Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1767: 1 know nothing (5)

Since Cassia told him to accept the signal at any time, Cassie didn't even dig the hole, and was no longer keen on expanding the network area. He has been waiting in the center of the hole network, keeping the state of departure at all times. The new hole network is not comparable to the area where the airship crashed—after all, it was the result of Cassiehei's accumulation of nearly two years—but the length of the unfolding is more than 100 kilometers.

It takes a certain amount of time to get to the exit of the hole that is closest to the source of the sound waves. It is true that Cassiehei has become accustomed to moving through the hole, but its structural environment has already determined the upper limit of speed, which is definitely not as good as running on the ground. Not to mention flying at high altitude.

Cassiehei shuttled through the hole all the way, making one or two unidentified low voices from time to time, hoping to get Cassia's response. Sasir drove the dragon to breathe and attack and did affect Cassiehei. The root and stem system of the World Tree below the ground shielded a lot of breath interference, but it could feel the heat transmitted to the center by the dragon's breath. In the area where the airship fell, Cassiehe felt the same thing. At that time, it hadn't met Cassia who came to look for itself. It would of course be scared when faced with the same kind of captive breed, who had little memory or knowledge of it.

Just as Cassiehey had always had a fear of being above the sky, he was attacked by the airship when he got out of the dragon egg, and the eggshell hadn't been gnawed out yet, and almost died. This fear is not something that can be eradicated very well.

Cassie Black is similar to Cassia in the first and second stages of the operation to a certain extent, and he doesn't know much about the body in detail. In a period of time, neither of them clearly recognized their own strength range, but felt that it was best to be cautious and be cautious.

The air in the cave no longer flows, which makes Cassiehey a little uncomfortable. It should be windy. It usually judges the distance from the cave entrance according to the wind, but now only the gradually rising temperature remains. And Cassiehe has always lived according to the law, because no one has taught it how to do it, so it can only repeat. Furthermore, the birth experience is indeed the main reason. This is why Cassiehe saw other second-class creatures digging holes in the forest. After he learned it immediately and liked to dig, he was addicted to them and lived in the hole for a long time.

There were only simple and simple thoughts in the huge head. Cassiehe just wanted to rush to the exit as soon as possible, and then follow the instructions when Cassia left. After coming out of the cave, except Cassia himself, which creature is larger in size , Just follow that creature.

On the ground separated by a certain distance, the two running streams were like meteors flying close to the ground. When they met, several air explosions occurred directly, clearing the dead leaves around, and even blowing out the burning flames around them.

Beside, most of the team members have begun to run farther away, away from the area that will be affected. Carrying out another set of plans, they are cumbersome in it, and have no effect. But Mishur and others quickly entered the battlefield after gathering, but relying on their eyes and perception to capture the appearance of the target and the zero at the moment, they once again refreshed their understanding of the scaled state. They seem to be born with a sense of oppression when they are separated from the human appearance.

Said it was looking for a suitable opportunity, but Mishuer and others were holding the weapons cast by the ultimate alloy, and they seemed to be standing next to them for a while. They were the audience in the most dangerous area, and they did not give them an angle to enter. .

But Mishur, Saoya and the others looked at each other, and they all observed the helplessness in their eyes. The power and speed displayed by Cassia and Zero exceeded the upper limit of their cognition. In order to achieve the level of both attacks at will, strength, speed, response and burst all need the support of corresponding surgical development projects. And this is just the appearance, but Mishuer and the others know very well that in order to support this kind of power and speed, more basic surgical development projects are needed, such as bone hardening and so on.

The two test subjects were hit by Cassia and flew past Komishuer. Then they rolled more than a dozen meters on the ground before struggling to get up, and rushed past them again in a husky growl. At this moment, Zero can't take care of the people next to him. He really wants to create an opportunity for these people to enter the arena, but the degree of difficulty exceeds his imagination.

Cassia knows how to fight alone when dealing with a team. He has extensive experience in this area. Being alone is full of disadvantages in all aspects, but the only advantage is that there is no need to worry about the safety of teammates, but the surrounding enemies have a lot of thoughts. During the battle, as long as you stick to the important person in it, you can create the current situation-even if the three dragon knights are already in place on one side, in order not to hurt the zero number and cause the experimental body to wear out in your own hands If there is no suitable opportunity, they are huge furnishings, and there is no chance to make a move. Regardless of whether it was his own breath, or the breath of number zero, or the dragon's breath, the three powerful offensive methods were therefore trapped in an interlocked state, and no one could find a suitable opportunity.

The dragon knight is a threat to others, but in the eyes of Cassia at this moment, they are just waiting for the prey that they have killed one by one, and even before being killed, because of various scruples, they did not fight well. opportunity. The actual situation is so complicated. The death of Nichols made Sasir and the others dismiss the idea of ​​fighting the target alone, and they could fight together, and the mutual interference was too serious.

At the same time, Cassia was also keeping an eye on the dozen or so enemies left next to him. With the evacuation of more than two hundred people around, Cassia immediately understood the enemy's thoughts.

What Cassia worries about is not that Komisul and others will have the opportunity to assist Zero, but that as time goes back, UU reading closely observes that he will also be exposed to more in the battle. information. In addition, if any of these people suddenly thought of a way to break the current situation, it would be only a moment of time before they fell into a passive position. As long as the experimental body is completely used as a tool, and the loss of the experimental body is not considered for later considerations, and the dragon is directly allowed to attack after the zero withdrawal, Cassia has to bear the pressure of falling into passiveness.

Under this circumstance, no matter if it is number zero, or Ke Mishuer and others, the two have a chance to cooperate. In the current situation, Mishur and Jeremy's role in entering the arena is no better than an experiment that doesn't care about life or death.

Cassia knows that the enemy next to him has a probability of causing the situation he is worried about, and killing it in the embryonic stage is the next step. More importantly, from the first high-frequency sound wave to this moment, the time has passed most of Cassia's calculation. Cassie Hei was on his way over, and the hole in the ground had been discovered and destroyed by the enemy. Cassia needs Cassie's appearance to be unexpected by the enemy, so that he can kill two dragon knights with absolute certainty, otherwise, in the current situation, one is the limit. In order to hide the noise it made when it shuttled in the hole, he needed to go to the vicinity of the hole to make a cover for it.

When to rush to the exit of the hole and how to conceal one's thoughts are the key points. Cassia glanced at Komisul and others, and the general idea gradually took shape. At the same time, Mishuer and others also realized their own shortcomings.

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