Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1647: Spread, the Holy Emperor and Sensation (Part 2)

Cassia who slapped his mouth felt embarrassed. Although he knew that the words contained a lot of water, they did sound very comfortable.

"The premise is that those incompetent people are very good at writing articles on various research results. A little bit of results can magnify them countless times. We can see the clues at a glance. But the reason for the population base of the empire , Make this kind of people still have a very comfortable life." Professor Bruce only expressed his dissatisfaction in the research field, "Through eyes and experience, you must have experienced tremendous changes in the past two years. Now you should be in the third stage of surgery. ?"

"What happened in the first few months has taken a lot of effort, and the resources consumed are extremely huge." The whole process was roughly described to Professor Bruce. Regarding the matter of concentrating dragon blood, Cassia concealed the swallowing method to cover up the abnormalities that occurred in the body. In the surgical development project, scaly and sound waves, self-healing ability and almost endless endurance were also informed to Professor Bruce.

Bruce sorted out the process Cassia said in his head. He was originally the head of the internal military school to instruct students in surgical assimilation and integration, and the general person in charge of the corresponding surgical project development. He has a clear understanding of the details of each stage of the operation and the progress of the process.

"It's not much different from what we thought." Professor Bruce was a little surprised by the fact that the blood was concentrated, but from his pensive expression, this situation seemed to be taken into account by him. "The previous data is still in ours. In your head. You know that we have used the super-analysis machine to conduct secret analysis and growth simulations on these data. There are discrepancies, but the general expectation is correct. The branch you have walked is different, and the results of the super-analysis machine are in the direction Basically the same."

"Let’s sort them out one by one." Professor Bruce suggested, "The actual data is not available, and you will definitely not stay here for a long time. You can predict some of them first."

"First is blood. The changes in this item are beyond our imagination. Corrosion, toxicity, thick viscosity, etc., should not appear in the third stage of surgery. I used to talk about the blood dragon of the surgeon. Its concept does not simply mean that blood is completely transformed into the type of blood in the dragon, but the role of blood in the body is getting closer to the dragon itself."

"Actually, even if it is a dragon, its blood is not as thick and viscous as you are in Cassia. It will be very viscous, but it will not become liquid metal. Your blood is more than metal mercury. To be terrible, go one step further and become a quicksand that flows in blood vessels. The self-healing ability and endurance depend on your blood to a large extent. The energy contained in it does not require complex transformation, but can be used directly. So the corresponding speed will be even faster."

"Professor, in the blood, is there still room for change in the next step? For example, compared with advanced surgeons like stage four. I want to know where I am different from them." Cassia asked, "Now I am a three At the beginning of the stage, but to a certain extent, I think that assimilation and fusion, I should have completed the progress beyond the limit? That is to say, in the surgical phase, whether the assimilation and fusion progress is still suitable for me."

Professor Bruce shook his head: "If you do not conduct more detailed testing and analysis, no conclusion can be drawn in this regard. Based on experience, it may not be completely suitable for you, but assimilation and fusion still have good reference significance. The evolutionary space of blood is definitely still there. Yes, and it is very large. This kind of room for improvement is one of the gaps between you and advanced surgeons. The difference is that the energy levels contained are different, and the changes in advanced surgeons are very large, especially in their own energy storage And use. And your advantage is that the blood is very powerful and has an excellent foundation."

"Isn't it that you want to make some actions on the data? Blood is an excellent choice. But at that time, its corrosiveness and toxicity will become public information. In addition, blood dragons are also available. A data of concern. It is estimated that your data should have exceeded 90%, which is probably related to your use of concentrated dragon blood. Ninety%, that is already the value at the beginning of the fifth stage, and it is transmitted. If you do, it will definitely cause a sensation."

Professor Bruce said that he fell into thinking again here, and soon he said: "Those mass-produced experimental bodies in Tovilest, the blood dragon is more than 70%. Our professors have the honor to have anatomy and research. They have done a detailed analysis. They can all complete the top-level surgical development project of scaly. The reason is that the blood dragon is transformed. However, the price is stability and overdraft of life. Experimental body The useful life is only about five years."

"Oh,,, yes, you still have something that can be used as a bargaining chip." It suddenly occurred to me, "A few solid red mercury in your body. This is something of the Avalon organization, and the imitation of the Three Primary Colors Group. The product is completely different. Solid red mercury can promote assimilation and fusion. As long as it is “propaganda”, it can also become a fancy option.

"Other things, the results we judged are far stronger than those of the same-level surgeon. As for the strength, it is invisible to the eyes and needs to wait for the analysis data of the machine." Bruce's thinking continued, he thought for a while. Looking at Cassia, "The data of each body organization needs to be combined to become an attraction. In this respect, our group of professors can help you achieve perfection. On the publicity of data and research results, sometimes for a certain Some special materials, we still will,, um,, "modify", and it is not an exaggeration to regard it as a proper and appropriate description." Bruce laughed first afterwards, with an expression of understanding on Cassia's face.

"Professor, if there are some characteristics that I can only have in the four stages, should it be a point that can cause a sensation and become an important bargaining chip?"

"Four stages?" Bruce repeated alone, "It seems you still have something to say."

"To determine which aspect of the characteristics. Just like your blood, its characteristics are not four stages, but five stages will have Only this point can attract attention, whether it is a neutral family , Or an enemy, will be full of interest."

"However, compared with the downward phase of the third stage, the biggest change in the fourth stage lies in the level of energy. If the surgeon in the third stage still has human characteristics, then after the fourth stage, it is just a humanoid and a machine that operates in a human form. Because after the fourth stage, life activities have changed more than half. Just like the simplest breathing, the third stage still needs air. But the fourth stage, this has become dispensable. The effect of air on the body of the fourth-stage surgeon is only to support combustion It is no longer one of the necessary factors for burning. Can you understand how many times the pacing speed and strength of the heart after the fourth stage will be than those of the third-stage top-level surgery? It is completely the difference between a salute and a rearrangement ."

"In fact, all the actions in the first three stages of the operation are just for the follow-up. However, the essential changes in the life level are involved in the fourth stage, and its data volume must be completed by using a super analysis machine. And before the third stage can be regarded as various changes to the body." Professor Bruce stopped after speaking, and asked, "Then what are the characteristics of the fourth stage you mentioned?"

Cassia wrote down Professor Bruce's words verbatim for later reference.

"It can be regarded as an accidental cause. The number of times I actively urged is very few, which is not a complete grasp." Cassia replied, "As for the biological inductive stress field, I think this feature should be it."


Bruce pursed his mouth, not knowing what words to answer. It has only been two years, he sighed inwardly, I just wanted to talk about the sentence just now.

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