Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1768: 1 know nothing (6)

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Noting the perception on her body, Cassia kept her current level of force, waiting for the most suitable time. Observing the number zero shuttled through the experimental body, seeing that he has not changed, Cassia immediately decided to find opportunities for himself, or create opportunities for the enemy, so as to change the current situation. Cassia guessed that the enemy was probably not determined, so these people needed a little help to force them to take the step they should take.

It's definitely not showing a flaw, being surrounded by a large number of experimental subjects, any carelessness can bring a chain reaction. The attack of the experimental body and the zero can cause damage to itself.

Turning around and kicking away the impacted experimental subject, Cassia at this moment seemed to be acting unintentionally, looking at the side with his perception and gaze, with a selective nature, scanning over the dozens of enemies that hadn't retreated one by one, don't There is profound meaning. Perception and gaze turned at the end, and went to an enemy that Cassia had an impression of-it was Saoya. During the time when the kinetic armor was damaged, if there was no zero on the side, with Cassia's character, she would definitely not be stingy. Kill it completely with a sword.

Perception then began to pay attention to the side intentionally or unintentionally. While resisting the attack of the subject and Zero, Cassia consciously tried to move towards the cave. The enemy needs more obvious signals and stimuli.

After Cassia knew it, it was not a long wait. The enemy would definitely be able to analyze his own intentions, making their own pressure increase again. No. Zero will participate in the formulation of the plan, but he does not currently have this ability to command and issue real-time orders. Otherwise, he would only face the zero number with the experimental body, not this mixed team.

After that, Cassia kept hitting the enclosure of the subject, and a little bit closer to the hole in the ground. During the period, he was mainly defensive, and Cassia was no longer keen on attacking the experimental body. The large number of them is indeed a trouble, and it takes a lot of effort to defend and treat. It's just that the most difficult time period has passed. When they were fifty, Cassia did feel the pressure and had to reduce the number.

Now, the number has been reduced by nearly half, and the remaining test subjects suffered from Cassia's attack, and the black scales fell off in many places on their bodies, and they could not be refilled in time. There is still a threat, but compared to their number, this threat has been reduced by more than half. And leaving some experimental subjects, for Cassia at this moment, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

The subject is like a constantly changing protective layer, and Cassia can ensure his safety as long as he is careful. But for the enemy, it seems that the test body is a help, but in fact it unknowingly becomes a barrier between them and Cassia. Zero can give orders to the subject to a certain extent, but when the target is Cassia, its attractiveness will cause great interference to the order.

Cassia noticed some changes in the dozens of enemies next to him. Although Zero had learned to disguise, he was a little worse in performing this skill after all, and Cassia found some traces. Knowing that the next situation will change drastically at any time, and Cassia can roughly know which direction this change will head in. Secretly adjusting his own state, Cassia only waited for the moment when the opposing commander gave the order.

"Buzzing,,," was only less than two breaths, and in a dull trembling sound, the zero number turned into a red flow shadow mobilized the surrounding experimental subjects to attack. After he went to an experimental subject, he slammed into the air at the same time. on.

Cassia had been prepared for a long time, and when Shushen moved a few meters away from the place and bypassed several experimental subjects, he also chose another experimental subject to block him, with his tail wrapped around his feet and regarded it as After removing the shield, he took it directly to the zero head-on.

The wind suddenly dissipated, black scales splashed down all over, the two experimental subjects squeezed together, and their bodies became distorted. The two test subjects were still spouting smoking blood from their mouths, and two streams of white and red flowing parallel from their chests had already cut them off instantly. The thorny tail immediately retracted the sword and dragged it behind him, but at this moment, the number zero bypassed the two experimental subjects, and the red stream shadow once again pulled out a section. Cassia stopped instantly, and together with Zero, punched the opponent's chest at the same time.

"Boom!" The air blasted slightly, and Cassia already felt the atmosphere of his fist pressing over. But at the last moment, whether it was No. 0 or Cassia himself, they both chose to forcibly close their hands, turning slightly to the side so that the punch was completely empty from their sides. Cassia controlled the scaly face, trying to make a smile, and a slit opened in her mouth, revealing a row of tightly clasped teeth.

Number Zero looked at this face as expected, and Cassia could clearly observe the contraction of the pupils in Number Zero's eyes.

"Mr. Zero!" Next to him, Kemishul, who saw this grinning face at the same time, couldn't help but screamed. In addition to his anger, there were more questions and an eager desire to get an answer.

"Mr. Cassia! You have to be clear, you need to consider, there are far more things to do than me!" Zero seemed to think of something, and said with a smile. He let out a sharp roar, just like the call of the wolf king, and the remaining subjects roared with different timbres, as if at this moment, the roar of number zero moved a certain limit switch in their bodies. The scales on his body began to tremble, and UU reading made a "da da" sound.

"Boom, ,," Komisur and others who got the zero answer seemed to be relieved. They were unwilling to stay a little longer and quickly retreated to the distance. At the same time, they had already prepared the three dragon knight belts for a long time. With the shaking of the ground, after pulling the distance to several tens of meters in the blink of an eye, the three-headed dragon opened its blood-red mouth at the same time.

The surrounding metal percussive sound, burning crackling, etc. suddenly disappeared, and the small space seemed to freeze at this moment. Immediately, translucent waves formed in front of the huge mouths opened by the three dragons. The air rubbed in the high-speed tremor, making a series of explosions. The three translucent ripples moved forward, and after less than ten meters away, they had already merged with each other, forming a wave that seemed to be moving on land. This translucent wave is the appearance of a space distorted by high temperature, which directly shakes the ancient trees. Within the fan-shaped range, the ground where it passes by boils and trembles. The powder that the dead leaves immediately turns into, and the dust that rolls up, let The wave turned grayish brown and swept forward in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, amidst a louder roar, the remaining subjects suddenly changed their targets and all rushed towards number zero.

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