Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1737: Conjectures and the information network that spans time (middle)

"Visaya Fortress..., it is necessary to learn more about this place in the future. What happened there was the beginning of the change of the empire, and after that it affected and changed too many people and things." Cassia murmured Muttering to himself, only then did he look behind him, and a small group of enemies followed him all the time. They have a good sense of distance control, probably because they have some experience in perceptual detection. Not long after he stopped, the team also stood in place, not allowing the distance to be drawn any closer.

Simply tracking personnel is not an enemy who wants to attack while he is "weak". It was in line with Cassia's plan to keep herself exposed to the enemy's eyes, otherwise he would have to find a way to let the enemy discover his position. Still not doing anything, Cassia continued on his way, and the next step was to pick up his thoughts from where he left off.

The sudden connection of information points allowed Cassia’s guesses to be well extended. Due to the environment at the moment, these guesses can only be stored in his head, and relevant information cannot be collected immediately for verification. However, after these points of information are connected, there are obviously more routes to think about later.

"If the conjecture is true, it can be regarded that Sucarius had already begun to prepare for his departure a period of time before the advent of the red star. It is similar to staying at a few fixed nodes, waiting and filtering what it thinks is suitable. Candidates, and then rely on their own strength to prepare and establish contacts."

"Just among them, I don't know how much information Sucarius has obtained through the intrusion of the analysis machine over a long period of time. In addition, whether it has reached any agreement with Nuoer is currently unknown."

The more I thought about it, the more Cassia felt that there were many secrets hidden in Sukarius. Some things cannot be explained by "it has survived a thousand years at any rate". It's like a hidden spot inserted in the empire. Although it has been silent, it will be effective at some time as long as it is needed.

Cassia later focused his thoughts on the swallowing method. Not long ago, the effect of this method is worthy of in-depth thinking. Standing in the top group of dragon knights can indeed be like themselves, establishing contact with dragons, corroding their bodies, and gaining control. But the dragon knight is restricted to the dragon with which he is combined, and he can't be like himself, regardless of who the target is, as long as he is willing and mentally permitted, he can take over compulsory control rights.

The effect of the two is the same, but there is a huge difference in essence. Cassia attributed this particularity to inheriting part of Sukarius's characteristics. Judging from this, Sucarius, as one of the first two young dragons in the empire, was not without investigation and thinking when they chose to hunt both of them.

It's just that, in terms of investigation and thinking, is there any help from others? There must be a gap between dragon individuals. How did the empire at that time recognize this difference? It is impossible to rely on one's own luck, there must be some way. Where does this method come from? Relying on profit purchases, or did it mean that a thousand years ago, there were forces deliberately helping the empire and letting it rise, so that the empire could establish a foothold in the post-phase continent, create chaos in the situation, and achieve a certain plan of the helper?

When it comes to thousands of years of history, it is definitely not possible to find the complete information at the time. But the rise of the empire was sudden. Is it really just a coincidence? It is because the super powers on the other two continents are checking and balancing each other, giving the empire plenty of time and opportunities?

The only thing that Cassia can be sure of at the moment is that the era he is currently in is of great significance and uniqueness over a long period of time. The advent of the six red stars will usher in a certain change, as well as an important opportunity to be competed by everything. This is true in ancient history, such a long time has passed, and it is still true today.

"If it had been a thousand years ago, someone would have known the exact timing of the arrival of the six red stars. It may not be so accurate, and the approximate time period would be perfectly fine. From then on, they began to set up their own plans..."

At this point in his thoughts, Cassia did not continue to think about it. For himself, this has no substantive significance. Cassia's concern is that if this conjecture is established, then there is still room for improvement in Sukarius's identity. Before the empire was really established, Sukarius was transported to Manoma. Thousands of years have passed. It and the other initial dragon have not been cleaned up. I am afraid it is not because they have a heavy sense of history. It is the reason why the real existence is not cleaned up.

Among these reasons, its particularity may be one of the reasons.

"It's not something I should consider." The advancing Cassia muttered to herself, "The first generation of knight king Grote can span time and allow the spirit to survive to the present. On the other two continents, the knight king class There has been no fault in the strength of the knight king class. The previous surgeons of the knight king class probably have not really died, but have survived in their own way. They will not show up again until the right time."

In the end, it was entirely due to a natural instinct that Cassia somehow thought of Perkins Kiris, the author of "Wonderful Creatures". Combined with "Ancient Ruins Exploration Record", Cassia believes that what Perkins has experienced and seen is definitely more than the simple one written in the book, and many things that involve important information have not been recorded.

"In every era, there are people who are absolutely brilliant. If they knew that the arrival of the six red stars would be the limit of the current era..., these people would eventually die with regrets, or say... "

"Or, UU reading, they will use various methods to make themselves'deceived' time and live to this era?" There was a special brilliance in Cassia's eyes.

At this moment, tens of kilometers away, Sasir and Komishule jumped off the dragon's back and went to the dragon's corpse.

"It seems that Mr. Nichols has found out." But Mishur did not finish her words, but Sassel knew that what she wanted to express was that Nichols deliberately created a wide range of smoke to cover up the battle between him and the target, making But Mishur and himself couldn't get information about the goal.

"It is because of this character and thought that he will be the first person to die." Sasir commented, standing beside the corpse with Komishuer, seeing the tail and forelimbs temporarily wrapped by dragon tissue. After that, his eyes never left.

But Mishur drew out the dagger he was carrying and took a few steps forward to clear out a piece of dragon tissue covering the wound until it revealed a smooth incision with a scorch mark on the huge bone, and then stopped.

"New discovery, this is not good news, Captain Sasir." Putting away the sword, Mishur sighed, "If it is used on us, the scaled state is only equivalent to a harder piece in the face of this attack. It's just a wooden stake."

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