Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1757: Dragon Knight vs Dragon Knight (16)

Iron and Steel Steam and Flame Text Volume Chapter 157, Dragon Knight vs. Dragon Knight, went a few steps to the vicinity of the entrance of the cave, and covered the entire entrance under his unfolded wings. But Mishur, Saoya and others have already taken the lead in entering the cave, rock climbing, and stopped at a position fifty or sixty meters away from the entrance of the cave. However, in ten seconds, with the average strength of the entire team members and their own qualities, some instructions only need to be conveyed simply to get a terrifying execution force.

   More than two hundred people were more evenly attached near the entrance of the cave. Some looked at the armor of the dragon above their heads, and some cast their gazes into the darkness below. A few illuminating bombs were fired again, flying dozens of meters away, but they were only embedded in the inclined wall of the cave and did not reach the bottom.

The appearance of the deeper part of the    cave is no different from that near the entrance of the cave. The only difference is that it is deeper from the ground. Entering it, but Mishuer and others have different feelings.

   There is a weak wind inside the cave, with heat, and the smell of fresh soil and tree roots. There is also an inexplicable breath, which has always been looming, without traces, and sometimes in a state of absence. At the bottom, Komishuer, Saoya and others have also personally understood what Sasir said under the ground, the breath and smell will be swallowed.

   The range of perception suddenly reduced by a circle, and it made them feel restricted everywhere, as if something was constantly squeezing the reduced range space. There is definitely something in the dark, but while Mishur and the others are staring below, there is also something below observing them.

  As a woman's intuition, Kemishul feels contradictory now. On the one hand, there is indeed a danger in the depths of the cave. After entering the cave, the body becomes instinctively tight. On the other hand, her instinct tells her that at least some time later, this danger will not come close to her.

Below   , the flares burned out quickly, and the darkness was surrounded. Except for the bright hole above, the surroundings seemed to be completely dark. Several flares were fired again, and multiple sounds of shuttles passed into the hole at the same time, echoing. Immediately, the violent explosion sounded into pieces, and a large swath of red light bypassed the shield of the dragon and its wings, brightening the vicinity of the hole in the ground. The vibration from the explosion produced a "buzzing" sound in the hole, making everyone's eardrums feel full and painful.

   The dragon flapped its wings, and the strong wind directly extinguished the surrounding flames. But farther away, large flames have begun to gain momentum and spread rapidly. Some tree canopies are also burning under the fuel released by the incendiary bomb. It is completely impossible to rely on human power to extinguish them.

   "Almost all incendiary bombs, very few aerial bombs and cloud explosive bombs." The attack was just a simple wave, and there was no other movement afterwards. When Komishuer and others came out of the hole, Sasir said, "It's an indiscriminate range attack by the enemy. Let's look at it now. The purpose should be to ignite this area."

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   has been filled with a layer of smoke, and it will not take long for a large area to be completely enveloped in it, creating an environment similar to early morning fog.

"In addition, the temperature protection provided by burning,,, and temperature perception will be useless in the future." But Mishuer looked around, and there was a large group of burning fuel scattered from the canopy of the tree with a flickering flame. It came down like an uneven rain of fire, which continued to ignite the dead leaves on the ground, and went to the end of the line of sight. "The line of sight will be severely blocked and an important detection method will be lost in perception. This is for us Very unfavorable.” As he said, Mishur looked in the direction of No. 0 and the target, “Need to think of a way, otherwise the situation will reverse after a certain period of time, and we will be delayed by the target and passively defend. In the end we were killed one by one, until we all died."

  Htps: //

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But Mishur turned around and looked up at the sky: "Choose here. Although I don't understand the connection between the cave and Cassia, the freshness of the soil does require us to pay more attention. Perhaps the support is below. The enemies of Cassia also say that it is not necessarily."

"Jeremy, Captain Saoya, first lead the team to clean up the burning flames around. This will give us a good time to prepare. Although we don't expect to hit the target, it can be delayed here for a long time. Sa Captain Sr, the handling of the cave is still in accordance with your original plan. No matter what is in the cave, the dragon's breath can at least act as a deterrent and destroy the hole. If you are lucky, you may be able to solve the things inside the cave. Drop."

   The team immediately dispersed in a circle, while heading to a safe area outside the attack range of the dragon's breath, while extinguishing the surrounding flames, they prepared the corresponding battlefield for the zero and Cassia who moved here later.


   "How long has it been since?" In the deep blue realm, the king of steel Defoni Phoenix looked at the wind that turned into a substantial black outside the round window of the aircraft and asked.

"Some time, maybe a week or two." Someone behind him answered his question, "Almost all of the Chira Andi family has been dispatched, and almost all the head forces of the Saint Dorag Empire are forced to participate. It's just that. The third generation of the knight king went to the depths of the endless sea, and there is no specific return information yet."

"Even if we know that we will return, we will not be able to keep up with time. After that, there will definitely be the support of the Educational State and Nature Association. In addition, the giant dragon under the extreme sea vortex has also begun to move. It may have a way to use the ancient history. It’s not necessarily true that the world tree left over to the roots of the trees around the world to detect some information."

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   "In other words, they are sure?"

Defoni shook his head: "I can't say with certainty, but they can guarantee that the Knight King of the Empire will not interfere in this operation. Even if she comes back, someone will intercept her. However, it doesn't matter anymore, there is a high probability that it will be a saint. The Royal Hall won the operation. UU Reading, although the Chira Andi family was presided over by Macquarie and Hilda after the departure of Tovelest, they eventually lost their power. Part. It originally surpassed the other grand dukes' families, but now it only has a slight advantage. It is the Holy Royal Hall that has accepted Tovilest will usher in a peak of power."

   "After all, Tovelest and McOnnis are also at the top of the fifth stage." The people behind him echoed.

   Defoni shook his head again, and glanced at the young adjutant behind him. Although he was an adjutant, the other party was also a five-stage surgeon, and his age was approaching fifty years old. Fifty-year-old is indeed a relatively young age among the five-stage surgeons, otherwise the high-level officials of Yuanhai Common Country would not let him stay by Defoni to learn something.

"The summit is not meant to be joined by two powerful surgeons, but the biotechnology in Tovelest's hands is about extending life." Defoni smiled at the moment, "He was previously a member of the Avalon Institute. People. Even if this technology is fake, there will definitely be a large number of people who are in or near the age of senescence willing to work for the Holy Royal Hall. This is the reason why the Holy Royal Hall has reached its peak of strength."

"But it really doesn't matter." Defoni sighed, "Whether it is the disappearance of world restrictions or the upcoming six red stars, as long as they can survive the subsequent changes and wars, perhaps everyone can usher in a brand new one. era."

   "Although time has always moved forward and never looked back, ,,, and history have always been in circles, constantly circulating. Maybe soon, the age of gods and ancient history will reappear again..."


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