Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1779: Turning point (top)

For the logistics preparation of large families, most of the food is compressed food, but there is really no picky place in terms of taste. What surprised Cassia even more was that one kind of food actually provided several flavors, making him feel that he came to the southern forest not to fight, but to feel like camping with a heavy load.

Turning to thinking that these things are actually all major forces' preliminary preparations for the war in the near future, it is justified. Most of these foods will later enter the stomachs of ordinary human soldiers. They are associated with the pressures and emotions faced by every army during the war. If you don’t control these controllable places, go as far as you can. Regulating their mood, in other respects, there seems to be no extra means to calm the mood of these soldiers during the war.

For the surgeon, the taste of food is no longer important. What everyone values ​​is the energy and material contained in it, as well as its convenience. Just like the extremely compressed food produced by the Weber Arms Company that Cassia took away a few days ago-a product called "steel plate", if it is not foamed with water for some time, it will be chewed and stuffed into the mouth. Crushed rocks are no different. However, due to the high compression, the palm of the palm can weigh more than ten kilograms. Rumors can block small-caliber ordinary bullets, and it's not just out of thin air.

The stomach pouch was opened, and Cassia went back and forth several times afterwards, eating until about 2 in the morning before feeling full. During the period, I was horrified once and took some food, but it didn't overeat like Cassia did.

Then he entered a semi-sleep state. The various information in his head and the movement of his thoughts made Cassia no longer rested at about five in the morning. Out of the dark dome, Cassia relied on sound pulses to find a clearing around and went there alone, observing the dark blue night sky that had been covered with a layer of gray.

The mood became soothed a lot because of the increase of clouds. I counted the number of clouds, and soon after, this method of killing time no longer worked. Cassia simply lay on a softer dead leaf, released a little breath to drive away the surrounding insects, and fell into self-thinking.

"When I came to the southern forest, there was always a kind of panic in the bottom of my mood. It was the perception of hidden danger, which was never eliminated. Is it because of Ye Jielin? The second stage of the strength, the rescue operation will be full of difficulties anyway. And danger. Because I instinctively realize the difficulty of this matter, and feel that I can't grasp the too many uncontrollable factors in the process, so the following consciousness has produced this kind of indispensable fear?"

"Or, the perception of danger is always only directed at myself. There will be subconscious fear, because the mysterious sixth sense keeps predicting to me that there will be extremely bad things waiting for me, only to leave here, can we fundamentally Get rid of it?"

"I saw another illusion in the southern forest. I can be sure that this illusion is not passively triggered because of my special physique. It is completely different from the situation when I first took control of Cassie's body. Witness the world in ancient history. The tree collapsed, and in that short-lived scene, some powerful object took the initiative to make this scene appear in front of him. This is most likely the result of the new world tree in the central area of ​​the southern forest."

"But with the current amount of information, I can't analyze its purpose at all. From birth to now, I can't think of when I had contact with the Southern Forest. If you want to think about it, there are only a few fixed points. Nuoer The relationship between Sucarius, the red crystal, and in the second dream, my own spirit came into contact with the giant whales at a long distance..." Kassia listed a few points in her heart and continued to think Later, there are only these few points that make me a little bit special, and I go further and further on a certain road, and I can't look back.

"Which point does it value?" Turning his head to look at the ancient tree not far away, Cassia stared at it and the large forest behind it. Of course I didn't see anything, and I didn't feel being looked at at this moment. The will and spirit of the so-called World Tree disappeared from my side after that illusion.

While waiting for the morning sun to appear, Cassia finally thought of the Kiris family. A lot of evidence convinced Cassia that this incident was connected to it. Maybe think about it boldly, what happens at this moment is the end, and the beginning is the investigation of Kiris very early on.

Cassia thought that there were too many people and influence agencies in the empire that had been investigating him. At this point, the conjecture about the Kirish family ended and he did not go further.

When the morning sun illuminates some of the dead leaves in this clearing, there is no longer a figure of Cassia. Even where he lay, there was only a dead leaf that didn't seem to have changed, and no trace was left here.


"Don't worry, it won't cause delays in our main work. Being in the deep blue field for a long time, occasionally coming down to look at this huge green forest is also a way of relaxing and soothing the eyes." A small team is in the ancient tree. During the operation, a total of four people were not scattered, but they were also several meters away from each other. The speaker was an old man with hair drawn like metallic silver. He walked with a carefree voice, and his voice was loud enough, as if he was speaking to three relatively young people behind me-although my hair is white, I am not completely old. The same goes down.

"This is an advancement to the situation." The old man continued, "You have also heard the call. This is an allowed action."

"Ah, compared to serious discussions, this feeling of walking in the forest is the most comfortable."

"By the I remember when I was as young as you, I often ran into this forest to exercise myself. I remember decades ago, shortly after the end of the war, for some experiments. I hunted several dragons in a deeper place. But no one helped me to transport it back, so I could only pick the largest one and drag it away for more than a month before pulling it into the domestic territory. Thinking back now, compared with me at the moment, I still have a more positive mood when I was young. Now there are too many things to consider when doing things, but many things have not been successful."

"So it is a good thing for you to follow me, and it may give you a kind of maturity and stability in advance. But it is also a bad thing. Age is our greatest enemy, but losing the impulse that young people should have in advance may not necessarily be the same for you. Kind of help."

The three people behind him did not speak and remained silent. Until this kind of "walking" walked for nearly half an hour, one of them said: "Master Defoni, the front is close to forty kilometers, there is a huge energy response."

"Moloch, when you really perform the task, as long as there is a little abnormality in the perception, you should be alert. You should have noticed it at a distance of about 60 kilometers, right? After all, the ground vibration has never happened. It won't be a lie." The old man turned around and reminded, "Then let's rush over as soon as possible. If this continues here, we will reach the Saint Dorag Empire, and those few people will not be in the mood to talk to us at all."

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