Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1623: Signals and memories of return (middle)

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Li Suman shrugged and turned straight forward without answering. Macquarie knew Li Suman must have not listened to her words, but he didn't care. The Knights of the Round Table does not lack these repair costs, and of course there is no shortage of materials and manpower. Some of the top knights in the empire, some of the seemingly simple and ordinary buildings are not so easy to destroy. Especially now that it has been in the residence of the Knights of the Round Table, the artificial inductive force field affects all the high-level surgeons who enter here all the time.

Macquarie walked forward, thinking about what would happen to the belt mountain range. After a few breaths, he felt something slowly approaching him, and his thoughts returned to the present. At the foot is a broad main road of the Knights of the Round Table, following the direction behind McGerry, you can get to the edge. There is the enemy's destination this time.

"Fortunately, I have already made consciousness." There was a very clear voice in his heart speaking to McGerry. In the beginning, from McGree's perspective, he didn't think that the Holy Royal Hall would do things like this. But as things changed, McGerry adjusted his thoughts in time.

Not being afraid of death and aging does not mean that others will not. Especially those who are in high positions or have huge wealth. Macquarie thought that from the very beginning, he was born a nobleman without lack of money and status, and then as his strength grew, there have been many obstacles in the past few decades, but it can be regarded as a smooth journey. In addition, McGree’s own and others do have a slight difference in thought. As a result, in some ideas, even if McGerry can often guess with reason and basis, he still cannot bypass the perceptual side of being a human being, or It is the huge endless ambition and endless desire.

Thinking stopped in the crisp sound of footsteps, McGerry sighed at this moment, wondering why he would think about this kind of question with no correct answer at this time. Ahead of the wide road, two men in combat attire have stood still.

The difference between the two bodies is not too big, just one tall and one short. With alloy masks, under dim light, hardened keratin can be seen on the edges of the masks, and they firmly fixed the masks on the faces of the two. One is in the prime of life, and one has almost all white hair, showing a smell of corruption all over. The two people standing there are like two huge mountains standing there invisibly, and the pressure is Wei Ran.

At a distance of 100 meters, McGerry and the other side stopped at the same time. No one moves first, and the hundreds of meters between the two are not considered a distance in the eyes of the three, and it is only a momentary thing to cross it. Observing each other, a little flaw will become an opportunity in the eyes of both parties.

"Buzz,,,," the air between the two suddenly rises with translucent waves, and each rushes toward each other, and meets in the middle. When the wind began to gather around them, an air wall was built in the middle, and it was compressed extremely quickly, and finally it was almost transparent. It was a piece of paper-thin object, sandwiched between the two. Under this paper-like compressed air wall, a strip of solid concrete floor was exposed to smoke. Then, the strip of concrete floor emitting light smoke turned dark red in an instant. The color only deepens in the blink of an eye. In the sound of disintegration, the concrete directly becomes a bright red melt, until it becomes brighter and whiter, and finally it is evaporated in a white light, leaving most of the substance, leaving a crystal Residue.

"Boom!" The paper-like air wall lost its huge hedge power at this time and exploded. The Qi Wall rushed towards the surrounding with a heat wave, but could not shake the three people who stood still. The eyes never left the other party from start to finish, and the shocking heat wave did not pose a threat to them at all.

"Tovilest will be expelled from the Chira Andi family, and it seems that it is not entirely the mad girl's credit. With a deputy commander like you on the side, the strength and brain are at the top, even if there is no mad girl, You can also accomplish the same thing." The gray-haired old man said, "Magry, you should know that since we are here, you must be 100% sure that you will not leave a chance. Only with the Chila Andi family It’s impossible for you to compete with us. I think you lack consideration."

"It's me. I won't be here today. Instead, I will concentrate my energy and time on how to deal with it in the future." The dry and hoarse voice continued, "It has already started in the banded mountains. Where is your team? It doesn't seem to be in great condition. You should be there, Macquarie."

"I wanted to go there too, but after thinking about it for a long time, I thought it would be more appropriate to come here by myself." McGerry narrowed his eyes slightly when he spoke. "Because if it's me, at least I can talk to you and say Uncertainly, some unnecessary processes can be avoided. If our knight commander Miss Hilda replaces me..."

"So neither of you are very suitable candidates, UU Reading McGlyry." The old man sighed, "You know the importance of Tovelest to the Fathers, long before he left. Before the Kira Andi family, you were definitely aware of this kind of thing. You don’t understand why you did it like this. You should have expected it a long time ago. There are not many chances, Macquarie. Observations It shows that there will be six red stars coming this time, even if the third generation of the knight king of the empire becomes an obstacle, the holy fathers will never compromise at all."

"It's not just the Fathers. You know who has joined the alliance, and who are about to fail the temptation. You still have decades to use it. But for the Fathers, for the elders, And those'relics' who have been dormant in the tundra all the year round, their time is calculated by the number of days. You won't understand their mood, and it doesn't matter if you know their determination and desire for life, Macquarie. "

"This is what the Holy Fathers asked me to do. Before all the plans are implemented, I will talk to you on their behalf. You don't have to doubt the authenticity of these words. The Holy Fathers and other allies can promise you a lot. The conditions, as long as they are not too excessive, they will meet and fulfill them."

The old man’s words are serious, like an exhortation to the younger generation, full of ceremonial solemnity: "This is the last chance, Macquarie, I hope you will consider it. We can give you a few minutes."

McGerry waved his hand when the old man's tail came out of his throat: "I was so overestimated, I don't know if I should be happy or panic."

With no more words, silence suddenly fell. Macquarie's eyes narrowed slightly again, and the invisible things spread to the surroundings, and the golden pupils also broke open from the center at this instant, turning into a pale green blood red cross.

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