Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1659: Distortion, lunatic and miniature (part 1)

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At the same time period the next night, according to the cipher agreed last night, Cassia released the photos on time, accompanied by the common objects said by the other party, and placed them in the background of the photos. At the same time, Cassia went to the high-rise viewing platform in the center of the empire, under the dark blue night sky in the summer, and looked at the changes in the lights of the Kira Andi family.

At a given time, the lights in the home of the Chira Andi family began to change. It will not be an obvious action. According to the prompts in the communication, all lamps will be turned off in a small area, and the lights will be restored again after a predetermined time.

A few minutes later, Cassia went down from the viewing platform alone and drove away in a salute. After confirming that the agreed ciphers will honor each other, Cassia is much easier. The pressure built up in recent days really made him feel uncomfortable. That is a strong sense of gap that even if you know the route is correct, you can't make a straight route no matter how you go. If you want to find a root cause, it is that you don't have enough ability and no stronger control.

The simplest reason is often frustrating. It took Cassia nearly a day to get out of this gap. Cooperating with Hesley and Isha, Cassia quickly sorted out the information on his side and handed it over to Macquarie in an orderly manner. Those are all reference materials for guidance. After the two parties confirmed each other's identities, in the early morning of the same day, Cassia and Macquarie had a long conversation in another new network that was temporarily established.

The spread of information is still personally operated by Cassia, but McGerry decides the timing of the release. The enemy is still in the probing stage. As to whether Cassia has been connected to the Kira Andi family, because of the wrong operation of Cassia in the recent period, the opponent seems to have doubted it.

The technique is very clumsy, and the people who have fought with McGerry have self-doubt. Because McGerry will not make such mistakes, nor will he fail to understand the interlaced information flow outside.

This state will disappear after Macquarie receives most of the intelligence commands, but it is a good choice to use this state to delay the enemy's time for a few days.

After that, the connection with McGerry began to transfer to Hae and Atuohuan. There was a communication from Delya during this period, and she had taken the things Cassia needed as requested. She stayed in the Tussini area for one more day, and according to Cassia's intention, she issued a plan for the factories in the Tussini area. Waters, who was in the Kingdom of Chil, followed the previously planned plan step by step, gradually expanding the black market sales network and the network of strongholds within the small countries.

I don't know when it will have a substantial effect, but Cassia believes that if something continues to be done, it will definitely have its due value in a period of time.

Inside the empire, high walls have been built, and various fortresses and city fortresses that can hardly be breached have been established. The cracks here can only make people live better. If you want to stand up high, there is no place for latecomers to build their own foothold.

That night, Cassia suddenly thought that in the empire, whether it was himself or anyone else, it should be said that he was the only one, thinking about the wrong direction from the beginning. Going to high places in the empire is actually much simpler than in other countries and regions.

In the empire, there is no need to start from a single point and rebuild your own city fortress. There have been many, many fortresses of the same here, with a complete system and everything needed. What the latecomers need to do shouldn't be to look for the almost non-existent position in the cracks and build from scratch. Instead, we should find all opportunities to directly occupy these existing fortresses and fortresses.

This is the way to correspond to this era. As for how to do it, Cassia thought about it, and finally gave it to her future self.

Afterwards, the interval between new intelligence releases became longer. While collecting and analyzing the information of No. 0, Cassia considered when to connect with members of the organization. Time has been delayed for a long time, during which time I received a communication from Adolf asking where he was. With the help of Isha Nighthawk and the others, it was not a smooth perfunctory past.

Adolf and Terry Weikang did not doubt Cassia’s identity, but believed that after coming to the empire, the source of information had increased. As Soriatu, Cassia knew the danger of this trip and was unwilling to act as one. The substitute went on an adventure, with the intention of shrinking.

Cassia has always had a sympathetic attitude towards the two of them. Starting from a small country to the empire, the sense of helplessness written on their faces is still deeply impressed. Compared to themselves who want to return to the empire, Adolf and Tre Weikang just want to stay quietly in a small country. They don't want to get involved in such things until the last moment.

Cassia is not willing to lay down the resources of the organization. Established contact with the Chira Andi family not long ago, and Cassia believes that if he can survive this incident, there will be no shortage of technical documents and various resources. But there are still technologies that Cassia does not want to let go of.

I can imagine the chaotic situation among the high-level organizations within the organization. When deciding to connect with the members of the organization recently, Cassia has been thinking about this issue-whether he needs to continue to retain a position in the organization as Soriatu in the future. When there is a suitable, we will provide the organization with finished uranium gold of qualified purity and seek cooperation?

But before this question, Miss Tavier, Li Suman, the priest of the Far Frontier of the Holy Royal Hall, frequently appeared in Cassia's head. The five-stage surgeon within the empire and the priesthood of the Far Frontier of the Holy Emperor Hall made Cassia suspect many things when he was in the small country.

It's impossible not to know Li Suman's identity and location. As for whether the other party has more complete and detailed information of himself, this is a point that Cassia is currently unable to determine. From this extension, in a small country, the other party relied on the number of inhibitors to judge his identity, did he really fool the other party's eyes at that time?

The answer is getting vague.

In addition, the attitude shown by the coach of the Band Mountain Range, he and the people of the Chira Andi family clearly know the name of Soriatu. This can show that the organization has received a lot of information with the Chila Andi family, and together they have formulated a plan to attract Soriatu's attention.

Thoughts revolved, several routes of different directions appeared, Cassia analyzed one by one, and the final results all pointed to Lisuman. To clarify these things, in addition to a lot of unknown information that needs to be clarified, perhaps you have to meet with Miss Tavier again, that is, with Li Suman the last time, thought Cassia.

According to horror, a person’s behavior is linked to his personality and emotions. Even if he stays sensible, his final choices will vary.

Affected by Professor Bruce's words, there are many things that Cassia will not disclose easily, especially about uranium gold. But the situation of the organization and the cooperation between Li Suman and the organization, Cassia thought whether to disclose it to McGerry. And the hostile participant in this incident, the Kiris family in the empire, has also become a point that Cassia wants to ask in detail.

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