Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1765: 1 know nothing (3)

But Mishur was still uneasy. He glanced at the entrance of the cave and thought that it had been sealed by Sasir, and it took time for something to rush out of it. Enough for them to react, and the one who guarded the entrance was Foster with the dragon. Unlike the surgeon like them, the dragon has strong resistance to any kind of enemy and can win more for them. The buffer time.

Attention was then placed in front of him. The light that represented Cassia had stopped. Next to him, Number Zero took the opportunity to pull away and waited for the right opportunity. It was also always pressured so that Cassia’s energy could not be completely placed in the front. Comisure and others.

"Missed a shot." The ridiculous words came from Jeremy. He expected that when the shot was shot just now, they might be the only ones who really locked the target by perception. It seems that there are layers of perception superimposed, you can know where the target is and capture its action, and let yourself keep up, you must also judge and calculate the shooting position and advancement. It is good to deal with other enemies, but facing the target, only With this standard, you can instantly see the stratification of the strength of each team member. The remaining members' shooting should only be felt after the violent aura, and they chose a rough spot to assist in the offensive.

"Proceed as planned." But Mishur ignored Jeremy. She then reminded the personnel who had just shot to pay attention to their position. The sound waves produced by the guns would reveal their location. The sound of that intensity cannot be concealed by the continuous percussive sound around it. In addition, the dozens of almost superimposed high-frequency sound waves also made Komishur feel uneasy.

"It has strong penetrability. The first purpose is definitely to use it to send a signal to something, maybe that thing is in the hole network. The second purpose is whether this penetrability can replace sound wave detection. Trunk It is very different from the surgeon. Using feedback, high-frequency sound waves can also become the enemy’s eyes to a certain extent. Moreover, we cannot imitate this kind of high-frequency sound waves at present."

The semicircular team began to change, but Mishur turned his analysis and worry directly into commands. Except for a dozen members who are hiding in the trunk of the ancient tree, all the others cannot stay in place for more than five seconds. And in the distance from the target, there must be at least one old tree as a cover, and you cannot let yourself directly face the target.

"Five seconds" is just a time to choose, it's just a measure that Mishur thought of to minimize subsequent casualties. Because it is impossible not to die.

The surrounding teams are constantly changing. But for the target, after avoiding the shooting just now, he has been behind an old tree, but Mishur has not observed any of his actions.

"How long is the subject?" But Mishur knew that Cassia didn't want to move, but that there was no need to move. He was taking a short break, and a wait for which only he knew the length of time.

"It will take another twenty seconds." Heinoy, who slowed down behind him, gave the answer, "I'm no more than a kilometer away from the target." Heinoy, who gave his position, stopped. The target, Cassia, has been completely surrounded by them, but perhaps no one will appear relaxed except for number zero. Compared to encirclement, they agree that they are standing next to a dangerous bomb that will explode at any time, and if they are not careful, they will be killed by the impact of the bomb.

"It's too long." But Mishur said in the communication, "The goal is waiting for our chance to annihilate us, so what are we waiting for?"

No one could give an answer, and everyone fell silent.

"It is recommended to use the red mercury bomb directly. At this moment, Cassia has no information in this regard. Using guns and Captain Sasir to cover them may be effective." A member of the Holy Guard proposed.

It was immediately rejected, but Mishur’s words were very rude: "If you are not sure that it can be severely injured, the red mercury bomb would rather not be used. I hope everyone will know that if the explosion fails to injure the target, the smoke produced after the explosion, and its The scope of influence is the execution site, that is, the target's favorite environment."

"We need to speed up a little bit and we can't let the target just stand there. After a while, Mr. Zero will become our insurance and will no longer be entangled with the target, otherwise we will not have the opportunity and angle to attack. We need to think of a way to persecute Target actions to find suitable opportunities."

"Knock down the old tree." Ke Mishuer said at this time, "You must move after every shot. I will tell the approximate location of the target. The main attacking force is the member above the deputy captain, and the rest of the members are covered according to the ballistic line and firepower. Point, judge for yourself, and assist in the offensive."

"Captain Soya, please be prepared. The offense needs to be linked to the arrival of the experimental body. At present, the weapon module on your body can provide continuous and powerful firepower."

The order was only given, and a huge bang was set off in the quieter surroundings, and the air pressure generated by the muzzle caused some smog that diffused directly to disperse. An ancient tree close to two hundred meters away, the bullets that found the gap from all angles gathered together in a short time. In just one round of shooting, the roots of the huge ancient tree had completely turned into splashing sawdust in the blink of an eye, and the thick trunk fell suddenly.

Immediately, a total of 20 high-explosive small artillery pieces were fired from the ten kinetic armors rushed from the side to the front, and in the blink of an eye, the explosion submerged the location of Cassia. UU reading www. The fireball raised by became a piece of smoke, then turned into a tumbling smoke, but it was directly dissipated by large-caliber guns.

But Mishur observed that the light source representing Cassia dodges all the attacks in the high-speed movement, and was protected by the gods. The bullets were almost a step slower and all fell behind him. The artillery did explode around it, but it was within the effective damage range, and there was never a target figure. The impact and heat waves hitting him would not have any effect. The black scales could make most of the surgeons lose their attack. Desire.

At this moment, ancient trees have become the main thing that restricts Komisur and the others. There will always be gaps in the intertwined firepower net. Using the huge trunks of the ancient trees, coupled with the capture of the firepower net gap, Cassia's avoidance is very easy.

"The subject has passed by me!" Heinoy gave real-time information at this time, but Mishur let the attack continue after listening, but also notified Sawyer and Jeremy and others to assist in the approach of Zero. Ready to fight. The threat of firearms and artillery is too low. The blue and silver bullets of the gun-level caliber can indeed cause a lot of damage to the target, but there is no prerequisite for hitting, but a small amount of bullets are wasted.

At the back, Foster stood on the back of the dragon, looking at the molten material that was cooling in the cave, always feeling that the air was solidifying a little bit. With breathing difficulties, an inexplicable pressure suddenly came to him and gradually strengthened.

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