Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1633: People on top of the empire (part 2)

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From the perspective of the bio-inductive stress field, as the crystal dives into the seventh node, countless light paths start from the image of the hexagram star, and at the same time they continue to generate, they also continuously converge to the sharp only point at the top of the huge unicorn.

The change is not limited to this single horn, most of which is frozen in the transparent iceberg, this is a chain. With the formation and convergence of the light path on the single horn, the countless energy lines that originally existed in the entire huge iceberg were almost at the same time, starting from the part of the iceberg immersed in the deep sea, suddenly increased rapidly.

After a few breaths, in the cave where the girl and the giant whale were staying, due to the increase in energy lines, the intersection point increased accordingly, and the blue light emitted from the iceberg became brighter and stronger. These irregular lines have increased several times. They looked sparse not long ago, but now they are almost all over every part of the iceberg.

"There are two crystals left." The girl took a deep look at the center of the iceberg when she retracted her gaze. "If you don't retrieve the remaining two, these seven are only used to stabilize your cluster tombs. This iceberg The fragments of the world tree in it were retrieved from the distant sea, right? The fragments here have been collected one after another. The largest piece has become the root of the new world tree, and you can't separate from there. Part."

"The remaining two pieces have long been clues, and one of them is already on the way back, so the group is not very worried about whether the crystals can be collected. This plan, the group has considered for a long time, otherwise it would not be used at the beginning. The root is one of the foundations. There is no need to worry about this. After all, our memory reminds us very early that the danger is constantly approaching, and we must prepare in advance to deal with it." Kaiois' voice is confident. They are currently the only creatures that can freely penetrate into extremely remote waters, and only they have the possibility of finding and bringing back many things.

"It will be completed before the time limit." As promised, Kaois continued, "The fragments of the world tree will always be a hidden danger, even if this time it will not become an obstacle, but after a long time, it will always It will become a new threat. Relying on the power of the giant whale to recover, it may become a point that the group cannot deal with. Regardless of the outcome of this time during the advent of the red star, the group has already made a decision, and it was reached by our leaders. 'S opinion-before the end of the red star advent period, we will take the initiative to destroy this fragment of the world tree."

The girl is not concerned about this decision. This is a problem for the giant whales. How to deal with it has little to do with her: "The buried bones here, the entire cluster of graves will become ruins as the world tree fragments are processed."

"This was originally the price of using it as one of the foundations, and it is also one of our duties." There is a girl-like indifferent voice in the voice, and Kaois focused his attention on the center of the iceberg, the fragment of the world tree. Such as a huge mountain pulled out of the land. The surface still remains burnt black, and the fire in ancient history is not comparable to the current wildfire. The damage caused by the flames at that time seemed to burn the time and soul of the World Tree itself, causing those scorched traces to not gradually disappear over time.

However, the scorched black epidermis on the fragments of the World Tree is also often cracked, and the cracks are ravines several meters wide. Exposed under these cracks are pieces of fresh tree flesh, like the branches of trees that have just been cut, with a strong breath of life. And in some cracks, fresh and tender rhizomes have grown out, taking icebergs as the soil for growth, and deeply rooted on them.

This is definitely not good news. Several giant whale leaders know this very well, as are the girls who came here for the first time. The essence of the world tree is that trees are not wrong, but this identity does not prevent it from having biological spirit and thinking, just like humans and second-class creatures. Coupled with the almost unlimited life of trees, the combination of the two may be the source of a terrible thing.

"Since a long time ago, the group has continued to explore the endless sea." Kaois said of other things. It knew that this was also one of the purposes of the girl who came here. "We know that there was a continent group in ancient history. That was the age of the gods, with great power, which brought together the continents of this world. The thing that stabilized this continent group was the world tree at that time."

"Use rhizomes to firmly bind the continents in place, and keep the plan’s initiators wanting. This was one of the functions of the World Tree at that time. It was just that the World Tree collapsed, broke, and became fragments, and many parts were already It became ashes in the fire. Then, the group believed that it was probably the call and the most primitive attraction of the original location of the continents. The continents that lost their **** were dispersed one after another and returned to their original positions. . But, is the distance between each continent too far?"

"For so long, some members of the group started to explore when they became some of them did not return when the deadline for death came. There is no communication link in the age of gods or ancient history. Means, our exploration is ultimately limited. But at least in the life cycle of our giant whales, within the limits of our exploration, there are some traces left by the dispersal of the continents, but that’s just not Any angry island. Apart from that, there is nothing else."

"Sometimes, we once wondered whether in ancient history, the fire and the subsequent collapse of the World Tree had destroyed most of the continents, leaving only these three continents..."


Cassia didn't think about anything, did nothing, just maintained a scaly state, resisting the huge impact of the air. The eyes are constantly observing the surroundings, but the speed of the scene's flow completely exceeds the upper limit of vision. He can't see anything except the light that overlaps or swallows each other.

The red flags have not been reduced because of the coaches around him, but they have been increasing. After thinking about it, Cassia realized that as a three-stage self, at this moment in the battlefield of a group of people standing on the top of the empire, the aftermath of a random battle fell on him, it should be a moment of life and death.

Only the air strikes made him feel uncomfortable. Occasionally turning his head to look behind him, the shock waves generated by the battle can directly tear the trees, and pieces of the ground will suddenly melt into lava lakes. Think about it like this. The increase in red flags is indeed reasonable.

Let the mood calm down, until dozens of minutes later, when there was no more distorted sound in the ears, Bei Qi slowed down and stopped in an open place.

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