Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1706: Conjecture, assembly and war (part 2)

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The tree house has been carefully designed and cultivated and has a long history. The whole has been completely integrated into the ancient tree as the foundation, as if it were an alternative species grafted on the ancient tree, and the tree house is the fruit that it bears.

In the tree house, only the guests who rushed here, the assistants and attendants were completely blocked outside.

"Sit down, everyone knows what it is." In the conference room, a group of only twenty people found their seats and sat down. The host of the meeting is the current high priest of the Flame Alliance. His hair is all white, but each one is carved out of metallic silver, and the lights are all shining with dazzling health.

The current high priest is close to the age of one hundred and sixty, and will soon enter the old age. But now, his voice is still full of power and the sense of majesty it should have. Putting the rubbing stick aside, the high priest put the suitcase he had been carrying on the table, "This is the last time I look at the stone slabs of the ruins. After that, please do your best as the elders of the tribes. Prepare for the sacrificial ceremony. The opening time is expected to be two weeks later, and the waiting time will not exceed a year before you can get the answer and finally verify the authenticity of the information recorded on the stone slab."

"I remember that eighty to ninety percent have been verified one by one in the millennium, and what is left is only the effect of the'sacrifice ritual'? Thousands of years ago, the sacrificial rituals were not carried out because they were unable to resist the Alliance of Nature A little data is left, but it is left to us something similar to a legend."

"Didn't you still leave this ruined slab?"

"It's just a broken corner of a slate." The big elders of the tribe with the right to speak in the Flame Alliance came here, and of course they were talking about more than a slate.

"In short, everyone is prepared for it. As for the authenticity and effect of the information recorded on the stone slab, it will be known in one year at the latest." The high priest spoke at this time, ending the argument he least wanted to see. With that, he opened the suitcase. In the box, a triangular-like stone slab was quietly lying on the soft cloth. The material of the slate has a metallic texture, and it is hard to see with the eyes, otherwise it would not be just loaded in a suitcase.

The stone slab looks rough at a glance, covered with dense and small lines. But in the eyes of the high priests and great elders who are all high-rank strangers, the tiny lines are very small strange characters, which are delicately carved on this stone slab.

The great elders all have the "rubbed" version in their hands, and they have long been familiar with the contents of the slate. But as an extremely important sacrificial ritual, it still needs to be confirmed on the initial stone slab.

The high priest himself glanced at the slate, then turned his hand and pushed the suitcase next to him, indicating that after reading it, he would pass it one by one in a clockwise direction.

"Confirming the sacrificial ceremony is just a small matter. Next, as a last chance, everyone is here. I think it is necessary to discuss some important things, and everyone deliberately avoids things that they don't want to talk about." The high priest's speech was very slow, and there were many accents in the words, "You can't escape, and some things have to be set up at a time. Let's talk together."

The slate box passed slowly in the hands of the great elders present. Seeing that no one responded to his words, the high priest took it as the tacit approval of these people.

"The first thing is that the six red stars are coming, and the sacrificial ceremony is one of the preparations. It is completely carrying a little bit of our own hope. Whether it can play an imaginary role in the future is not yet known. The result is left and right. On the mainland, two super countries are frequently active, and it seems that there is a tendency to unite together. Although it is impossible for the two to achieve true consistency, if it is because of something or something, it will have a short-term cooperation. Consistent interests and ideas will be a huge disaster for the entire post-phase continent."

"If you want to get out of control, the sacrificial ceremony is our only hope. High priest, you know the status quo of the alliance."

Such words, the high priest heard a lot. There was no emotional change, and the high priest smiled, "Is the current state of the alliance? The current state of the alliance is that you have your own minds, and then you die together with the alliance. The situation of the alliance between the Church State and the Nature Association, which one of you have Don’t know? There is too much information showing that when the red star comes this time, the body of the thing under the extreme sea vortex can be released. At that time, whether the Saint Dorag Empire can still be a threat in their eyes is already a I have a question. I have to be clear about one thing, whether it’s the Flame Alliance or the Far Sea Common Nation, both of us exist because of the Saint Dorag Empire. We were selected and supported and can continue to this day. It was not swallowed up by the Saint Dorag Empire, nor was it prematurely wiped out by the other two continents. The reason is not how powerful we are and what price the other side will pay.

"It's all because the Saint Dorag Empire poses a threat to the other two continents! Once this threat disappears, we will also lose the value of existence and become an obstacle in their eyes. At that time, the post-phase continent was just a piece of land in their eyes. The continent is now, and we will no longer distinguish which countries there are. We are just companion creatures of the Saint Dorag Empire from beginning to end."

These words are obviously not the first time the high priest said and it was not that the dozen or so elders did not know. But there was still no response, and the great elders were silent.

"The second thing, in our opinion, the only thing on the post-phase continent that can pose a threat to the two super countries, apart from firing the uranium bomb, is the third-generation knight king of the Saint-Dorrag Empire. The plan is about to be implemented and there is not much time left for us. I hope that in the near future, everyone can draw a unified conclusion. Otherwise..."

"Where is the Far Sea Common Country?" someone asked.

"The Mechanical Dragon Project was blocked, but with the character of the King of Steel Defoni Phoenix Law, this is only temporary. The plan will be activated in the future." Someone answered for the Grand Elder, "But the Mechanical Dragon The plan is very much like a guise to play outside, used to attract attention, to gain more space for other things."

"According to the words of the high priest, how should we look at what is happening in the dark forest?"

"We have to obey the order of the Nature Association now. Unless we declare war with the Nature Association now, we will still be its puppets in the Postphase Continent."

The high priest looked around, and the high elders who came here were all people with strength and brains. Standing at the top of the pyramid, none of them did not understand the relationship between the three giant countries on the post-phase continent in different periods and under different circumstances. But the final decision is indeed difficult to reach a consensus, and the pressure and responsibility are too great.

"I think I am here today, one thing is probably certain. Regarding the third-generation knight king Irene of the St. Dorag Empire, we must find a way to stop her when the action is unfolded. Even if we can't stop it, delay time. It is feasible to hinder the smooth progress of the plan."

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