Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1696: World Tree Wreck and Illusion (middle)

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"A higher-level transfer station under the'unit heart'? Or is it that the energy that provides the weak consciousness and sight is actually something wrapped, not the'unit heart'?"

Cassia was trying to slow down Cassie's speed, because the sight gave Cassia a bad hunch. This is the southern forest. Many things have proven that the true face of this extreme area is a forest that has been expanded by the World Tree over a long period of time. But only for a moment of hesitation, seeing the destination not far away, the excited Cassiehe accelerated directly, and there was a cave with a **** that became vertical afterwards. In the turbulent water, the next moment, Cassia and Cassiehe came to the roots of the wrapped tree. Cassie Hei slid the four sharp claws, but did not slow down any speed, relying only on the cold water as a buffer, smashed and fell on this object with the same size.

The roots of these adult thighs are more flexible than Cassia’s estimate, and the sound of pulling can be heard through the water into their ears, but dozens of roots can fully bear Cassia’s Impact force. This mass of tree roots swayed slightly for a few times before returning to peace in the water.

Cassiehe had come down here more than once, and saw it very skillfully touched in front of him with its front paws, and found the weak part wrapped by the roots. Cassia knew that it should come here often. Weakness, the wrapped tree roots want to be compared to other places, it is indeed a few layers less. Cassiehei was grabbing the roots with his sharp claws, cutting them off little by little.

Cassia patted Cassie Hei and motioned it to stop. He also fell from his back and walked towards the weak spot.

"It is indeed conscious." The moment his feet fell, the line of sight suddenly became sharper, and it was full of warnings. But it was only a warning. In the high-frequency sound wave pulse, these dozens of several pieces were not as Cassia had imagined. They suddenly danced like octopus-shaped tentacles and attacked him.

That scene is indeed a bit terrifying. Cassia thought this way. Standing on the side of the weak spot, he took the second-generation holy sword from behind, like cutting a more flexible vegetable stalk, and splitting it there. The hole around meters comes. Then I used the holy sword to penetrate into the hole and stabbed the wrapped object, feeling like stabbing hard steel with very high density.

What was wrapped was a solid material with uniform texture, which Cassia had already known with high-frequency sound waves. But what exactly is the substance? There is no light in the depths of the ground. Even if you open your eyes, you can see nothing except a deep black.

"You should bring something like a fluorescent lamp." Cassia made a dull sound in his throat, asking if this was the important thing Cassie said. Cassiehei followed Cassia's way, not opening her mouth, only using her throat to make a sound. Cassia carefully discerned what Cassiehe meant and received little information.

"A little damage will make the water hot? Make your resting nest warm?" Cassiehei provided these two pieces of information.

"Is the energy released? It's at least close to 300 meters away from the resting place of Cassie Black. According to the definition of Cassie Black's temperature, its body temperature is eighty or ninety degrees Celsius. That so-called warm The degree should exceed one hundred degrees Celsius. The temperature at the core, considering the attenuation of 300 meters away, should not exceed two hundred degrees Celsius here. "It is not high temperature for Cassia, the heat resistance of hands There is certainly no problem, but other parts need to be in the state of the cross pupil. If you make a mistake later, you will directly enter the scaled state and you can resist for a period of time, Cassia thought. In the scaly state, I can probably swim in the magma, although the persistence time is not long, not more than one minute.

Falling into the dug hole, Cassia squatted down inside and touched the huge object wrapped in tree roots. Even if both are immersed in water, in Cassia's touch, under the rough texture of the surface, there is still a feeling of touching dry ashes. It seems that for such a long period of time, there is a film-like thing that has been enveloping the object, and the groundwater can never touch it.

The rough texture is like some kind of texture. Cassia concentrated the sound wave pulse in one place for detection, and finally determined that these textures are more like very small cracks after ablation. The wrapped thing has been burned for a long time at high temperature for a certain period of time.

In addition, Cassia discovered that dozens of tree roots were not only wrapping the object, but several of them had roots on it, as if they were absorbing necessary nutrients from the object. The rhizomes are slightly different, a little slenderer and harder in texture.

"Fossils of certain ancient historical creatures?" Cassia thought, "The ablation can correspond to the fire that burned the world tree on the stone painting. At that time, not only the world tree, but also the various creatures around it probably did not escape it. A fire like a disaster, right?"

