Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1730: Start at the apex from 1 (below)

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"The airdrop location is thirty or forty kilometers away." After a short pause, Mishur listened to the information in the communication and added, "The number is twenty, plus the ground team coming from everywhere. Enough for us to delay Cassia's footsteps."

"Whether it is successful or not depends on the final result of Nichols before we can make a decision. This will be the only valid basis for us to face the goal of Cassia in the future."

"In addition, please trouble Miss Mishur. You inform the other three dragon knights on the fleet to prepare for battle. The information of the enemy team should be synchronized with Cassia, so the enemy should be one step faster than us in terms of speed." You have never moved to open the field of vision connected with the dragon. "The frontal battle on the ground, now to judge, there is really a certain danger without Mr. Zero and the experimental body. The speed, strength, and flexibility are all top-notch. Incorporating existing intelligence and Cassia's own rich experience, this is definitely not a battle that can be easily dealt with."

But Mishur replied in a natural tone: "The target is someone who has passed the knight attendant assessment. It must be difficult to deal with. As far as the fierce competition is, you dragon knights must not realize that you were born as a military school because of your status. The various things experienced by Cassia. Not only us, but also Cassia, they are all excellent candidates stacked from a group of people with'death'. In terms of judgments on various things and their own attitude, Captain Sasir , You can indeed learn a lot of useful things from us."

On the other side, Jeremy, who had been evacuated thousands of meters away, received the contact from Komi Shuer and shook his head and sighed: "I shouldn't have come down." Jeremy regretted it. He would never let himself fight Cassia head-on. .

"Don't worry, it's just procrastinating, and no matter how bad it is, it's just following him." But Mishuer comforted, after seeing the breath spanning thousands of meters, she and Jeremy were in exactly the same mood.

"Procrastination and tracking, of course I am not afraid. What is afraid is that we follow behind the target and suddenly find that the target is not moving or missing, either standing in place and waiting for us to approach, or suddenly appearing on us By your side. This is a frightening situation. You know how terrifying the surgeon in the scaly state is, and you can rush into the encirclement regardless of the consequences. At that time, you can only hope that you are not too close to the target." Take a deep breath. Jeremy calmed down, "I will let someone take charge of the experimental team. You and Sasir will observe carefully. If there are special circumstances, please remember to notify me at any time. Of course, if you receive a retreat order, please be the first time. transmit signal."

"Troublesome matter." Jeremy cursed while putting away the communicator. Only then did he recognize the direction and led the team to the area where the subject was about to land.


"I heard that this state called'scaled' is the top surgical ability in your St. Dorag Empire. To use it, not only talent, but also a huge amount of resources and time are needed. The whole learning process is accompanied by high risks. A little carelessness will cause the body to be alienated?" Nichols took a deep breath, twisted his neck, and looked at Cassia who had retracted the revolver.

"This is indeed the case. One of the top surgical development projects. The difficulty and resources make you want to use it, you must be a person with a strong talent." Cassia admitted generously.

"Then do you think I have talent?" Nichols' laughter made Cassia smack his lips, but his words continued, "Did you know, this so-called'scaling' ability, as a dragon knight? With a little practice, you will be able to master it proficiently. To a certain extent, there is no time limit for our Dragon Knight to use this state."

"Thank you for that, honoured dragon knight. You let me get a good message again."

"You're welcome. In short, you will disappear forever with this message." This time, it was Nichols' turn to wave his hand, with a generous look, "As your polite response, you need me to give it to you. Time to rest, or give you time to enter the'scaled' state?"

Cassia shook her head and explained patiently: "Actually, you don't care about me, you just need to be yourself. I don’t care about my mood, and if I’m scaly, I can enter at any time. The process is very fast. Just a blink of an eye, the scaly It covers my whole body. You look at me like this now. I have to find a way to give you more time, because if I'm in a scaly state, you really can't last a long time. Time. Both are in a state of scale. There is a visible gap between your performance and me."

"Whether you have the ability to scale is not the only criterion for judging strength." Cassia said slowly in the end. "In summary, you will not become strong because of the scaled state, so it is only to deal with You yourself without a dragon, this state is completely enough."

The laughter with a sense of obstruction was full of anger, and Cassia smiled sincerely at Nichols' anger. He was telling the truth, no lies.

"Yes,,," Cassia wanted to say a few more words to get as much information as possible. But the opponent had jumped from the dragon's back, and a vertical jump was thirty-four meters away, crashing to the ground.

"The soil sinks only a few centimeters, and it seems that the body weight does not exceed 300. By analogy, muscle strength and bone density are only at the upper-middle level, not as good as the surgeon who pushes bone hardening to the final stage." He didn't move, "The worry just now is superfluous. Your dragon knight only has a layer of scaly skin. It is not at all clear why the'scaly' ability can become one of the top surgical development projects in the empire."

