Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1732: The so-called natural enemies and Sukarius (middle)

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The woman's voice has strange penetrating power, which is all power, as a deliberate reminder to the three dragon knights.

Above the dragon's head, the three dragon knights looked at each other and exchanged their opinions in their eyes. One of them immediately spoke, as the gentleman replied with the courtesy of the lady: "You really need to rest. You can talk first. The battle between us will never be resolved in a short time."

"But dear madam, you are the only one here... Is this a new way of delaying time? We can wait for your teammates to arrive. There are people of the same rank hidden from the side, which will distract us. "The dragon knight's tone was full of ridicule, and he also turned his head to observe symbolically, letting go of perception and detecting the surroundings, but the focus was on the white mask on the woman's face. For detection, this dragon knight has a little confidence.

"Don’t waste your power, because your identity is special and you will cause too many troubles after exposure, so I have made sufficient preparations on the mask. The ultimate alloy with Mithril is added, and there are other rare ones. The material, even if the perception is strengthened by the bio-inductive stress field, it cannot bypass this mask.” Feeling the intense sight-like things gathered on the mask, the woman immediately gave a brief explanation, with a small sense of pride.

"I am the person from the Kira Andi family who Macquarie sent to deal with the three of you dragon knights. Because the manpower is indeed insufficient, and Macquarie has to play in person, so there is really no support or the like. You guys. Don’t worry. Soon, you only need to get rid of me and you will be able to smoothly leave from this area and rush to the next planned location. But how to say, I still can’t deal with it very well, Macquarie may even fight. But I, you really have to be careful."

"A confident lady deserves our respect." The speaker bent slightly, and put his words into action, "But respectable lady, I can't think of this kind of words that can't even be called information interference. What does it work. We won’t think too much about it.”

"Can't you feel it? The gap between you and me?" The woman was surprised, and then she woke up, expressing her understandable expression in a prolonged voice of "Hmm...", "The three of you, 、、Isn’t you guys who have just entered the advanced stage recently? Because the dragon knight’s evolution can rely on the help of dragons, so you can’t determine your age very well. However, you should be Neh, he seems to be pulling Moore, this is the rest..."

The woman turned to look at the third person, carefully observed for a few seconds, and said the name "Wilkos".

The speaker now clapped his hands and praised: "Your intelligence capabilities are indeed great, dear madam. But it is only limited to intelligence. As for the "feeling" and "gap" you said, I think self-confidence should indeed be possessed. , It's not suitable for too much."

The woman spread her hands, expressing her helplessness: "You are indeed not someone who has only recently entered the high-level, there is a certain amount of time. In this case, you should know the person'Palitzer', he is also a dragon knight. , There is a giant dragon with a wingspan of more than three hundred meters, and it is still a wild species. At that time, he was recognized as the peak of the dragon knight, right at that time."

The three of them were silent suddenly. After a while, Neh, who was the representative, replied in a serious voice: "Mr. Palitzer is indeed the top figure among the dragon knights of that era, whether it is his own strength or his dragon type. But as Mr. Palitzer, he is not only a post-phase continent, but also a famous powerhouse on other continents. Madam, you know that he will not surprise us, but will arouse our anger."

"There is a moving island in the endless sea, which is essentially the shell remains of a sea king turtle that died in ancient history. It was released from the **** of the seabed earthquake, and was parasitized by the living creatures in the roots of the world tree, and immediately surfaced. Become a floating island, moving regularly under the influence of the endless sea currents and the remnant roots of the World Tree." The woman said here, looking at the three dragon knights one by one, "Lamore and Wilcos, you two enter The high-level time is not long. According to Mr. Neh, when Palitzer existed in the intelligence, you are already what you are now. At that time, you were only a member of the Dragon Knights, not the current team. Captain identity. But it's enough. The number of dragon knights is scarce, and the role of captain is even less. You should know some information."

After speaking, the lady paused for a while, seeming to recall something: "There is a low mountain on the island, about a kilometer or so. The body of the dragon is on the left side of the mountain, and most of its body is missing. Palitzer I remember that I killed him on the mountain at that time. At that time, I was avoiding the induction force field. I wanted to wait for the force field to disappear and go directly into the endless sea to escape..."

",,, by the way, the most important information is not this. Apart from the corpse of the giant dragon on the moving island, there is also a very long corpse of a horned dragon snake and a huge white bear corpse. The horned dragon snake was bitten to pieces by the dragon. The white bear was killed by his breath when he smashed most of the dragon's body with one palm. There should be only one big head left in the white bear's corpse, right?"

As if seeking confirmation, the woman raised her head and looked at the silent Neh: "The time is not very long. If you did come into contact with this layer of information, Mr. Neh, you should have seen these photos."

After a long time no response, the woman turned her body and looked at the three dragon knights several times.

"We won a grand prize?" Neh breathed a sigh of relief, "however, for the current lady, you and us, no one can draw a conclusion."

"Probably." The woman responded. When the voice fell, the originally relaxed atmosphere suddenly became heavy. In just an instant, within the seven or eight kilometers range that was cleared out, a layer of hoarfrost was suddenly covered. The frozen air seems to make the space become lumps, and the whole place falls here.

The three dragon knights reacted instantly, and they were always alert to each other's actions, especially when the other party told information about Palitzer. The translucent white film covering them disappeared out of thin air. When the three dragons retreated and pulled apart, they flapped their wings at the same time. In the sharp hurricane, the arcs of countless adult waists were excited from the edges of their wings, in the air Distorted irregularly. The white light emitted by the arc covered the layer of hoarfrost, leaving only the dazzling white here for a while.

The arcs fired by the three-headed dragons instantly connected together, forming a roughly triangular shape that was imprisoned, and in an instant they bombarded the woman surrounded by them.

"Whale..." Neh's throat moved, but the words did not finally come out of his this moment, what he needs to do is not think about "Palitzer" Things, but focus on the current battle. The other party is waiting here alone, not as she said, but because there is not enough manpower, but because she is really enough here.

On the other side, in a fleet of airships above the sky, McGerry was holding a few blurry photos in his hand, and met Knight Commander Hilda in the corridor.

"I'm about to go to your place." McGerry handed the photo to Hilda. "Li Suman has already met three dragon knights."

"It's a great help. There are really not many people who can deal with the dragon knight. She can help relieve the huge pressure, and she is still three." The photo was read by Hilda, and then disappeared in her hand, except There was no ashes left behind, "I'm leaving. I don’t know if I’m waiting for my old friend Maconnis, or the famous figure of the past, Satrik. Or, Otto, the priest of the Far Frontier of the Holy Palace Hall, is also waiting for me. It's possible. But it's not easy to deal with. I hope that Satrik can escape from the black dragon Manicoroa and survive. I want to see what special place he has."

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