Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1774: Results of all parties (middle)

The ground was covered with a dense layer of ashes, and every step was a footprint, and I felt it carefully that there was a slight softness.

But Mishur and others came to this battlefield again, and their mood changed a lot. With enough time to dig out the information obtained in the battle, find out the details of the problem, coupled with analysis and discussion, so that they have already understood the context of the whole thing. The goal has been a clear plan from the beginning, now think about it, if it weren't for Saoya and the others to discover the entrance and exit of the cave in advance, the consequences would be very different from what they are now. Once you think of a wild dragon species that suddenly sprang out of the ground out of complete consciousness during a battle, how many people standing here can escape smoothly may be a topic worth discussing.

And even if they knew that something would come out of the hole, the final result would embarrass Komishuer and the others. However, the emotions have been regulated, and the dozens of people at the moment are calm and have not shown much.

There are deep or shallow footprints around it, which means that before they came here, many people have found this place based on the explosion and smoke, and made detailed surveys. But Mishur and the others came down from the back of the dragon and looked around the surrounding area with a faint gray mist, before they went straight to the entrance of the cave that had become a deep pit.

Not surprisingly, the entrance and exit of the hole that should have been completely destroyed reappeared in the center of the pit, and a flare was shot down, showing that the bottom of the hole was connected to the horizontal network of holes. The hole was dug out again, and Cassia finally left through the hole without leaving too many traces.

Afterwards, more than a dozen people separated and went to different places in this area to observe various traces. When the sky began to darken completely, Mishur and the others only converged not far from the pit created by the red mercury. There was a part of the scorched body of Foster's dragon, which was torn apart by the explosion.

"Although the captive breed does not have too much energy, it has a lot of substances, which can be regarded as the top batch of all kinds of food. The good news is that this food is a captive breeder, which requires a lot of digestion. Time, there will be no situation of strengthening itself in a short time." The wreckage has obvious traces of being moved. According to the huge claw prints around, it is determined that it is the dragon of Cassia.

"There are only large pieces of dried blood and some armor fragments in my place, but the dragon corpse itself is not visible." It was Saoya who spoke. The purpose of their visit this time was to make an observation on the battlefield, and the other thing left was to recover the bodies of the experimental body and the dragon. Most of the corpses of the subject are still there, but the corpses of the two giant dragons, in fact, Sasir and the others did not hold out hope from the beginning. If you can be sure that the opponent is a wild dragon species, then in the dragon ecological circle, this level of food will never be abandoned. The huge body is not a problem in front of the power of the dragon.

In the communication, the people on the airship fleet were notified that four small airships fell and a total of eight teams began to recover the surviving body of the experiment. But Mishur and others were already leaning on the dragon of Sasir. Going to mid-air, I entered the flagship shortly afterwards and merged in a lobby on a certain floor.

"Fortunately, I can still see everyone here." But Mishur took a large number of photos and went to this hall last. The words sound plain, but in the ears of people in different moods, they have a different taste.

But Mishur posted the photos one by one on the prepared boards and put them in front of everyone. Let everyone see for themselves, and after a while, she picked up the pen and started recording. The content on the photo is not rich, except for the pits on the ground, what is left are the footprints deep in the ground. In addition, some of the photos were obviously not taken in the battlefield, and the content on several of the photos was a deformed thick steel plate with fist and footprints printed on it. These are comparisons that Komisul asked some people to help before coming here.

This is an analysis meeting. The team evacuated separately in the morning, and the time to gather afterwards was around three or four in the afternoon. Everyone just had a simple meeting, and they were resting and adjusting. A lot of information is indeed collected by Komishuer, but no systematic statistics have been made. Now, she has to do this, and this is also her best job.

Everyone talked sparsely and there was no problem in their expressions, but they were not in a positive mood. Because after boarding the airship, from various ways, they vaguely knew that the task of delaying the target was temporarily terminated. After all, all fifty subjects became corpses, and the news gave the people above some ideas.

"...Analyzing in this way, we probably know that the target Cassia is actually a top dragon knight." At the end, Sasir said on topics that are of interest to everyone, "Everyone knows that in our place. Above the people, there is a small group of dragon knights. Because of some things, they could not come here. However, among this group of people, they rely on the particularity of their bodies to control the kind of control that the target morning showed They have more or less abilities. The two most powerful of them can be completely reproduced. It's just how much difference between them... I think they should be at the same level."

"Can the'same level' be concretized?" But Mishur wrote things quickly in the logbook, and at the same time begged Sasl.

"Explain this way, the dragons of these two top dragon knights are all wild species, so we have a clearer understanding of the strength of wild dragon species through the two of them. This is also true. Why did I have no reason to continue fighting after I noticed the identity of the dragon in the morning. I have a strong affinity with dragons, and it’s okay to regard them as humanoid dragons. In addition, because of this Affinity, they don’t need to establish any relationship with dragons—something like getting acquainted with each other and establishing feelings—can directly rely on physical specialities, and directly take over control of dragons’ bodies with spirit, without being rejected or rejected. Resistance. To sum up, the definition of a dragon knight is a dragon ride plus a trained dragon. Take me as an example, if I want to become a dragon knight, I need to choose the dragon that matches me, and after a period of systematic training Only by communicating and familiarizing with each other can we be called a complete dragon knight. For dragon knights at our level, this is a standardized process."

"But for the top dragon knights, if it takes us a year to go through the process, then they only need one month or even less. Among them, a few members can skip the process, as long as one is suitable. Breeding dragons in captivity can be directly controlled by relying on their special physique. Only with this affinity can there be the possibility of domesticating wild dragons.

"However, there are still some differences between the target and them. The dragon is obviously rebelling, but for some reason, Cassia is still under control and abruptly takes the sword. I think the result of the two. It is the same on the surface, but in terms of methods, there may be completely different and huge differences."

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