Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1631: People on the top of the empire (part 1)

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After half an hour's time difference, I still couldn't completely get rid of the people behind him. After understanding the four stages of surgery, perhaps many things will fundamentally change. But Cassia thought he had been running at high speed during this period of time, and it lasted for several hours without stopping. For the other three-stage surgeries, apart from Zero who might have this endurance, Cassia couldn't think of anyone else with the same physical stamina.

The red flag came up at about 3 in the afternoon, when Cassia knew he had been caught up. After that, the danger signal has never disappeared, it has been in the body, and the concentration has slowly increased over time. At this moment, the danger is not far away. This tug-of-war should have ended early, and was dragged by Cassia to such a time.

Cassia stopped breathing and heartbeat in the silence, taking every step of the sneaking very carefully. Without a sound, Cassia didn't even dare to use sonic pulses. He doesn't know what the perception pattern is after the bio-inductive stress field after the four stages, but it is not difficult for these high-stage surgeons to perceive the sound pulses in the environment.

This is the pressure that the high stage puts on the surgeon in the three-stage downwards. Cassia said to himself, "I feel it, it’s not a good experience."

The line of sight is very careful to observe the surroundings, not dare to disperse too much, the perception is only in the range of two or three hundred meters. Cassia doesn't know whether this is useful, perhaps the comfort in his heart is far greater than the actual effect. Continuously sneaking, Cassia silently walked around the low soil **** in front of him. He wondered whether he wanted to find a place to bury himself completely, use the rejection reaction to erase the breath, and stop all life activities without any reason, and the danger signal appeared. It increases geometrically in the body.

His thoughts were stagnant in an instant, and the instinctive reaction to danger, the power accumulated on the muscles all the time, exploded at this moment. Cassia shuttled in the explosive air, moving a distance of twenty to thirty meters to the side. Then he dared not stop. Although he himself did not actually find any enemies, there was a voice in his head reminding him to keep running and changing positions, until he met someone he knew. Come down.

The body mechanized the execution of orders, and Cassia ran desperately among the trees on this low slope, stepping on the ground with every step. It was still not enough. At this moment, the substantive line of sight was finally no longer hidden, and locked his back tightly. Feeling like being stabbed by a sharp sword, Cassia who wants to breathe now has an illusion that he can't breathe, and his lungs seem to have lost their normal function in sight.

The feet were still moving, but Cassia felt weaker. The surrounding scenery has long become torrent-like things, but this speed is far from enough. Black scales crawled all over Cassia's body at this moment. He didn't even know what he was avoiding. He felt that there was nothing in it. There was no other sound around him except the sound of his own footsteps.

The illusion made contradictions soar in her heart. Cassia thought about what caused the danger signal to be triggered. A huge force has penetrated the air and trees, shaped like a giant truck with guidance, accurately avoiding everything. Obstruction, even avoiding the air, crashed on him.

The weight that Cassia had always regarded as a hindrance no longer had any effect at this moment. The power was too great to penetrate Cassia's body easily, and the scaly state seemed to fail before this power. Cassia saw the air around her explode at this moment, or was forced to squeeze away by the force from the impact. The ground instantly sags, and the surrounding air forms a shock wave that spreads around. In the blink of an eye, the air around Cassia was completely drawn away, and other things in this space were also repelled away. A vacuum with a diameter of several tens of meters was instantly formed around him.

The vacuum has a huge suction force, just like the huge gravitational force of a rotating star, the air being blown away, and the soil and gravel breaking trees, etc., are all subjected to this huge gravitational force in the next moment. The direction of the repelled object instantly changed, and it all rushed towards Cassia.

"Boom!" In the blink of an eye, a mixture sphere with a diameter of several meters suddenly appeared and crashed into the center of the pit below. When it fell to the ground, the air was distorted, and a dark red crack appeared in a small area of ​​the mixture ball. The next moment, the dark red crack turned into a white light, and the white light directly turned into a thick solid white fire column. It evaporates the small semi-mixed sphere, and rushes into the mid-air several kilometers away.

The pillar of fire lasted only two or three seconds, and multiple explosions sounded in this area. This is like a core area designated to be bombed. The number of those sounds all appeared in an instant, and then surged to a peak. In the silent mountains, ripples of the air were everywhere in the blink of an eye, and trees began to collapse in pieces.

Cassia crawled out from the place where her breath had evaporated, and the black scales covered her whole body were covered with light blue thick blood that oozes out of the substance hitting her body by vacuum suction. High temperature and corrosion formed a cloud of light smoke, surrounding it.

I don't know where the enemy is at all, but I almost used up all his power in that short instant. This feeling gave Cassia a sense of fear. The irregular red lines reappeared on the black scales, and Cassia clenched the second-generation holy sword, standing in place, observing the surroundings.

The air is no longer stable, and the air currents rub against each other and swell. In the sonic pulse, Cassia did see the shadows, but even the speed of the sound could no longer lock the moving shadows at this moment. Exceeding the speed of sound, the air is like a wall with no end to these people, and they need to be smashed all the time to get a way forward.

Cassia didn’t know which direction he should be alert to. He knew very well that at the speed of the people around him, UU Reading could only respond to the mental level with perception, and he could not keep up with the speed of thinking at all. of.

"Buzz..." The thoughts began to turn, a peculiar sound eroded into Cassia's head, instantly pulling it back to reality. Without knowing what happened, he felt that the red lines on the black scales increased rapidly due to the traction of external forces, almost completely enveloping him.

Before the second breath came, Cassia saw dead leaves, broken and fallen trees, or gravel and soil in a range of nearly 100 meters around him. They seemed to be born in an instant for some reason. Transformation, at this moment, it emits a dazzling white light.

The temperature rise was only an instant, and this was the first time Cassia felt that he could not bear the heat waves around him.

"Om,,," the peculiar sound in his head suddenly became sharp at this moment, and the white light immediately became a real entity, and Cassia's vision was flooded with white for a while. Breath, heartbeat, and even perception are cut off at this moment. He has lost all consciousness, he exists only in his own spirit and no longer has any contact with the outside world.

I don't know how long it was. When these feelings started to return, Cassia took a deep breath, burning the lungs with dryness and heat, but it really made Cassia feel at ease. When the line of sight came out of the blazing white, all around me, except for a small area under my feet, within a hundred meters in diameter, the ground dropped neatly by nearly half a meter, and countless white high-temperature substances were left behind. The molten iron is flowing slowly, gradually turning into a dark red molten state.

This is like a small island in the lake surrounded by hot molten iron!

And beside me, at some point, three people dressed in different clothes were already standing around, alerting the surroundings.

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