Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1670: Scent and Attraction (Part 2)

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"Finally, thanks again to Mr. Soriatu for everything during this time." Cassia continued, "I still have a deep memory of that haggard face when I met him in the band mountains. He did. I’ve worked hard, and I’m tired. Thank you again, Miss Li Suman, and the organization. If it weren’t for your plan to help me attract attention, I’m afraid I wouldn’t have been so relaxed a while ago. "

"They are all fixed plans, because many people expect this to happen. I don't know how it will be, so they prepared what they think are reasonable. It happens that Soriatu is very suitable for the current situation. "After Li Suman and Cassia recalled Soriatu, their expressions returned to normal again, "Soriatu went back, then it is Cassia, do you take over his original job?"

"It's still under consideration and cannot break the current situation. There is no point in talking about it in the future." Cassia replied.

Li Suman nodded in agreement, eyes full of Cassia's shadow: "Actually, it's not that there is no way to break the game. Many people know which ways, but there are various obstacles to implementation."

"By the way, looking at the current trend in the black market, you should have contacted Macquarie before?" Li Suman asked suddenly. But Cassia was prepared long ago, because there was once such a branch line of conjecture in his head. At this moment, whether it is expression, body heartbeat, breathing, etc., it remains unchanged.

"Ms. Li Suman is the Priest of Yuanjiang in the Holy Palace Hall, right?" Cassia asked while nodding.

"I am the Priest of Yuanjiang in the Holy Imperial Hall, but before joining the Holy Imperial Hall, I was already a classmate in the same class of Macquarie. We all graduated from the seminary at that time, and then went to different places. "The words carry memories, and Cassia thought it must have been pretended. Keli Suman and Macquarie still have this kind of relationship, which Cassia did not expect at all. Professor Bruce did not say it, which means that this information was deleted from the super analyzer a long time ago, and no traces can be found except paper documents.

"Don't you think there is only one thought in the Saint Royal Hall?"

"Of course not. The Saint Royal Hall is one of the four forces on the surface, but in fact there must be other voices. This is the real situation." Cassia answered. He knew that Li Suman was deliberately revealing this information to him in order to reduce his guard or to confuse something. But most importantly, the information she revealed is absolutely true and there will be no falsehood, "Miss Nali Suman, you are..."

"Now stand on the opposite side of the Saint Royal Hall." Li Suman admitted generously, "but it is temporary. You are so smart, you should understand that except for the core of everything, the importance of the outer layer is actually not great. If you don’t work hard afterwards, I, and a large group of people like me, can choose to take a few steps and then stand over.” With a light laughter at the end of the words, Li Suman kept staring at Cassia, like Remember every detail of him.

"I think you are doing very well now, just a little bit worse. If you can work harder, there will be no way to break the current situation."

"Is it more appropriate to tell these words to Mr. McGerry?" Cassia thought sincerely, "My efforts are very limited, and the scope of influence is really too small. The information dissemination in the black market seems to be A certain effect can be achieved, but it is still a long way from my purpose."

"Yejielin?" There was light in Li Suman's eyes, and the concentration of the sight made Cassia feel an uncomfortable feeling. The skin was full of pimple, "Indeed, if you don't say the name, we will almost forget Another person is in the hands of the Saint Royal Hall. Her words are of no value to us."

"However, if you speak out this request, McGerry will find a way. He is a good boy in front of their head, and he can be that girl's grandfather at all ages."

"Nuoer?" Cassia's question was natural, but the condensed gaze that she had been feeling in her body suddenly fluctuated.

"I think there are too many people in the empire who are curious about your relationship with that girl." The words were full of interest, and Li Suman's eyes were facing Cassia, which was overflowing with curiosity.

"Just think of me as Noer's brother, don't have to think so complicated." Cassie said embarrassedly.

"It's really that simple." Li Suman was disappointed and stopped asking. She didn’t treat Cassia as a child. “If she can return to the Empire recently, everything will be solved. Being dragged into the depths of the endless sea is impossible for a short time. You want To rescue Ye Jielin, I can only think of other ways."

"As long as you say it, McGree will definitely take Ye Jielin's safety into the follow-up plan. But it is only for consideration. If you want to save it, you have to rely on yourself, Cassia."

"Miss Lisuman, should you have some news in the Saint Royal Hall?"

"No. The Holy Fathers personally appointed a person in charge of this matter, and made a special trip to screen a group of people to serve. I am not among them. The news was blocked very strongly, and there was no trace of Ye Jielin in the Holy Royal Hall. Don't worry, they will definitely release the news afterwards. But when you release the news, I don't think you have the ability to figure out how to deal with it." Li Suman regretted, "You have to use the power of other people."

"The information spread in the black market is gathering the power of other people."

"It's not enough." Li Suman immediately denied. UU Reading "You just show your potential and let others know that if you put the chips on you now, you may get huge returns in the future. But you want to make this happen. People do things for you, or do according to your intentions, these potentials will not work. You must know the real information of the first two generations of knight kings in the empire. The Holy Palace is planning to make the third generation of knight kings become history as soon as possible, so you It should also be clear that there are limits to the power of the Knight King alone."

"Then there is no way?" Cassia thought.

"Of course there is. You need a bargaining chip to make other people willing to do things for you, so that they can see that your value is not limited to the information in the black market." Seriously, Li Suman sits upright, "The ones you spread The photo was taken by a professional team, right?"

Cassia was puzzled, but nodded.

"The long sword that has appeared several times, the silver-white one, should not be a prop."

Cassia's heart shuddered, but her expression remained calm. The powerful control force pulls the heart back after the first beating of the heart, abruptly like a machine, suppressing the subconscious response to this sentence everywhere in the body.

"It's not an item, it was given to me by Nuoer. A very expensive weapon, very heavy. Not surprisingly, it should be made of ultra-superalloy, and it is called the second-generation holy sword in the empire." At the moment of reaction, Cassia had sorted out his thoughts and replied, "I chose to put it in the photo, and I have the purpose of using it as a bargaining chip on my side."

"It turned out to be like this." Lisuman seemed to be relieved, "This sword is not only expensive, but also very precious. If the information is correct, it should be one of the swords of Grote, the first knight king of the Empire. It seems that the girl really cares about your brother and brought it to you from the warehouse."

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