Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1680: Assembly place (Part 1)

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Small submersibles patrolled around this huge undersea structure, emitting red light regularly. The distance was pulled in again, and the general view of the building below gradually appeared in the sight of the two. A complex of buildings, as a whole, forms the appearance of a hemispherical dome. A large amount of high-strength glass is installed in some buildings. With sufficient eyesight, you can already see a little inside the building.

The light has become abundant, and the building below is very quiet, as there are fish swimming in groups around it, which is not affected.

The work of the two of them is here, and the familiar ones have lost the excitement of seeing this scene for the first time. They all had serious faces, their eyes were out of focus, and they were aimless, patrolling around when the elevator descended.

"I heard that someone escaped from prison two weeks ago." The visitor probably found that the elevator was really boring and found the topic.

"The two prisoners who were brought to the execution, because there is a laboratory that needs the corresponding materials, we have to prepare in advance. Your lord, you know that when the prisoner is executed, the restraint structure and the suppressor on the prisoner must be removed, that is, take it away after removal. There was an accident in the execution room. It was never expected that the prisoners who came here for nearly seven years would continue to develop the surgical project during the period.” The leader naturally explained, “It’s very persevering. The body has a restrictive structure and a suppressor. Feeling uncomfortable, I can still have the energy to advance the development of the surgical project. The prisoner destroyed the wall and was caught when trying to escape. According to the procedure, he was taken to the execution room."

"It turned out to be so, so a comprehensive inspection of this underwater prison was recently conducted."

"After all, there are close to tens of thousands of people, and some of the prisoners are older than me. They can be traced back decades." The leader lowered his voice when he said this, "My lord, say there was the last time here. During the war

"Curiosity is not a good thing here."

The leader immediately lowered his head, knowing he had said the wrong thing.

"But it doesn't matter. It's okay in front of me. As for other people, you have to stitch your mouth well. No next time." The person said, "Yes, and there are many more. Working here is still very dangerous. "

After speaking, the lift finally stopped. When the protective door was opened, the visitor first went out and said, "Next, I will go over, you will help me with the procedures", and then handed an optically encrypted document to the leader next to him, and took out his identity. The cards and password cards walked all the way through various corners in the long passage, opened door after door, and walked to their target location.

Soon after, the visitor walked inside the largest building in the building complex, followed the spiral passage to a certain level, stopped in front of the only entrance and exit of the fishbone-shaped room group, and was inspected before entering.

Surrounded by rooms surrounded by high-strength glass, there are simple beds, a chair, a table, and a small bathroom that can cover the lower body. Most of the room is still vacant, only a small part is present.

The visitor looked around before going to one of the rooms. Finding the interface for identifying the passcard and the ID card, the visitor knocked on the glass while waiting for the processing result to remind the person lying on the bed with their eyes closed and resting to open their eyes.

"Monitor?" The man on the bed looked lazy. After getting up, he stretched his body, driving the four small thumbs thick and thin iron chains directly embedded in his body to rattle. The other end of the iron chain extends from under the floor of the room. At the same time, two flexible tubes roughly the same thickness as the iron chain are inserted into the man's neck and legs with needles. After getting used to these few things on the body, the man's eyes no longer have their shadows. He fished out the remaining half a bottle of wine from under the bed, took a sip, and faced the person through the glass.

The man called the monitor just removed the identified passcard and identification card, and a pneumatic valve opened, and air rushed into the vacuum in the glass sandwich between the two.

"Is it here? A chance for atonement, or a chance to die?" The people in the room said, laziness turned into jokes.

"Tornos, your life here is very good." The inspector looked at the wine in Tornos' hand and said, "As a member of the Saint Guard, the process rules and the results after the task are completed do not I explained in detail. So, accept or reject?"

"It will soon be the time when the Red Star comes, and there will be more missions and safer at that time. Now I find it, maybe it will be 200% of the death missions, so I refuse." Tornos thought about it. Said, with a smile on his face.

The monitors had long expected this result, and it was no surprise. He didn't rush, touched his pocket, took out a triangular alloy sign and shook it, "I have gone through the formalities for your release from prison, and the location is in the Southern Forest. At the same time, you not only have nine people in the same situation as you 'S teammates also have a team of pure combat creatures. By the way, forget that you came here three years ago because of something. Now these combat creatures are called experimental subjects outside, which can almost be regarded as absolute power against low-level surgeons. , Each has varying degrees of scaling ability."

"Since we all have absolute power, what are we going to do?"

"The subject's head is not easy to use." The monitor tapped his temple. "Then, accept or reject."

"I can choose?" Tornos finished drinking in one sip, "Hurry up, it's not good for these things to get into the body. In addition, in the terms of the Saint Guard members, there are levels for this kind of task, right? What is the level? Should I have the right to apply for mission weapons?"

"General." The supervisor laughed, "It's not a school level, I disappoint you. Because there are a large number of high-level surgeons participating in this mission, you are only responsible for one of them. Of course you have the right, and this time you choose randomly. You like it."

"There are only ten people selected in so many prisons. I am still one of them. It seems that I have really got the blessing of the Holy Emperor." Tornos expressed his feelings at the moment with, please be careful Words and deeds, Tornos. It is the blessing of the Fathers. This time it was an order issued by the Holy Fathers. "The monitors showed piety, "There are not only ten lucky people, they are many, and they were once fierce and powerful criminals. Therefore, I hope you and they can seize this opportunity to be purified. "

Before and after this timeline, in the prisons where surgeons were held near the Southern Forest, other monitors did the same again. Including former Saint Guard members, including a large number of criminals, but also current Saint Guard personnel.

The news in the black market has indeed made many people feel flustered in the past few days. But a few days is enough time for the various power families to find their own positions and attitudes on the matter after careful consideration.


"Boss, you want to go there?"

"Yes, of course I have to go." The female voice replied naturally. "You can always find something you can do, depending on whether you can catch the opportunity."

"Go to die?" the other male voice interjected.

"Did you not do the same thing in the rainy night in Manoma? You couldn't even shoot the gun at that time." The female voice asked in reply.

"Ah, that day... That was because I had a super-premium bulletproof vehicle produced by the Weber Arms Company. I went there because I knew that the bullet could not hit me." The male voice emphasized the relationship between the vehicle and the Weber Company. Divert attention while finding a basis for his name.

"Your super-high-end cars are bought with wages that have not been paid to me!" A female voice complained.

"David, you can just stay here and watch the business. Maybe just go and see this time. I don't think I can actually help much." The female voice said, but she didn't have any frustrated tone, she was all confident. among them.

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