The distance of five hundred meters is only one or two breathing distances for Nichols. The high-temperature heat dissipating from the whole body makes him feel very comfortable. These are the manifestations of the overflowing and dissipating power. The target was getting closer to him. Seeing that the opponent was still standing on the edge of the bulge, Nichols no longer thought about it, and completely brought himself into the highly concentrated state of the battle.

"I think you'd better wait until your dragon has the ability to move before attacking." Cassia did not forget to remind, but watched the high-speed rush to his enemy, and finally sighed.

Sombra leaped, just as Cassia expected, Nichols did not explode to his limit speed until he approached, and he came to his side in the blink of an eye, breaking the air with a punch to his head.

The body just took a step back, and Cassia simply avoided the punch, paying the price that the broken trousers were completely broken into pieces under the instant bulging muscles. The wind whizzed by the side of Cassia's head, Nichols saw a fist missed, and immediately turned his fist into a claw, buckled back to the weak-looking neck, and kicked at the opponent synchronously with one foot.

Cassia's figure suddenly distorted, before a little time, continued to move, and smoothly avoided all subsequent attacks. The air in front of him is surging, and the scaly Nichols does have a significant increase in strength and speed. After all, the dragon tissue in his body really comes from the dragon itself, which can be seen as a third of his body at this moment. One is directly carved out of a mold directly from the dragon.

The short blast in the air continued, and Nichols' subsequent attacks became faster, but after one or two breaths, there was never an attack that could really touch Cassia's body. All were missed, and what was hit was the afterimage left by Cassia's movement almost out of thin air.

"Ah..." Nichols retreated a few meters and let out a burst of shouts. The black scales all over the body were tilted at the same angle, and countless high-temperature heat streams spewed, distorting the surrounding air. Immediately, the black scales that turned up were gathered together in a tacit understanding. At this moment, Nichols's body, nearly half of which was inflated, suddenly contracted. This is like the moment when the balloon is burst. When Nichols shrinks into a normal body shape, there is no transition process, as if the expanded body shape burned out of thin air this time.

A dozen plumes of white smoke came out of his body, and Nichols' body temperature rose further. It is estimated to be 70 or 80 degrees Celsius at this moment, but it is still a big gap between Cassia's normal body temperature of 100%.

"Hum,,," the black scale trembles in a very small area with multiple buzzing sounds, and a high-temperature heat stream of twisted air ejects from Nichols' mouth. It was a posture of exhausted energy. Nichols arched his body, shaped like a beast, and almost touched the ground with his hands, turning into a miniature young dragon without thorny tail and wings.

"Boom!" The mud under Nichols's feet spattered more than ten meters toward the rear, and the ground created a dent of one or two meters under the tremendous strength of his legs. He turned into a black stream shadow. At this moment, visually ignoring the distance in space, he suddenly appeared in front of Cassia, his body turned and swept across.

The air exploded in the squeeze, and Cassia folded his hands and blocked this foot in front of him. The power was transmitted quickly, and the clothes on Cassia's back immediately became fragments. The impact of the light radiated from him, facing the rear, spreading in a trumpet shape, bringing a gust of wind swept through.

Cassia's feet had sunk into the ground, and the dirt was submerged to her calf. One kick didn't work. After another kick, Nichols made a series of movements that seemed to be a little thinner. The continuous horizontal kicks were smoothly connected without any interval. The explosion sounds stacked together to produce a violent air explosion. Nichols' attack frequency became faster and faster. The huge force penetrated Cassia's body, and the visible wave impact formed around it completely enveloped it. When a three or four-meter-long gully was plowed on the ground, Cassia plunged into the mud below his knees.

The "buzz,,,," buzzing and trembling sound resounded again, almost doubled in frequency. Nichols stood up straight, and at the same time he threw a punch, his arms and all the black scales on his body were completely raised, and the high-temperature jet spewed. The ground under the feet of the two exploded immediately, the soil mixed with the broken roots and sawdust splashed, and Cassia flew out ten meters away with this punch. He flipped a circle in the air, his body was immediately balanced, and when he landed on a slanted ancient tree, he immediately moved laterally close to two meters.

Nichols followed closely, and the next moment Cassia's landing point directly exploded a deep hole about two meters in diameter, where all the tree trunks turned into fresh sawdust shot around.

Cassia did not stay in the slightest, using the ancient trees lying around as a landing point, moving flexibly. But at this moment, he couldn't get away from Nichols, who was like a beast behind him. Whether it is attacking, pursuing or moving at high speed, Nichols no longer stands, almost a beast on all fours, full of violent aura, the increase in flexibility is far above speed and strength.

The black stream shadow danced on the ancient tree, like a stream of light constantly being refracted. Dozens of turnbacks, the black streamer caught up with Cassia's afterimage, and the sharp claws spread out and slashed away, but Cassia suddenly turned sideways, and the clenched fists opened, and the bright white light immediately bloomed, covering all the surroundings. The flash bomb did not affect the movement of the black stream shadow at all, and it could not even cause a slight delay to it.

