Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1695: World Tree Wreck and Vision (Part 1)

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Cassia asked Cassiehe in the simplest terms, but the answer was vague. Cassie has almost no knowledge reserves, and has no idea what it is. It just feels that that thing is very important and has a strange power. Cassie vaguely described her nest on top of that thing, feeling warm and comfortable when resting.

Listening to the excitement of Cassiehei's description, Cassia went into the hole network with it. The sonic pulses increased the frequency synchronously, and the darkness was immediately dissipated, allowing Cassia to "see" the surrounding scene.

The continuous feedback of sound waves interfered. Cassia was already able to deal with this situation proficiently. After shielding some sound waves, the scene of the underground network became more concrete. The entrance is a slope, going down to a depth of close to sixty to seventy meters, and then it becomes gentle. From the overall structure, the network of underground holes is almost 100 meters below the ground.

The roots of the ancient trees took root here a long time ago, and they are very strong. The roots of these trees are twisted and twisted with each other. In the high-frequency sound wave pulse, Cassia found that many roots will continue to extend downward, but they all merge together in the end. This is like an upside-down pyramid structure. The closer you get to the ground, the more the roots of the tree grow and spread everywhere. But the further down, as some small tree roots are eliminated and the number decreases, those thick tree roots are also conscious. Taking a region as a unit, the ancient trees in this unit will take the initiative to move the roots closer to a position. , And finally merged into a huge twisted bulbous stem.

The "heart" of plants, Cassia described the bulbous stems after the roots merged. The rhizomes of ancient trees that radiate from the stems are like arteries connected to it.

Each bulbous stem will separately grow a rhizome about the thickness of an adult's thigh from its bottom, and continue to grow downward. The depth has broken through the rock formations, and Cassia used high-frequency sound waves to detect downwards, and its extreme position failed to capture the end of this rhizome. The density of this rhizome is very high, and when high-frequency sound waves penetrate it, it feels like high-grade steel.

As Cassie Hei swiftly moved all the way through the hole network, the acoustic pulse also captured several bulbous stems almost evenly spaced apart. Compared with the burrow network that Cassiehe has dug out by himself, the rhizome network of ancient trees under the ground is much simpler than the burrow network.

In Cassia's observation, each ancient tree is like a mass product that comes down the assembly line. Every ancient tree above the ground is different, but below the ground, its rhizome system has a lot of similarities. This similarity is not as simple as "all roots", but the range of directions in which the rhizomes are scattered, and data such as the number and size of the main rhizomes are almost the same, which is said to be the same in the normal range of error , Is also completely feasible.

"It seems that it is not that the main rhizomes of ancient trees will be gathered together in a general area and merged into one. It should be said that the very deep steel-like rhizome spread out from under the rock formation, and then grows one.' The unit heart’s then differentiated from the “unit heart” with roughly the same number of rhizomes to break through the ground, and become a new tree, which continues to grow, thereby replenishing the energy of the “unit heart”."

"This is a strong basis for the Southern Forest as a whole, right?" Cassia thought, "but what is the meaning of such differentiation? Or, the'unit heart' is actually more like a transit point, just like the big families in different areas of the empire. The established stronghold. In addition to gathering energy, there are other functions, such as giving the weak sight that one feels the necessary energy to maintain the weak consciousness away from the consumption of instinct that is too far away? Is it a transit point?"

Cassia thought a lot, and during the subsequent journey, the surrounding scenes gradually became modular. Every ancient tree can be said to have the same pattern. Within a given scope, there is no huge difference between the "unit heart" and the root of the tree. On the contrary, Cassie Black’s burrow network is diverse. It seems that when Cassie Black is boring, it spends time on digging holes.

Really seriously examine Cassiehei's underground network, Cassia has a weird familiar feeling. After most of the context and direction of the entire underground network were formed into an incomplete image in his head, Cassia realized that the sense of familiarity was because the image of the underground network was actually an irregular six-pointed star pattern. .

It can not be said that I have seen exactly the same image, but Cassia has indeed seen many different forms of hexagrams. Reminiscing about the illusion that he saw when he invaded Cassie Black's body, Cassia was a little serious.

Most of the places where the hexagram image appears are very important. Cassia has not yet come into contact with any information about the image of the hexagram, but he knows that the meaning of the hexagram must be above the strange text. The six-pointed star pattern is a more advanced type of ancient historical information which can represent more things.

As for why the cave network looks like a six-pointed star, this kind of information must have been carved into its head since Cassiehei was still a dragon egg. It's like Cassie Black's act of portraying strange words and symbols on his favorite objects. Cassiehei knows the importance of these things subconsciously, but time has passed too far, causing many inheritances and memories to disappear, so that it only knows the importance and will use it subconsciously, but does not know its true meaning, and The real effect.

When the thinking was interrupted, it was Cassia who felt Cassiehe lead himself into a downward cave. According to the underground network map, here should be the central location.

The depth soon went to two hundred meters underground, but the cave hadn't ended yet. The darkness here is extremely deep and quiet, and they, who are imprisoned by the earth, also have a sense of old age.

At a depth of nearly 500 meters, Cassia and Cassie were completely immersed in the cold water at this moment. The high-frequency sound waves show that there are still those tough tree roots around, and there is no end in sight. The end of the cave had appeared in Cassia's head, connected to a small cavity filled with water. There are many tree roots in the cavity. They are like dozens of cobwebs interlaced from different angles, forming a mass in the center of the cavity, like the action taken by a spider after catching the prey-wrapping the prey with spider silk.

The root of the tree is indeed wrapped around something, and its volume is roughly the same size as Cassie Black. When Cassia was thinking about what it would be, the sight of the moment he entered the depths of the southern forest appeared again, the source of which was the cluster of tree roots. This time, the line of sight is no longer faint, but more real, as if the tangled root of a tree is an operator, and at this moment, he looks straight at himself who is following Cassiehei.

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