Moved a little bit out, Cassia held the second generation holy sword and stab downward, slowly increasing the strength. Slightly obstructive, in contrast, it is equivalent to stab at high-grade alloys. The tip of the sword quickly sank more than ten centimeters, and the sense of obstruction suddenly multiplied at this moment. It should have pierced the ablated surface. As Cassia thought, his arm increased a little, but suddenly there was an extremely faint light around him.

Cassia immediately felt something was wrong. When he was about to pull out the holy sword, he realized that it was not only the second generation holy sword, but also the Cassie Hei that should be next to him, the roots of the surrounding trees, and the That huge object all disappeared at this moment. Together with him, it seems to have disappeared. What exists at this moment is just a kind of consciousness-like spiritual body.

"The same illusion as when he invaded Cassie's body?" Having had a similar experience, Cassia immediately knew what had happened. At the same time, the surrounding light began to become stronger, and Cassia subconsciously wanted to raise his head, and his gaze also moved upwards with his thoughts-a sky completely covered by gray-black smoke lay across, without boundaries. Countless lightning and thunder and fire flickered in the gray smoke, star-falling irregularly, illuminating small areas briefly.

Cassia looked around at this time, and all around was a barren area burned by flames. There are only slight undulations of the terrain, not a single plant. The ground is coke-like, mixed with many condensed glass-like particles. The charred and broken skeletons of the huge creatures sparsely fall everywhere, and some are even still emitting black smoke.

Although there was thunder, there was a different kind of silence around him. After a fire that did not know how long it would end, life had already disappeared from here. Occasionally, the wind blows by, rushing into those huge broken skeletons and making a oozing sound.

Cassia tried his best to capture everything that could be seen around him, but there was almost no difference in the sights, all of which were invariable black, and the gray smoke of the sea in the stormy night.

Suddenly, Cassia felt a kind of palpitations. A huge pressure was transmitted from the sky, and the surging gray smoke seemed to have weight in an instant, and it was suddenly pressing down at this moment. At the moment the atmosphere was generated, the huge cracking sound made the entire space vibrate.

I haven't figured out what happened at the bottom. In my sight, the sky formed by gray smoke has already boiled, and the gray black is deepening extremely quickly, but then it becomes bright and dark again.

"Boom..." The dull sound from a distance has infinite power, and Cassia can see the distorted sound waves formed in the air. The sound spread slowly from far away, and soon came into contact with gray smoke, directly shattering it. The gray smoke there became thinner, and the dark red light was able to penetrate a little and fall into Cassia's eyes.

Just a few breaths, the canopy formed by gray smoke was pulled open from a very far distance, and a black and red object forced the canopy of gray smoke to open and fell down.

"The trunk of the World Tree!" As the black and red objects continued to fall diagonally, Cassia finally knew when and what the scene in this illusion was. The fire has been extinguished, but the flames on the main trunk of the World Tree have eroded its interior, like red-hot charcoal, ablating everything in the World Tree little by little.

The gray smoky sky cover was completely turned into the main branch of the World Tree with no margins. At the same time, on the ground, a huge crack spread from a distance, instantly pulled from the front of Cassia's line of sight, and then rushed into the distance. The entire land was also shattering, and this crack was expanded beyond the field of vision within a few breaths.

In the crack, Cassia saw that the World Tree still had fresh roots. The roots of the tree have life, they are squirming around the crack, and they grow at a visible speed again, trying their best to catch up with the other side of the crack, and use their own strength to fill the crack. But as the trunk fell, their power seemed to slowly lose. The speed of peristalsis becomes slower and slower, and the growth tends to stagnate afterwards.

The line of sight was completely occupied by the branches of the world in black and red shortly afterwards. For a while, it already represented the sky at this time, turning the sky into an entity on another level.

Perhaps the reason for the red light, the light became brighter. At this time, Cassia discovered that there were countless light spots with extremely faint rays around the trunk that continued to fall. They were like companion creatures following the World Tree, trying to get close to the collapsed trunk of the World Tree.

These light spots resemble fireflies flying **** the eve of dawn, whose light may be swallowed by the rising sun at any time. Only at this moment, the light spots are more like sparks around the flames. Every point of light is burning the last matter and energy, trying to keep its own light indestructible. But after all, most of them were nothing but sparks leaving the flames, and they were extinguished. Only a very small number of light spots can approach the main branch before its own light disappears, and then it seems as if a spark falls into the water, and it disappears with a snap.

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