Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1748: Dragon Knight vs Dragon Knight (7)

The dead leaves piled up on the ground were so thick that Cassia could feel soft when stepping on it. The dead leaves at the bottom layer had rotted, and there was a little resin secreted from the roots of the ancient trees. The flames burned up to this point, crackling, and a lot of gray smoke came out, and a pungent smell filled the surroundings. Cassia walked to the side and stood in the breeze, not letting the smoke swallow herself in. Zero still followed, always keeping a distance of fifty or sixty meters from Cassia.

At this time, Number Zero slapped his palm, and the air was blown out by him as if it were a real thing, extinguishing the two fires that were about to spread around him. After the high-energy fuel ball is crushed, if it is not completely isolated from the air, it will burn until it is exhausted. No. Zero tried several times without extinguishing the flame of the high-energy fuel ball, so he gave up, and no longer had any thoughts about the circle of fire surrounding dozens of places.

Seeing that Zero had no action on the spreading fire, Cassia raised her head. The smoke was layered on top of each other, like tall buildings with no rules, and it did not break apart in the rising hot wind. It steadily approached the dark green tree canopy two to three hundred meters above.

After a few breaths, a thick cloud of gray smoke slowly formed under Cassia's gaze. When they were in contact with the canopy, Cassia looked towards Zero, asking him how he would decide next.

The fire went to the sides of the two, forcing them to continue to move to the side. Dozens of small fire rings ignited by high-energy fuel **** are now connected together to form a fire field with a diameter of more than 100 meters, and the extension speed is faster.

"I hope you will have the strength to complete your plan after the others come together." Zero finally spoke. He and Cassia both walked slowly, always a few steps faster than the flame next to them, "The four dragon knights will meet, and you won't have too many opportunities."

"I will see the result soon. Although I don't have much confidence myself," Cassia replied with a smile, and looked up at the sky. Large swaths of gray smoke have passed through the thick and dense canopy, drifting in the not-so-strong sunlight in the early morning. Before long, a cloud of smoke will float in the air. It will become a signal, and the team that sees it will choose to focus on it and move closer to it.


On the other side of the forest, a team stopped. Twenty or so people formed an irregular circle at this moment, enclosing a seemingly ordinary ground covered with dead leaves.

Sawyer unfolded his mask and looked around at the surrounding members. He raised his hand, and then put it down again, like a signal for the start of a running race. Twenty people followed Soya's signal, and at the same time stepped out, took a step forward, and slammed the ground under the dead leaves. There was no vibration, but multiple empty sounds came from below.

"Boom!" In the cracking sound, the ground surrounded by more than twenty people suddenly cracked. Among the flying dead leaves, a hole with a diameter of several tens of meters appeared, and fragments of a rock slab like a cover fell into it. , Rolled into the depths of the steeply sloped hole, and melted into the darkness below in the blink of an eye.

The booming echo resounded in the hole, getting weaker and weaker, and quickly disappeared.

The team guarded near the entrance of the cave waited for nearly two minutes before the members of the kinetic armored team walked ahead, approached the entrance of the cave, and fired several flares into it. Under the light of the signal flare, only the situation near the entrance of the hole was seen, and the appearance in the depths could not be observed. On the contrary, in the light, the black in the depths of the hole appears more intense.

"The soil looks fresh, and the hole seems to have been dug out recently. The air inside is warm and humid. In this environment, if there is a long time, there is no shortage of air near the entrance of the hole. This large area has to be covered with a layer. Thick moss is right." Soya pointed to the opening of the cave and said, "Here is exactly in the range of the target. Does the hole appear here, does it mean anything?"

Sawyer tilted his head to look at the Saint Guard members beside him: "Mr. Tornos, don't know your opinion?"

"There are no footprints, the **** is so big, and it has only recently been excavated..." Tornoza is the captain of the San Guards member of this team, "It's not like human beings, but it's done by creatures of the second kind. The possibility is very high."

A group of people, including Torthas and Sawyer, stood near the entrance of the cave and looked down. There was a faintly terrifying breath in the darkness in the depths, and a little bit of it made people feel dangerous. More than a dozen eyes glanced back and forth near the entrance of the cave, until the flare burned out, and the eyes lost their observing effect as the darkness filled the entrance of the cave.

"It's better to do a little bit." Saoya solemnly said. He asked the members of the Flame Alliance in the team for their opinions. He only got the names of a few second-type creatures that could dig holes, and there was no more information. And among these second-class creatures, none of them can dig out a cave of this size in front of them.

"Cut down a few ancient trees and plug the hole." Someone suggested.

Soon after, the entrance of the cave was blocked by cut-off ancient branches and bulged into a small pile. The sunlight fell on this place unimpeded, making the pile of trees piled up under the light look like a huge tomb where the mourning ceremony was completed.

After Soya, they always feel that the surrounding air is dull and cold, and their breathing is not easy because of the influence of their mood. The team was about to immediately advance again, and the communication came from the dragon knight Hanoi in the sky. Within half a minute, the team had already switched directions, and Soya took all the kinetic armor members, speeding up one step earlier, and rushed towards the position of number zero.

Soon after the whole team left, there was a small friction sound coming out of the ground. After a few breaths, Saoya and the others piled up, and the pile of trees used to simply block the entrance of the cave suddenly sank, and in the blink of an eye it had collapsed toward the depths of the cave.

After the pile of trees disappeared, Cassiehei's head cautiously poked out from the entrance of the hole, and the blood-red cross pupils were full of vigilance. It looked around, then raised its head to look at the dazzling light in the sky, and let out a slight snort, as if expressing dissatisfaction with this bright environment.

Then his head retracted under the hole. Nearly three minutes later, the sound of fine rubbing sounded again. This time, it was no longer Cassiehei's head protruding first, but a huge sharp claw. The claw gripped a thick rock slab full of sand marks.

Cassiehey almost stuck out most of his body this time. It held the stone slab, collected dead leaves from the surrounding area very carefully, and sprinkled it on the stone slab. In the end, Cassiehe took a deep breath and used a stone slab to cover the cave network exit. Just before he blew up, the dead leaves were blown up by large tracts, and then slowly fell down, completely eliminating the obvious traces around. Lost.

Quiet came here again.

At the same time, in the direction where the team was leaving, Sawyer led the kinetic armored team on the way with all their strength, and had already moved away from Torthas behind him.

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