Cassia fluttered from the light that had not disappeared, twisting her body in the air, and with the help of the attacking power of the shadow that followed her, she adjusted her posture and landed smoothly.

"Okay, the test is over." Cassia said, and when he said calmly in the language of the flame alliance, he turned around, and Sombra lost his punch. He was about to turn around and swing the punch, and a thunderous sound rang in his ears. . Immediately he pulled his eyes away, and Nichols realized that the distance between him and Cassia suddenly widened. When he reacted, his inverted body fell to the ground, and then he took a few consecutive steps to stabilize his balance. There was an uncontrollable warmth in the throat, and the pain in the chest was only noticed by Nichols at the moment when the blood dripped from between the sharp teeth.

After a few coughs, Nichols looked at Cassia, and only took a few deep breaths when he saw several torn wounds on his hands and feet that exposed bright red muscles. At the next moment, Nichols' perception was completely condensed, and the Cassia in front of him suddenly disappeared. The ground shook slightly, Cassia fell beside him, Nichols quickly defended, but an elbow was already on his neck. Nichols' upper body first bent to one side, and then flew out directly under the blow.

After breaking several tree roots one after another, Nichols wanted to adjust his body, and Cassia, who was chasing up, several punches to stop his flying body forcibly, and smashed into a pit on the ground under the bombardment.

Nichols exhaled uncontrollably, spilling blood from his sharp teeth with a big mouthful of blood. Immediately he was shoveled out of the pit by Cassia and flew towards his dragon. After rolling a few laps on the ground, Nichols got up and rushed straight to the dragon, no matter what was behind him, climbed up its back to stand firmly, and then looked at Cassia who was a hundred meters away and did not catch up.

"As I said roughly, your dragon knight only has a layer of scaly skin. It is not at all clear why the'scaly' ability can become one of the top surgical development projects in the empire." Cassia went on. Retreating a few tens of meters away, making a fist in the meantime, the bone crackling, "It seems that you didn't put it in your head."

"However, I was really surprised at first to see that you can rely on dragons to enter the scaly state so easily. Although most of the time in the past, the process of my entering the scaly state is similar in principle to you." Cassia exhaled and looked at her torn hands. "Here, first of all, thank you for letting me get some new information."

"I don’t know if it’s correct, please make sure. First, after the huge body shrinks, the high-temperature jet continues to overflow, which is the manifestation of the overflow of energy and the release of heat. I have a deep understanding of this. Because of us The energy storage method at the stage does not support the full use of these things, there will always be some wasted. And the source of your energy is the dragon tissues that enter your body. Those dragon tissues are actively decomposing, and this process Some are like imperial surgery. But what happens in your body is an active process, which can be controlled by your will. Of course, if there is consumption, there will be supplements. Combined with your not long ago, the phrase "no time limit" Then, your body is thinner, ,,, "beastization", it is better to call it this way. The beastization state should be time-limited, and if the energy consumption is exhausted, it can't be maintained."

"But, I think as long as the dragon is by your side, you can re-contact with the dragon after a period of time, and let the dragon tissue enter the body again, so as to continue the'beastization' and scaly state without time limit. ? Is the action you are doing right now. Although you hide it well, it has no effect on me."

Seeing that Nichols did not answer, Cassia continued: "The second point, this is what I was strange from the beginning, and it is also an explanation of my own words. Your physical strength and foundation are very weak, so I think your dynamic vision Probably can’t keep up with the enhanced speed. There are also observations in the battle, because during the perception, whether your line of sight or perception is good, the time to lock me is intermittent, not forever. I tried it afterwards and it was the flash bomb just now, which confirmed it. According to my guess, it is also in line with your title of dragon knight. In the scaled state, within a certain range, you can probably share the sight of the dragon without directly contacting the dragon, right? I don’t know other than that, you What else is shared with dragons all the time."

"In addition, the most important point. In addition to the super defensive power, the effect of scalping is the boosting effect on the body, the basis of strength and speed. But your foundation is too weak, so even if you enter the scaly state, it will be strengthened. However, the basic value is too small, so even if the enhancement is the final increase result you get is still not good. In the empire, scale is a top development project, one of the important reasons is that it will be developed People who only rely on various basic abilities can stand at the top. In addition to this time, the development of scale ability has many pre-development projects. This is a huge systemic ability, not yours What you get simply can be compared."

"How about knowing this information? Sometimes knowing too much can cause a psychological burden on myself and bring more despair." Nichols jumped off the dragon again, taking a deep breath, exhaling, and soothing his body. "You have no reaction. The method of control, that is to say, if you want to kill me, you have no other way except the breath you did not long ago. As long as you are around the dragon, the injuries you just caused to me can be recovered immediately." Hei Lin Wei Moving, Nichols spewed out of heat again. Compared to dragons, the energy he consumes is not a burden at all.

"There are many ways, just need to experiment. Next, I will let you know what the way." Cassia smiled, and then the afterimage of the place disappeared, and then a translucent human figure that was knocked away appeared in the air. aisle.

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