Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1673: The connecting point and turning point of history and future (part 2)

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"Organization?" After pretending to be unfamiliar, Cassia got something out of memory after repeating it again. "Mr. Soriatu mentioned it many times without explaining in detail. But he said that the "organization" is very secretive. The forces that do not want to take the initiative to appear in people’s sight. The fewer people who know it, the more it conforms to the wishes of the members of the organization. The understanding is general, there are powerful surgeons in the organization, and there are many members in small countries. They all have strongholds. This time helping Mr. Soriatu also helped me, it was "organized". Besides, I know very little, only on the surface."

"Does it matter?" Cassia asked back. Just as Li Suman suddenly mentioned "organization", which made Cassia doubtful and curious.

"It has a lot to do." Li Suman struggled, and there were many contradictions in his thoughts. Cassia waited quietly, observing Li Suman, who was watching the glass and bottle. After a while, it was probably that the contradictory party was completely removed from Li Suman’s head, and his expression became unpredictable. "I didn’t say that, as long as the internal stability of all countries on the continent tends to Started to study the uranium bomb. The focus is on different directions, but they are all working hard."

"The huge area of ​​the post-phase continent, spanning a thousand years of history, only the Avalon organization has succeeded. The Common Ocean Country and the Flame Alliance have a chance to succeed. Small countries and some ambitious forces... They are just wasting energy and resources. Well, I think. If these energy and resources are tilted elsewhere, there can be tangible gains." Cassia said in his own opinion, "It is not that hard work means that you will definitely gain. The final gain is disappointment and Regret is also very possible."

Li Suman glanced at Cassia with interest, agreeing with what he said, but also by disapproving.

"Nor can it be said that for a small country on the post-phase continent, their enemy is not its neighbors, but the three giant countries headed by the empire. Under the stability of the millennium, the hope of survival and growth is probably all in The uranium bomb is on." Li Suman said, "If the deterrence of the uranium bomb is equivalent to that of the Knight King, you should understand its value? The mass-produced Knight King, in addition to the trouble of putting it, no matter what. They are much better than the Knight King. When the Avalon organization successfully developed the uranium gold bomb, the situation in the empire was not necessarily better than that of some small countries. The advantage lies in the population and the resources regardless of cost." The last few words are Li. Suman's voice-at least the uranium bomb will not actively threaten.

"This is also the reason why I think small countries have no chance. Even in the empire hundreds of years ago, the population and resources at hand are not comparable to any small country."

"Single country definitely won't work. What if there was a point in history that was tempted by various agreements and interests to unite these single countries?"

Li Suman really has the potential to be a teacher, and the expression on that face made Cassia think of it like this.

"The'organization' came into being."

"Yes! Even with the lifespan of the surgeon, combined with the energy, it is not enough for the huge project of uranium bombs. After trying various failures and consuming a lot of resources, an careerist finally thinks about everything in it— —The empire in history is a force that tilts a large country. It lasted for nearly two hundred years and accumulated a large number of scientific research workers' results before the birth of the uranium bomb. I want to use the power and resources of a force to go to a certain node , He can no longer move forward. He is very smart, because there is a successful Avalon institution in history as a template. No one knows whether it will succeed in the end. This careerist also knows that he cannot see the result, but he still Relying on the strength in your hand, in a suitable place, imitating the Avalon mechanism from the initial point to create a hidden force."

"Each era has its limitations and advantages. On the whole, each era is superimposed and gradually improved and improved. This careerist knows how to take advantage of the progress of the times. He knows himself well, He also knows what the power in his hand can do for this hidden force. At that point in time, he collects information, screens suitable collaborators, makes agreements, makes plans for the force, and creates a set of research and survival belonging to this force. Mode. Let’s call this careerist the leader. Before the leader died, he united close to half of the small countries and found the power institutions in the large countries that could work together for a long time. Control the raw materials. Of course, for the existing technology of the uranium bomb, the leader also obtains some basic information through various methods, and has a more mature system to guide the latecomers so that they will not lose their way. Of course, for the power The cohesive force of the leader also spent a lot of effort, so that in each different era, there will be loyal members working hard for the goal. Finally, he considered the survival of the forces and borrowed his own strength to bring a lot of hidden forces. Technical information allows them to develop and grow, and use these technologies to open up a clear company and make money."

"This is just an aid, a means to allow this force to survive and not disappear in history." Cassia interjected after hearing this.

"There is hope to live, and this sentence is not only useful for humans." Li Suman retorted, "The huge role of these auxiliary means in the later confirmed the vision of the leader. And because of the auxiliary means, it will be able to unite greatly later. In most small countries, small countries with an average age of less than 30 to 40 years generally extend their lifespan, maintain stability, and continuously provide them with more and more outstanding talents. In addition, with the death of the leader, will the forces in those large countries continue to comply with the agreement~ is also an issue that must be considered. The leader has considered this at the beginning, and naturally will add countermeasures to the auxiliary means."

"Most of them are like the route predicted by the leader. The corresponding measures to the internal forces of large countries are for whether the forces themselves can survive on their own in the future and survive well, and for whether they can unite the power and resources of small countries in the future, etc. They all followed the established route. The only thing that did not follow the route was the study of uranium bombs."

Li Suman said in a deep voice, as if to relieve the tiredness caused by speaking.

"This is the predecessor of the organization. It doesn't matter who the leader is anymore. As long as his will is passed down and accepted and continued by some people, that's it." Cassia breathed a sigh of relief, then sighed, "Although I don't know How long is the organization’s time span? Listening to you Miss Li Suman, the research on uranium bombs is still going on. As you said, maybe the power of the small nations can’t reach the end, but stay in At a certain node along the way."

"This requires more help and more resources. Among the four forces of the empire, many families continue to study. There are also many families that have given up. However, compared with the organization, their progress is obviously much behind. The important point is that organizational research is comprehensive and has a complete system. The power of the empire is only one aspect. And the advantages of the surgeon cannot be reflected in this. This type of research relies on a huge base. Needs. It's creativity, not strong learning and calculation skills." In some places, I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. Li Suman obviously added accents in some places.

As Li Suman spoke, a sense of loss naturally appeared in the words. She picked up the glass and poured a glass of wine.

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