Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1746: Dragon Knight vs Dragon Knight (5)

"Have you waited for a long time?" Zero asked while walking, and stopped at a position fifty or sixty meters in front of Cassia.

"I just came here not long ago, but I waited a lot of time in other places. I thought you would be here overnight, but after thinking about it, the dark environment is really bad for you, so I didn't care too much." Cassia replied. The tone is as relaxed as No. 0, like an acquaintance who suddenly met after a long time. It is neither emotional nor enthusiastic. The atmosphere between the two is not tense, it seems normal.

"I thought it would be a lot of people coming." Cassia continued his own words, making left and right observations, "It should always leave traces to you. It is because I believe you too much, thinking that you can have a way to shorten the time. Find me within time. It seems that the actual situation is quite different from what I imagined. According to the intelligence, there is a team of experimental subjects that has been prepared for me this time, but you are here again alone..."

Cassia thought, he jumped off the rhizome, found a shorter one, sat on it, and motioned to Number Zero to also look for another one around him: "Your mixed team is separated? Find me faster if there is no trace? The subject did not follow you, which means that it was allocated to other small teams after being separated, so that other teams have time to retreat and wait for support when they meet me. It should be so, right? After all, you really don’t need support, you support others, not others support you."

Zero walked a few steps, to the root of the nearby ancient tree, and sat on a rhizome like Cassia. It’s just that both of them chose the kind of rhizomes that are only a little higher than the ground. They seem to be sitting, but their feet have never left the ground. After sitting down, apart from the movements of the hands and upper body, the two There has never been a trace of movement of the foot.

Both Zero and Cassia have extremely rich combat experience, and they understand the importance of being steadfast to themselves. Unless you can really fly, and this kind of flight can also give you extremely fast speed in an instant, otherwise in the battle, with the reaction ability and explosive ability of the two, the ability to seize the enemy's flaws, stay in the air and cannot take advantage of the force. That short time was enough for them to strike a fatal blow to the enemy.

Zero did not answer Cassia's question, and looked at Cassia quietly after sitting down. He seems to guess that this conversation will last for some time.

"I need time to rest, or I need to give you a certain amount of space, launch a signal flare, tell the teams on both sides of you, I'm here, and I need to gather here as soon as possible." Cassia continued.

"No need." Without any hesitation, Number Zero replied simply, "Although I don't understand it well, I can't analyze your plan completely. However, there are still a few points I can clarify. One of them, Let the whole team come together and appear in front of you. It seems that we have surrounded you and can have more power to deal with you. However, is this the actual situation? I think it is not. You and I are considered to be of the same kind, to survive The environment is different, but at least because of physical and strength, you still know a little information about each other. Even if the team gathers, if you want to retreat, the entire team plus me and the Dragon Knight will definitely not be able to intercept you. On the contrary, after the team got together, it seemed that we were holding you back, but mutual, you were the one who left us where we were."

"In addition, there are not a few people in that team that can really collide with you head-on. It really doesn't make much sense for them to converge or not. Moreover, in terms of offensive methods, your range attack means It's a lot more powerful. I am afraid that after the team gathers, some people do nothing and lose their combat effectiveness for no reason until they die."

"In fact, it's not that powerful, but it can be used to deal with ordinary teams. It is completely useless for you." Cassia tried to explain, but Zero was completely unmoved by these words.

"You must have carefully thought about how to deal with us." Zero's tone is always calm, "So before I figure out your plan, I think this state is the best way I can think of to deal with."

Cassia smiled and said, "Compared with you when the knight attendant was assessed, you have changed a lot now."

"Everyone is the same. After all, the time period from then to now is not short. If we don't make some changes, sooner or later we will not be able to keep up with this era. This is the time when the red star is approaching, where we are, and our own Strength is not considered an advantage, it belongs to the line that can't be reached from top to bottom. However, I still need to thank you. If I didn't meet you in the knight attendant assessment, I would not leave by myself after the assessment. If I return to the test base, I should look like a different person now."

Speaking of this, Zero fell into a short memory: “When he crossed the tundra, crossed the no-man’s land, and went to the city of the empire’s coastal generation, his understanding and thinking were greatly impacted. For a long time, I was only relying on fighting with second-class creatures to kill time. After contacting this new world, I still maintain enthusiasm and strong interest in it. I have to thank the empire for setting up in every city. Public buildings like the'National Library'."

"Do you know how I spent the past two years?" The zero number, which I asked and answered, is still in my happy memories. "In the beginning, I accidentally formed a power to do business in the dark world. Grow your power and read all kinds of It's just that at my current reading speed, it takes a long, long time to finish reading the books in the Chinese library in that city. But it does gain a lot, at least now I can think about a lot of things."

Cassia listened very carefully, but at the same time he was thinking about the countermeasures in the future. Delaying time, waiting until the hacker side is ready is his own purpose, but the whole team is not able to come, it is meaningless.

"Since you say that you can think a lot, you should have your own opinions about your own affairs and the current complicated situation?"

"There is no need or reason to stand in opposition between the two of us. Do you want to say this?" No.Zero looked over, "As for what you said about'my own business', I really have been thinking about it. After all. Not long after I went from the tundra to the coastal area of ​​the empire, I came into contact with the dark world, and of course I also came into contact with a lot of black market intelligence dealers. At the beginning, I was cheated by those intelligence dealers a lot of money because I didn’t understand the market. However, later I let them vomit out doubled."

"Although it has been nearly two years since then, I know that Tovilest, like my father, has been sending people around to interfere with my cognition and limit my contact, but they should be right. My growth rate estimate is wrong." No.Zero nodded to himself, "But these factors don't affect anything."

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