulations, the trend is not large. It is a downward **** of the mountainside with a gentle sun. After a few hundred meters, it is probably still dense woods. The impact of the obstruction of vision will only become more serious, and the effect of the firearms will not be very good. The enemy deliberately did it, and the route was calculated in advance. But the problem on Muse has not been resolved. The only attacking opportunity lurking, why should he use it on Mousse?"

Ottos's voice came from beside him, and Lidian withdrew from thinking. While Isabel and Agnes retreated in front, the two of them directly rushed forward, a shadow moving from the left and the right to the front.

Several breaths kept up with the enemy's movements, and the assisted shooting of Mevis and Agnes helped them slowly find the opportunity to attack. Lidian felt that the enemy's ability to control the battlefield was far above the six of them. He believes that this feeling is not only felt by himself, but also by others. Agnes and others chose to alternate attacks cautiously, probably based on this feeling. In order not to let the other party know their rules at once, and alternately, they can also better collect the other party's intelligence.

This is an absolutely tricky person, who can it be? Lidian believed that others were thinking too. Because the information revealed by the other party is too little, it is not easy to judge.

The figures moving between the trees seem to be irregular, but each time they can use the position of himself and Augustus when Mevis is about to shoot, to prevent the firepower of the other four from being intertwined and blocking each other. Lost his excessive activity space. More importantly, Lidian only felt that the enemy's perception was extremely keen, and he could always detect it immediately after he acted, and change his position at any time to keep the distance at a safe and respondable value.

Each attack consumes nearly dozens of breaths, and Lidian instinctively feels that this is a bit longer. With the six people on his side, attacking together can put pressure on the enemy and force him to reveal his flaws. But Augustus is not wrong. Wanting to continue thinking, Ottos on the side suddenly rushed up when the gunfire sounded behind him.

The two dark red ballistic lines penetrated several tree trunks from the side, causing the enemy to be forced to a meal. Augustus took this opportunity to take a few steps to the enemy's side, and the long stick in his hand instantly became longer when he swung it, reaching a length of nearly three meters, aiming at the enemy's waist and swept directly. Lidian wanted to observe more at close range and obtain more information, and at this time he had to keep up with Augustus. Among the trees, he bullied himself, stepped over ten meters, and landed on the opposite side of Augustus. The entire huge pale white body seemed to be pressed up. His left hand was punching, and his right hand was already accumulating power. The enemy followed the dagger attack after reacting.

But at that instant, instinct automatically generated countless danger signals in his entire body, as well as a sense of fear for the relatively small enemy in front of him!

There was no time to think, Lidian’s cross pupil pattern once again bloomed **** patterns on the golden pupils. At the same time, on the pale exoskeleton, the mold-like foam instantly swelled, trying to rush to form a layer on it. A thicker bone cushion.

There was a faint sense of dizziness in his head, and under the high-speed thoughts, Lidian didn't understand why this happened.

"The enemy's next target is me!" In an instant, Lidian thought of a terrible thing. The sound of breathing and the sight of the sight became extremely slow again. Augustus's stick was approaching the enemy's waist at a uniform speed, and the punch he was about to hit was also on the path.

But the movement of the enemy’s body at the moment makes him full of The enemy holding a sword in his left hand seems to be very clear on himself and Augustus, because he sees the enemy’s response in this slowing world. Prepare, as long as you go down in time, the pneumatic sword can accurately block the long stick with great strength, and your own punch will be steadily caught by the enemy with his right hand.

"What's wrong? This feeling of danger... Why do I feel more and more that the enemy is waiting for me to follow up?" The speed of perception is very limited. At this time, Lidian cut off his doubts and turned to Observing other places, "I don’t need the line of sight to determine the attack of the two of us? The line of sight is completely observing Agnes and the others. The auxiliary attacks of Mevis and others are not effective and there is a reasonable explanation. Is this solely based on my own perception? ,,,"

Thinking stopped at this moment, and in the perception of speed, the danger signal filled his body in an instant, and a violent breath broke out on the enemy. Lidian saw what scared him now. Lidian himself also understood that it was not what he saw that made him afraid, but the things he thought of that made him feel fear.

At this moment, countless things were agitating under the enemy's skin, and large sharp objects slowly broke through the skin, turning into black scales, covering the enemy from all over the body. At the same time, with a barbed tail, even in this slow world of self-perception, Lidian saw it stretch out from the end of the enemy's tail vertebra at a very rapid speed.

The "buzz" sound was like the last countdown of a time bomb, and it rang wildly in Lidian's head at this moment.

"Ka,,, Xi,,, Ya!" Exhausting all his strength, just like instinct, the final result of his thoughts running, forcing Lidian to forcefully press his throat, he was bound to roar out before time.

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