Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1689: Collecting Information (Part 1)

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The flame caused by the dragon's breath has not spread very far. It is one of the most extreme regions, and the stability of its ecosystem will not be affected by forest fires at all. The black smoke that emerged gradually became smaller and disappeared completely after nearly three hours. Silence has become silence, and the air seems to be stagnant here, without flow.

As time goes to the afternoon, this scorched place still maintains an unchanging silence. Near the evening of early autumn, the wind finally started, and the rustling sound came from the canopy of the tree. Perhaps someone could not help it. A ground covered with ashes moved, and then a hand rose up and grabbed it aside. Later, a black-faced man got up.

There was mud and ashes on his face, and it was difficult to hide the pained expression on it. This person gently patted his body up and down, patted off the excess dirt, turned his head at an unreasonable angle, and looked at the severely burned back. His hair was gone, and there was a hideous black-red scab on his back, as well as the back of his arms and legs. He looked behind him, there was still fear deep in his heart. There is also a distance of nearly three kilometers from the center. In that short time, he thought he had done all the preparations he could do, but the result was still the same.

"This distance is probably the demarcation line. In the closer range, there should be no people who can survive." This person muttered to himself, staring at the sky blankly, and then glanced around. After taking a few breaths, the man stood up straight, bent over to pick up the gun and backpack where he got up.

"Don’t wait any longer. For so long, if someone was guarding us, it would have been time to come down and clean us. I don’t have to wait until now. I don’t think there is any need to wait until the evening. There is still a lot of supplies in the airship. With medical things, I will go there to add. The next step is to leave the forest, but I will wait in the airship until around 9pm. If you want to come, please follow." The man yelled out," There are certainly not many people who can survive, maybe 20 or 30, I think. Since you can survive, besides the less luck, you are also some people with some strength. How to judge is up to you."

The sound spreads widely, and there is a reason why the dragon knight ablated the old trees in this area. In the central area, there are only glass-like pits and cooling lava between dark red and black, and then outside, only the stump remains of ancient trees are left. The voice is not absorbed and blocked, and you can hear the man with a little concentration.

After speaking, the man walked to the opposite side and said the same thing on the other side. Only then did he follow the way he came to the airship where he made an emergency landing.

A few minutes later, the ground moved again. The situation is roughly the same as that of the first man. They are all around the 3,000-meter dividing line, relying on the cover of the trunk of the old tree, and digging out a rough pit very quickly, burying himself with mud, and not allowing it to be extremely destructive. The flame directly burns itself. After that, people got up from various places one after another, and the injuries were mostly concentrated on the back.

Each one was at a loss and fear. They are all people who have entered the third stage, no matter how many sources of information are in their hands, maybe they don't know what that blazing white light is at first. But now, everyone who survived knows that it was the breath of the dragon. Not to mention that some of them have been to the Flame Alliance and are very familiar with the name of the dragon knight.

The first man judged very accurately, saying that it was one after another. It seemed to be a lot, but the number really did not exceed 30.

Gardner and Fania are the fifteenth and sixteenth people to get up. The words of the first man also gave them the courage to stand up, like a start, otherwise they don't know how long the few who survived will wait. But they were really scared, whether it was their breath or the breath of dragons that landed later, they made them feel the despair of soaking their whole body.

"Gammel is dead." Fania wiped her face, the pain in her back did not affect the calm expression on her face.

"It's been a long enough time after five years. Whether it's a good judgment or a good response, a lot of decline can be expected." Gardner sighed, "There is no time to slow down. There should be a chance to survive."

"To survive?" Fania, who had already walked a few steps away, turned her head to look at Gardner, "Captain, don't say anything so early. At the beginning, we analyzed at least a 100-person fully equipped and supplied team. There is a chance to go to the edge of the forest. Now there are no more than 30 people,..., take one step and count as one step, captain, don't expect my ability to help much.

"The quality is now greater than the number of people."

"This is the most ideal state." Fania spoke weakly, and Gardner came to her at this time and set off toward the airship, speeding up gradually. "The person who is still alive is not necessarily in a mood and cannot be established. Trust, fewer people are better."

"Let's talk about it in the past. If the injury is not dealt with, we can't go far with our current state." Gardner seemed very calm. As the captain of a large mercenary, he did not need Fania to say in many situations. I have already considered it. Knowing that it is useless to say it, there is no way to say it like Fania, as a vent.

Gardner knew that Fania’s current state was caused by fear. After all he was scared himself, and Fania couldn't be better than herself in maintaining her mentality.

At about nine o'clock in the evening, a total of 27 people scattered around the airship, sparsely standing in seven or eight blocks. They have dealt with the injuries at the highest level currently possible, but if they want to return to their usual state, unless they have excellent self-healing ability, it will take a week or two without using medical equipment. It looks like it has been crusted, but some muscles have been ablated, and the activities of the arms and upper body are seriously affected. It's almost only the degree to which they can raise the gun and press the trigger and the recoil that did not exist in the past will also make them feel uncomfortable.

Twenty-seven people were roughly divided into two attitudes. On the one hand, they believed that they had finished replenishing supplies, even if their physical condition was affected, they had to leave here immediately. It just slowed down and recovered while walking. On the other side, the airship can be used as a temporary steel fortress, where he can repair his injuries, and set off after he almost recovers.

Will the Saint Royal Hall let other teams come here? Both sides have the same attitude-yes, because they are more than a thousand people are just auxiliary objects, and what the airship really transports is still full of materials in various warehouses. What didn't come together was the arrival time of the Saint Royal Hall.

But just tonight, none of the twenty-seven people left, and they rested here until the next morning.

"Should we go or stay." At nine o'clock in the morning, there was some light in the forest.

Gardner opened his eyes and looked at Fania: "What's the situation around?"

"There are still no bugs within two kilometers, no creatures of the second type. You felt the silence last night, we are still within the radiation range of the lord. We didn't come to us because of the Dragon Knight’s yesterday. It's affected. But it won't last long. It has a much stronger sense of danger than ours." Fania tore a bag of compressed food and threw it into her mouth to chew.

"How many days do you think?"

"Tomorrow at noon, no more."

"Then let's go tomorrow. No matter where it is, there is danger. It's to try your luck." Gardner closed his eyes as if he had compromised.

By noon, there were only twelve people left here. Gardner and the others returned to the airship and rested in it. But in the evening, perhaps it was too quiet, causing tremendous pressure on these people. Eight people left, and the remaining four people continued to stay here.

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