Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1777: Small talk and progress (medium)

"Thinking will start with self-based reference, to see and evaluate various situations." Cassia drank the white water, looked at the horror, admitting mistakes, "I think simple things are for most people, or For most teams, it’s not that simple anymore."

"Mr. Hae wants to explain this, right?" Cassia understood what he meant, and secretly reminded himself that he needed to pay attention to this in the future. "It seems that the situation of the ground team is not as good as I thought. But all the way. When I walked over, including in this underground camp, most of what I heard was good news."

"Because the current situation requires good news to surround everyone, in order to find comfort and confidence, and not fall into fear. At any rate, it is the southern forest, which is not killed by the enemy, and may also be surrounded by Type II creatures at any time. Kill." At this point, the hacker took out a transparent bottle with the thickness of a thumb from his clothes pocket. This was a bottle made of corrosion-resistant material that made factories in the empire hurry up.

The small bottle contains light green blood, and it emits a faint fluorescent color under the light.

He took the bottle and shook it in front of Cassia: "It provides a great thing, but this bottle is collected by me. It looks like a work of art. If it is not corrosive and comes with a weak radiation, it will be even more so. It's perfect. By the way, this is also a piece of information you don't know about Mr. Cassia. In the Empire, there are some substances that can produce radiation, but the most common one is'uranium gold'. So how to get in touch , And let the blood also contain radiation, which is also one of the unknown information."

"I don't mind if you collect it, Mr. Hack, but I have to remind you that it is harmful. Radiation is not necessarily a good thing. As for other questions, I don't know how to answer you. It comes naturally, as it is. Let's develop a normal surgical project." Cassia sighed. He knew the information about "Uranium Gold", and he was not surprised at all.

"Weak radiation is a good thing, but you don’t know what it does, Mr. Cassia." The hacker put the glass bottle back in his pocket, and didn’t care that Cassia didn’t answer a few of his own questions. "Do you know the empire? Several surviving test sites are also listed as extreme areas, and there are time and quota restrictions for opening each year. The development of surgical projects in the weak radiation field can not only be accelerated, but also unexpectedly from time to time. the benefits of."

"In this case, you can make a lot of money in the dark world by making thousands of these small bottles?"

"In addition to the ability to disperse Type 2 creatures in a wide range, it will definitely become a hot product immediately. Later, if you find some middlemen to **** it, you will earn more." The hacker followed Cassia's words and said down the room. The atmosphere inside becomes lively and relaxed.

Soon after, the blood thing came to an end. The two negotiated and seemed to enter into a period of silence, during which Cassia drank two more glasses of white water, and even drank a small cup with Ji. This relaxed silence didn't end until Lyle sent the information.

The information is close to more than a hundred pages, and both sides are full of secret passwords. Even if many pictures and data tables are attached, the hacker will explain from time to time, but the speed of Kasya's browsing is not fast. They are all condensed information and briefings. Cassia can read one sheet several times and write down all the contents above. But to be completely clear, understand the above content, and then use it to make a suitable derivation, but it is not a short time to complete.

During Cassia's thinking time, he went out several times. When the two sat together again, it was about nine o'clock in the evening. The underground camp began to become lively, and the voices of other places and the footsteps in the passage could be heard.

"The general situation is like this. Although the enemy's loss is not proportional to the effect achieved, it has not reached their own expectations, but this is only for them. Looking at ourselves, the result is worthy of joy, but There are only two remaining of this kind of joy. After that, retreat will be the best choice."

At this moment, Ji turned to look at the map he had spread out, and pointed at the cane that barely moved away from him: “It’s almost impossible to push forward. It’s already the limit here. Otherwise, the logistical route would be okay. If you want to retreat, it is very simple for all routes to be intercepted by the enemy. Even if you are trapped in the enemy’s encirclement at that time, even if you break through, less than one in ten people may survive."

Cassia took a look, and the final location that the hacker said was more than a thousand meters away from the enemy's joint base. For Cassia personally, this may not be considered a long distance. But for a large number of teams that need to execute their combat plans, this distance is indeed too far away, and it is not simply a value that can be directly surpassed by simply advancing at full speed.

In actual large-scale combat, the distance unit will be enlarged on the senses. The long-distance movement in the past cannot be realized at this time. Moreover, compared to the team composed of surgeons, the ordinary team appears weaker in the face of distance.

"Mr. Cassia, you will not place all your expectations on McGerry. In fact, the pressure he faces is even greater. The Holy Royal Hall has dispatched a lot of personnel, and the other two giant countries have also sent a certain number of high-level personnel. The surgeon comes here. Other forces have a lot of support in secret, and whether the number can be made up may be a problem."

"In the last few days, it has been relatively quiet, and I will think about what to do afterwards."

"Want to take advantage of the heavy rain not long after, UU reading alone approaching the enemy's joint base?" He smiled and simply said, "Or, Mr. Cassia, you will still take the dragon Bring it on. The dragon is indeed a huge increase in strength. But Mr. Cassia, you'd better throw away this idea as soon as possible. If you go by yourself, it is tantamount to sending yourself into the hands of the enemy. Transition deeper, just Even Mr. McGerry can’t support and protect you. By then, everything in the Southern Forest can be said to have happened because of you, and ended prematurely because of you.”

"What happened to the two teams that circumvented the past." Cassia changed the subject.

"Hurrying all the time, it will take longer."

Cassia sighed heavily, "The enemy's united team against me is disbanded. There is no specific team and personnel to contain me. The ground team should be able to advance a long distance safely. Even if the enemy has a way, I can still Make the best response in a short time."

"The problem is not with you, Mr. Cassia." The horrified voice still maintains a warm and moist feeling. "The two parties are now in a delicate balance. No other factors are involved. The ground team is beyond the limit position. Pushing forward, but not daring to push forward. There needs to be something to disrupt this balance. At present, both sides are waiting for other things except for the weather."

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