Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1675: Continuous rain (medium)

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As an ordinary person, Cassia thinks that at his current age, he has just graduated. On the one hand, he is worried about his livelihood, and on the other hand, he feels the only excitement and happiness at the beginning because he just started working. Of course, not only can you make a lot of friends in school, but you can probably also make friends after work, and the situation will at least be better than it is now.

Too much time is spent thinking about the future, and a lot of energy is spent on solving the dangers and troubles that are constantly facing and approaching. Cassia didn't know whether this situation existed in every operator, but he knew he was like this. At first, he relied on red mercury in exchange for several factories in Webley. After Delya helped to manage the operation, when he knew that he had hundreds of millions of sacred coins in his deposit, Cassia was secretly happy for a long time while resting.

This is money, a number that I would never have thought of before. Now, with the improvement of insight and vision, Cassia found that many things have become dull. Money quickly became a mere number. The places that I wanted to go to and the things I wanted to play in the past disappeared naturally under time. It came and went silently, and Cassia didn’t even notice it, only when I suddenly remembered it. I found that I had already lost interest.

But now there is still a huge motivation to support him, and this motivation is still increasing at any time. The environment changed, the horizon changed, and Cassia knew that what he thought and wanted to do would also change accordingly. In other words, many of them are driven by a sense of responsibility, but Cassia is happy to take on these responsibilities. The happiness and pain between people are sometimes figured out.

After writing the notes, it was half past two in the morning, and Cassia got up to move his body, and then opened the thick black curtain to look at the night sky. The copying speed of the cloud layer is very fast. It was sparse two or three hours ago, and now it is full of midnight sky.

"It's almost there." She simply calculated the time in her heart, and when she closed the curtain, Cassia said to herself, "I hope I don't have to release the news that I can use the bio-inductive stress field. That will be one of my biggest secrets. Otherwise, afterwards, In danger, I can only try to use the power of uranium and gold."

Perhaps it was because he had never been aware of the special and hidden capabilities of this body, Cassia never thought that he would perish in uranium.

"Sucarius, I haven't heard your voice for a few years. During the time you stayed in that dream, how many things did you do,..., and have time in the future, you must ask you face-to-face. "Cassia put away the notes, while muttering to herself, while thinking of a very important thing because of the notes.

"For so long, the detonating core in Li Suman's mouth, because I did not know its specific role, I have not done an investigation. It seems that sound waves have penetrated it before, and there is no result? There is a chance, now I am fully skilled in high frequency sound waves. For me, maybe I can'look' at the specific structure inside."

Five days later, it was the third day of this heavy rain. Covering a huge area, although the rainfall is very average, not big or small, but it is not just the right state. The temperature dropped sharply and even small hailstones appeared in some places. The air has become more humid, which is completely different from the dryness of the previous few days.

Cassia returned from a trip at three in the afternoon. Yesterday afternoon, the feeling called the sixth sense made Cassia flustered. No matter whether it is physical or psychological, there is no sense of danger, but this kind of panic, or unfounded anxiety cannot be eliminated.

Cassia thought a lot for a while, trying to find the source. Failed, there is no clue, no clue, this kind of negative emotion has been lingering in my heart, unable to get rid of it.

So Cassia decided to face this emotion head-on. As for the decision, it was just another time to meet Sha Ke, face to face, no longer observing from a distance, like saying goodbye. I'm glad that Shake still remembers herself and can talk together naturally.

The research on strange characters has made great progress. Shake always remembered what Cassia had asked her to do, and the direction of study and research was this. In a few years, mastering most of them should not be a problem.

Then, Cassia went to several stations in Manoma. It wasn't until he stood in front of the station that Cassia realized that there was a different attraction for him. I stayed there for a while, just like some writers in the ordinary world, standing or sitting in a position in silence, observing the pedestrians passing by. Although I can't feel at ease, I always feel a vague sense of fun. After that, Cassia wanted to go to the military school for another round, but gave up after thinking about it. There are good memories there, but there are also many bad memories.

In the early hours of last night, Cassia's last footsteps were at the edge of Manoma-No. 2048 on the south side of Manoma on Seventh Avenue. There is really no impressive place to go, there are many famous attractions, but Cassia is not interesting.

Holding a black umbrella, Cassia blended into the night like a ghost, and the dim street lights couldn't catch him. Walking into this old building complex that was soaked in white corpses on a rainy night, the surrounding moist buildings were the same as when Cassia came here four years ago. There was no change in the appearance of a moldy and decayed object.

The lighting is sparse, almost absent. With memory, Cassia went under the building of Room 2048, and the traces of the fighting that had happened here have long since disappeared. After the walls of Kara's original residence were repaired, it became another pair of beaters' rooms.

All traces disappeared. UU Reading Kasia looked around with sonic pulses, consciously boring, and the interest in coming here completely disappeared at this time.

I stayed in Manoma for more than two years, but there were no real traces. In this way, with a full sigh, Cassia circulated around Manoma alone, and returned to the temporary residence at 3 o'clock in the afternoon the next day, which is now.

Yesterday's temporary decision seemed to be correct. Cassia shook the water from the umbrella before entering the room. Hesley, who walked past the corridor, greeted him immediately with a serious face.

"At about one o'clock noon, the black market intelligence agency released news about Ye Jielin at the same time." Hesley walked to the room specially used for intelligence analysis. "A few photos, preliminary observations, Ye Jielin is in good condition. However, the enemy’s news clearly indicated the location."

"It's like exchanging hostages. There is no explicit statement there, but the meaning is clear."

"Where is the clear location? I can guess that no matter who Manoma is, there are too many restrictions and restrictions. Whether we or they are, in fact, we all want to have an open area in our heart." Cassia and Hesley entered the room together, and Isha and the others were preparing relevant information.

"That's it." Hesley pointed to the big map beside the room, and a red circle was drawn.

"Southern Forest?" There was an indescribable sense of joy in Cassia's words, because he thought of Cassiehe who had been stocked there for a long time, "It seems that the Holy Royal Hall is ready. Cassia turned his head and looked at Hesley and Isha, "Release the information that was prepared ten days ago. By the way, all the remaining photos will be given to the intelligence agencies together. This Once passed, the time may be short, or it may be very long."

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